The Storm God

Chapter 3516 Queen! (Please subscribe!)

"You all back off!"

As soon as the scientific director came out, he started to pretend.

With a wave of his little hand, he seemed to be one-handed and ten-thousand-handed. He pointed at Hal and the others with his head held high and said, "Leave these guys to me to deal with!"


Kilowog's face was full of disbelief.

It's not that he looks down on the guardian, but isn't the guardian powerless? You come? what do you bring

With your small body, you can't even beat me, and you still want to fight the mechanical hunter.

Or even the anti-surveillance king?

Go crazy!

Hal was also a little dazed.

Seeing the serious face of the scientific director, who didn't look like he was joking again, he was very puzzled, and frowned, "You? You really have a way?"

Razer looked at her with a cold expression.

Others don't know the details of this little blue girl, but he knows it very well, so naturally he doesn't give her any good looks.


The scientific director was a little angry.

Feeling that he was ignored and offended, he snorted coldly, regardless of everyone's reaction.

She flew directly to Aya's side.


Aya is fighting against the anti-matter light of the anti-monitor king, it is very hard, and at the same time defending against the attacks of the mechanical hunters around.

If not, Hal and the others would have no chance to chat.

After the scientific director came over, without saying a word, circles of special light wave power burst out from his hands.

The light wave expands rapidly and spreads out in a spiral shape.

Wherever they passed, those mechanical hunters who were madly attacking stopped in an instant, as if they were down, and all of them froze in place, completely motionless.

Even the anti-supervision king has been affected by this.


The anti-surveillance king spoke.

His electronic eyes looked directly at the director of science, and said coldly: "It seems that you have not violated your own beliefs, and secretly regained your own power..."

this moment.

Hal and the others were also stunned.

It is well known that the Guardians have no power, and the only truth everyone knows is that they voluntarily sealed their power.

But what happened to the scientific director?

Her strength...

Very awesome!

With one move, all the mechanical hunters were shut down.

Even the anti-supervision king has been influenced, what a great power this is, how did she possess such power?


If she had such power long ago, would she not be able to deal with those mere mechanical hunters before, and asked herself and others for help?

Think here.

Hal and the others immediately felt that they had been tricked.

This woman hides so deeply!


If it wasn't for the crisis this time, I'm afraid the other party wouldn't know how long they would hold back, but I and others still believe her like fools...

So far.

Hal and the others felt that they were so stupid.


It's just Hal and Kilowog. As for Razer and Aya, they already knew the details of some scientific directors, but they didn't reveal it.

But now in order to hide their undercover identities, they can only pretend not to know, just like Hal and Kilowog, saying that they were deceived.

The scientific director didn't pay attention to this.

While releasing her power to stop the anti-supervision king, she said to herself: "Our guardians did have incredible power, but after we got the core, we voluntarily gave up."

"And in order to unlock this power, I have spent thousands of years. Today, I will let you see why we can be called guardians!"

"The anti-supervisory king, you were created by us, so you must obey our orders, now, calm me down!"



The terrifying light burst out again.

It's just that the anti-surveillance king is still safe and sound, despite the power of the guardian bombarding himself, it's like scratching an itch, without any damage.


It said in a cold voice: "Just guardians, even if it takes thousands of years, so what if you regain your power? You are already out of date!"

"Now it's my anti-prison world, you disappear for me!"

"Boom! Boom..."


The voice did not fall.

The Anti-Monitor struck again.

It actually resisted the guardian's power impact, raised its hands, and released antimatter rays at the same time.

It was originally a blue-white antimatter light, but after the power of the two palms was fused together, it turned into a more terrifying purple beam of light.


This huge purple beam of light actually went upstream against the current, directly facing the light wave power of the guardian, and rushed up at an incredible speed.

The last bang completely enveloped the scientific director.


Poor guardian.

Where did I ever think that I would be so unbearable.

Caught off guard, he was instantly hit by the anti-surveillance king's light, and then under the stunned eyes of Hal and others, his whole body was instantly disintegrated...

In just a split second, the science director was completely wiped out.

Hal and the others were stunned and speechless for a while.

"good chance!"

But at this time.

Aya suddenly took action.

The whole person shrunk directly from the gigantic green light, transformed into a green arrow of light, and then rushed towards the anti-supervision king.

Just at this time.

The anti-surveillance king has just eliminated the scientific director, and the power between his palms has just been recovered, but it has not been fully recovered.


The light arrow of Aya's incarnation hit directly.

It went straight to the open hole in its middle door, mercilessly, without any hesitation, wrapped in a terrifyingly powerful force, and with a bang, it actually smashed the breastplate of the anti-supervisor king!


With the shattering of the breastplate, there was a big hole in the chest of the anti-supervisor king. Before the anti-supervisor king grabbed it with both hands, Aya, who succeeded in the attack, directly got in by relying on the inertia of the attack just now. .

follow closely.

The power of green light exploded again.

An incomparably bright green light, like an eruption of magma, directly blasted the head of the anti-supervision king.

at the same time.

The body movements of the anti-supervision king also stopped abruptly in an instant.

And this scene.

But he directly looked at Hal and the others dumbfounded. Obviously, he did not expect that Aya would do this at a critical moment.

The key is that she really succeeded.


That's the anti-supervision king.

I don't know how many dimensional universes have been destroyed by the horrible guy, but now he was directly bumped into by Aya, and his head was blown off!


It's unbelievable!

Including Bai Xiaofei, who was watching the play, also felt that it was outrageous.



Bai Xiaofei's biggest impression is - this scene is so familiar, could it be the influence of the legendary plot inertia? But Aya hasn't suffered any emotional setbacks now, has she?

Could it be because of my random entry that the plot has changed?

But in any case, the anti-supervision king should be temporarily killed now, at least the control of the body is completely out of the anti-supervision king.

as expected.

When the dust of the explosion cleared.

The wreckage of the anti-supervision king's stalwart body emerged, and Aya's figure was soon revealed. She replaced the anti-supervision king and became the new owner of this body.

At this moment, there are many unknown equipment and jars all over Aya's body, and at the same time, her power breath has also undergone some changes.

Now Aya no longer looks as kind as before, but is full of cold and haughty temperament, like a queen.

His eyes were full of superior coldness.


Hal was stunned.

Kilowog had a dislocated jaw.

Razer frowned.


Aiya didn't care about the reaction of the crowd, she first looked at her own situation in a daze, and then looked up at the head of the anti-surveillance king who was drifting towards the deep space of the universe at an incredible speed.

follow closely.

Without saying a word, Aya immediately chased after her.


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