The Storm God

Chapter 3517 Aftermath! (Please subscribe!)


Hal and others are very strange.

The anti-supervision king has been defeated, and even the whole body has been controlled by Aya, why is she still obsessed with one head?

Could it be that with just one head, the other party can make a comeback?


What's so special about that head?

Don't say it.

He did guess right.

In the mechanical head of the anti-surveillance king, there is the most important space-time shuttle device. With it, he can travel through time.

And its body, at most, is a collection of antimatter light, antimatter energy and other functions. Although it is also very powerful, the most important thing is undoubtedly the head.

No matter whether there is Bai Xiaofei's order or not, after controlling the body and abilities of the anti-supervision king, Aya is very clear about it.

The head of the mortal king must be obtained.


to its ability.

Even if there is only one head left, it will jump out to do things.

And it was the same in the original plot, the anti-surveillance king with only one head left, with his special ability, even controlled a mechanical planet to protect himself.


The good times don't last long.

In the end, Aya found out, and then sent countless mechanical hunters to besiege the mechanical planet, just to get the space-time shuttle device.

And now...

Aya gave chase.

More because of Bai Xiaofei's instructions.


Bai Xiaofei planned to come here in person.

Unexpectedly, the history is so similar, Aya relied on her own luck and ability to miraculously defeat the anti-supervision king...

This is very confusing.


Lost to lost.

Happy Bai Xiaofei is still very happy.

Because this not only saves him a lot of trouble, but also allows him to reap huge benefits directly, provided that the mechanical head is recovered.

His intuition told himself that if swallowed and absorbed the time travel device in the head of the anti-surveillance king, Bai Xiaofei's time travel ability would be greatly improved.

Although it is not an upgrade, it is almost the same.

after all.

This kind of space-time travel is awesome.

It can be directly traced back to the beginning of the birth of the origin of the universe, which is almost impossible to switch to other time and space travel.

Because it involves a paradox.


The space-time shuttle device in the anti-surveillance king's head is so powerful that it can completely ignore the existence of paradox and trace the origin.

This is outrageous!


When he noticed that the anti-supervision king had escaped, Bai Xiaofei immediately gave Aya instructions to find the anti-supervision king's head no matter what.

Of course Aya would not refuse.


He immediately gave up on Hal and the others, turned around and flew away.

Hal and the others originally wanted to chase after them, but the situation on their side is now a little bit worse because the Red Lantern Corps has arrived.

They must have stayed to give the Red Lantern Corps an explanation.

after all.

The scientific director is dead.

Without diplomats, as a member of the OA star.

Hal, Kilowog and the others could only act as a bridge between the two sides temporarily to communicate, otherwise there would be no guarantee that there would be no misunderstanding, which would lead to another war between the Red Lantern Corps and OA Star.

To know.

The issue of mechanical hunters is very sensitive to the Red Lantern Corps.

It has to be handled with extra care.


The silly big Zuo Kesi flew out from the warship.

He was traveling with Batgirl and other top executives of the Red Lantern Corps. They looked at the countless machine hunters suspended in the starry sky during the Jade Belt period, and their expressions were very complicated and puzzled.

Asked: "What's the situation?"

Hal contacted them before, saying that he wanted to ask for assistance and help.

Although Zuo Kesi refused at the time, it was just arrogance out of face. After thinking about it carefully, is there a dead egg under the overturned nest?


Finally came with a large number of soldiers.

After all, beyond this meteorite belt, there is no man's land behind, the base camp of the Red Lantern Corps, even if it is not for the OA star, it is just for self-protection.

They also have to stand up against the mechanical hunter and the anti-supervision king.

But when Zuo Kesi and others arrived, they were surprised to find that the situation on the scene was not as bad as they imagined.

At least there were no casualties for Hal and others.


Some of them seem to be missing.

What about the female guardian? And what about the green artificial intelligence life form? Why didn't you see them?

Could it be hung up?

To this.

Zuo Kesi was full of bewilderment and doubt.

When Hal and the others saw Zuo Kesi and the others coming with a large fleet, they were still very grateful, but it was too late now.


The battle is over.

The guardian died on the spot, and Aya controlled the body of the anti-supervisor king, not knowing what to do. All that remains of the site is ruins and wreckage.

Hal and others had to wipe their butts for this sudden outbreak of war.


Hal briefly explained the situation to Zuo Kesi, especially when the guardian died, and specifically stated that she died to protect no man's land.

It's a lie, but it's a white lie.


This will allow countless Red Lantern Corps soldiers to agree with the sacrifice of the scientific director, thus greatly reducing their hostility towards OA star.

What's more, from a certain point of view, Hal did not lie, after all, the guardian was really killed by the anti-supervision king.

As for whether it is to protect no man's land?

Just tell me how it turned out!

To this.

Zuo Kesi and others were shocked.

Although they were very skeptical, considering Hal's personality and the tragic situation of the battle, they still had some confidence in their hearts.


Most importantly, the anti-supervision king has been killed.

The countless mechanical hunters around were basically completely immobilized and unable to move. In any case, this is very good news for no man's land.

Silly Big Head is happy and excited.


He sent someone immediately.

Start to clean up the immediate bodies of the countless mechanical hunters around, and to be on the safe side, the most sensible thing to do is to kill you while you are sick!

It doesn't matter whether the body is intact or not, just do it and finish the job.

All smashed into slag!


Hal and the others did not stop or say anything more.

After all, the Red Lantern Corps in no man's land hated mechanical hunters, and this was the best way to solve the trouble.

If it were them, they would do the same to make sure nothing goes wrong.


They chose to watch.

Of course, during this period, they did not forget the peace treaty between Star OA and No Man's Land, and Zuo Kesi did not play tricks, and delayed and twisted his mind on this matter, perhaps because of the death of the guardian, And a victory from heaven...

In short.

Zuo Kesi happily chose to agree, but the premise is that the conditions promised before must not be less, otherwise they will definitely not do it.

"rest assured!"

Hal patted his chest and assured: "As long as it is a reasonable condition, as agreed before, OA star will never be ambiguous!"


The negotiation between the two parties is over.

Hal and the others left immediately.

Of course, before leaving, they did not forget to inform OA star of the situation here, and asked OA star to send a new peace ambassador as soon as possible to supervise and supervise the reconstruction of no man's land.

Anyway, it is impossible for them to stay here for a long time.


They still had to find Aya.


Apa of star OA did not make things difficult for them on this issue. After all, compared to other issues, the anti-supervision king is more serious.

Aya's situation, now no one knows the specifics.

It's better to investigate quickly.

no one goes there...

easy to say!

Isn't it just sending a new peace ambassador?

a piece of cake!


The most important task is to eradicate the threat of the anti-surveillance king, and Aya is the most critical link. Apa also wants to know, is Aiya at this moment Aiya, or another anti-surveillance king?


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