The Storm God

Chapter 3515 Explosion! (Please subscribe!)

"This guy, he can still bear it!"

Bai Xiaofei, who was watching the play, also expressed his admiration for the forbearance of the director of science. It was okay to be in no man's land before, after all, the overall situation is the main priority.

But now...

This is a moment of life and death.

You can bear it!



It doesn't matter anymore.

After all, he's just a clown.

It doesn't matter whether it explodes or not, because the ending is already doomed.

And at this moment...

Outside the spaceship, a big battle is erupting.

Hal, Thunder Snake, Kilowog, and even Aya, the four of them faced the densely packed, almost countless mechanical hunters around them, without any flinching or fear.

They split into four directions to deal with the mechanical hunters.

The advantage of this is that even if you beat him, you don't have to worry about hurting your own people, because there are almost all enemies around.

No need to aim at all.

Even with your eyes closed, you can hit several hits with just a random hit.

Although this kind of battle is dangerous, it is also the most worry-free. You just need to beat hard, and you don't need to think about other things.

The big deal is to fight to the death!

Who is afraid of whom!


Among the four.

The strongest combat performance is undoubtedly Razer.

After all, he is the Red Lantern, known for his strength. Although he is not as good as the Green Lantern in terms of shaping, he is better at attacking.

Even the simplest attacks such as laser rays, whips, light waves, and arc-shaped light blades can cause huge damage to mechanical hunters.

Often, a wave of shots can kill more than N mechanical hunters.

It can be described as brave and unparalleled!


It's Kilowog.

This alien, for some reason, is even more familiar with Earth's technology than Hal, an Earthling.

The weapons he is best at and also likes to shape are the oversized Gatling machine gun, anti-aircraft guns and other weapons.

If we say that Razer fights, he is a pure warrior who likes to use relatively simple and crude attack methods to defeat the enemy.

Nakilowog's fighting style is more like a battle-tested soldier, who uses a variety of hot weapons called a 6.

Don't give the mechanical hunter a chance at all.

Remote violent output!

As for Hal?


This stuff is like a tech nerd.

The combat power is average, and the performance is not very impressive. The only thing that catches the eye is his endless shaping creation.

One moment it's a baseball bat, another moment it's a chainsaw, and another moment it might turn into a catapulting fist or something...

In short.

There is no certainty at all.

Not to mention these mechanical hunters, I'm afraid even his companions don't know how many kinds of shaping weapons Hal can conjure up to deal with the enemy.

In short, enough to dazzle.


The effect is also very good.

The mechanical hunters who came under siege could easily be tricked by Hal's unreasonable attack routine, and they were hard to defend against.

Their more losses were due to bumping into their own people, or killing by mistake, and being shielded on the spot.

Finally there is Aya.

Aya's fighting style is also very special.

Because a huge part of her own material is condensed by the power of Green Lantern, there are many more ways to display her power than ordinary Green Lanterns.

after all.

Green Lantern's energy source is the Green Lantern Ring.

And Aya's whole body is energy, which allows her to manipulate her own power more freely to form more unimaginable attacks.

Just like now.

Aya directly transformed into a green light man.

Like a meteor arrow, it is the weapon itself, and there is no need for any fancy attack methods. It only needs to fly into the dense army of mechanical hunters, and then detonate the power of the green light, killing and injuring a large number of people.

Even more simple and rude.


No mechanical hunter can hurt Aya.

However, their enemies are not only mechanical hunters. Mechanical hunters are nothing but vanguards and cannon fodder. The real threat is the anti-surveillance king!

The speed of anti-surveillance king is relatively slow.

Maybe it was because of disdain, or some other reason, but in the beginning, the anti-supervision king didn't attack.

Instead, they were at the rear, silently observing the actions of Hal and the others.

It wasn't until the distance was relatively close, and the mechanical hunter died a lot, that he finally raised his hand slowly.

at the same time.

In the palm of the anti-supervision king, the special mysterious and complicated lines of Wudao also lit up in an instant, and the next moment——


The terrifying antimatter light is released instantly.

The huge beam of bright light, like a thunderbolt, directly crossed the space distance and rang directly to Aya's side.


Hal and the others suddenly turned pale with shock.

Then, regardless of their own safety, they braved the attacks of the surrounding mechanical hunters and rushed over to protect Aya.


It's too late.

The distant water can't save the nearby fire, and even the nearest Thunder Snake can't reach it if it wants to rescue it.

The red light power whip he released was about to touch Aya. But at this time, the anti-matter light of the anti-supervision king has already struck.

It's frighteningly fast.


And just when everyone thought that Aiya couldn't bear it, and would be completely destroyed by the anti-matter light of the anti-supervision king, and turned into the opponent's energy.

An extremely terrifying force suddenly burst out from Aya's body.

follow closely.

Hal and others were surprised to find out.

Aiya turned into a giant composed entirely of green light, and the incomparably bright green light of will resisted the antimatter light of the anti-supervision king!

"That is……"

Hal was shocked.

Kilowog was dumbfounded.

Only Lei Snake, although surprised, was not surprised, because he knew that Aya, like himself, was Bai Xiaofei's younger brother and an undercover agent.


Neither did Razer.

Aya would choose to expose her power at this time.

But it's right to think about it, life is almost gone, who would think so much, if it were me, I'm afraid I would be the same as Aiya.

After all, he is the anti-supervision king.


Bai Xiaofei, who was watching the play, was also stunned.

He guessed that the anti-supervision king might be more concerned about Aiya, but he just didn't expect that the other party would be so ignorant of martial arts.

It's fine to bully the few with more, but they even play sneak attack.


This is very chicken thief!

Therefore, he didn't care about and blame Aya's choice for the power explosion. On the contrary, he was still very safe with Aya, hesitating whether to go there or not.

Although this will plan his plan, Bai Xiaofei will never allow Aya to be in danger, after all, she is the wife he found for Bai Cass!

The enemy is the anti-surveillance king, this is a ruthless character.

Bai Xiaofei was a little apprehensive, not to mention Hal and the others, even if Razer and Aya all erupted with their true strength, I'm afraid they couldn't bear it.

The current situation is only temporary.

Not for long!


And at this moment.

The situation at the scene suddenly changed.

Seeing that the situation of Hal and others is getting worse and worse, the situation is getting more and more dangerous, and the anti-supervision king is getting closer and closer, the scientific director finally can't sit still.

She also flew out of the spaceship directly, and stood in front of Hal and the others.

"How did you come out?"

Hal and the others looked surprised and surprised.

Apparently they think that the little blue man has no fighting power, so why do you come out to join in the fun?


Bai Xiaofei was stunned.

Looking at the scientific director who suddenly appeared, he was surprised and said, "Have you finally been unable to bear it? Forget it, let's see how strong you are!"


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