The Storm God

Chapter 3518 Dust star! (Please subscribe!)

The vast starry sky.

Aya controlled the body of the anti-supervision king, and was chasing forward at an incredible speed, but even so, she still couldn't catch up with the head of the anti-supervision king in front.

This made Aya very strange and confused.

"what's the situation?"


Since the detection system started.

According to the data analysis of the anti-surveillance king, although the head seems to be flying very slowly, in fact, it has been using some special power.

Such as time travel!


No matter how much Aya chased, it was impossible to catch up.

Whenever Aya is about to approach, that head will activate the shuttle ability, jump out of the current time and space directly, take a big step forward, and completely distance itself from Aya.

so repeatedly.

It gave Aya an illusion that she could catch up at any time, but never could catch up.


The premise is that Nake's head always has energy to maintain the activation of time travel, otherwise once the energy is exhausted, the result can be imagined.


The anti-supervisory king's head suddenly hit hard.

Travel directly to other time nodes, or special space locations, which will make Aya directly lose the target of pursuit.

In view of this.

For the sake of safety, Aya could only temporarily stop the pursuit.

Then contacted Bai Xiaofei.

"Catch it?"

Bai Xiaofei asked excitedly.


Aya looked embarrassed, and explained: "That head has been using the ability to travel through time and space. According to my current speed and ability, it will never be possible to catch up..."


Bai Xiaofei was taken aback for a moment.

And after listening to Aya's explanation, he immediately understood the key point, nodded and said: "In this case, it will be a little troublesome, if it is pushed into a hurry, maybe I really don't care about it. At a certain point in time..."

After thinking about it for a moment.

Bai Xiaofei finally made a decision, and said to Aya: "Just to be on the safe side, don't pursue him for the time being. Now, instead of the anti-surveillance king, you will control the awakening and control of those mechanical hunters in the universe..."


Aya was a little strange and puzzled by Bai Xiaofei's new order.

Although those mechanical hunters are good, to Bai Xiaofei, they should all be scrap metal, right? What do you want this for?


Bai Xiaofei smiled and explained: "First of all, your move this time will inevitably attract a lot of suspicion and suspicion."

"According to the urine nature of Star OA, they will definitely take precautions against you, even including Hal and others. After all, they have violated orders before and saved you."

"Since this is the case, why not use the body of the anti-supervision king to arrange a new identity for you, so that it will be difficult for them to do anything to you."


"Mechanical hunters are a bit of rubbish, but the key is that there are a lot of them, and they are all free. You only need to send some anti-surveillance signals, and you can harvest countless younger brothers. Isn't this for nothing?"

"Apocalypse has recently started to act. It is expected that in the future, there will be a large-scale turmoil and war in the entire universe. These mechanical hunters can't do anything else. They are used as pioneers and cannon fodder, but they are perfect."

"We can't use our own products as soon as we come up, can we?"


Aiya suddenly realized.

Immediately, she nodded and said with a smile: "Understood, this can not only solve the problem of mechanical hunters, but also test the strength of Apocalypse. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone. Mister is worthy of being Mister, Aiya admires it!"


Bai Xiaofei waved his hand and said: "Don't say too many compliments, since you are basically free now, you can use the power I gave you as you like, but remember not to underestimate the enemy because of this!"

"You know, the little blue people of the guardians are not cheap, and there are not a few capable people in the universe. Be careful when you move, don't overturn your car!"


Aya nodded, understanding.

After the communication is over.

She continued to send anti-surveillance signals, but the signals sent this time were a little different from those sent by the anti-surveillance king before.

The anti-supervision king gave those mechanical hunters full freedom, such as the emotions set by themselves, which is to destroy all emotional creatures.

Only in special cases will their actions be controlled.

Just like the time on Planet Odym.

And surround yourself.

And Aya...

The signal sent is quite special.

Let all the mechanical hunters come to her to gather and stand by.

Even in order to find a hiding place for these mechanical hunters, Aya had to find a large enough planet as a habitat in the vast universe of stars.


During the previous voyages with Hal and others, Aya collected a lot of data of galaxies and stars, plus the mechanical hunters, all of which are mechanical creations. The requirements for the environment are not so high, and they can almost adapt to most environments.

So the matter of finding a habitat is easy to solve.


Aya found a planet.

The diameter of this planet is about 300,000 kilometers, there is nothing left, it is all land, there is no atmosphere inside, and it is full of rolling sandstorms.

It is extremely unsuitable for life, but for mechanical hunters, such a planet is very suitable for them to hide.

that's all.

Aya fell down on this planet.

She called it [Sanddust Star], and she also gave clear coordinates in the signal sent to all the mechanical hunters in the universe.

After that, all the mechanical hunters who were awakened and received the signal will rush towards the dust star for a round at the fastest speed.

It is worth mentioning that.

On the other side, Hal and others, who were driving the spaceship and looking for Aya's whereabouts, also discovered some abnormalities.


They took out a few mechanical hunters.

And obtained relevant signal information from the mechanical hunter, and deduced that this brand new signal was probably sent by Aya.


After getting the location coordinates, Hal and the others immediately drove the spaceship to the dust star without any hesitation.

at the same time.

The area surrounding the Apocalypse colonization target.

Wars broke out one after another, and in this cruel purgatory, there were also mechanical hunters who received the anti-supervision signal, and then were awakened and started to act.

And this immediately attracted the attention of the Apocalypse Star Colonial Pioneers, and quickly took action to kill these mechanical hunters.

Some of the scientific researchers dismembered the body, deciphered the scientific and technological data in it, and then truthfully reported the obtained information to the headquarters of Apocalypse.

"Mechanical Hunter?"

"It's just some rubbish, and it's completely unfounded, but the anti-supervision king seems to have some meaning, and maybe he can be subdued."

"De Sadd, I will leave this matter to you!"


A certain dark and terrifying figure laughed.

"Yes, my master!" Another figure in a cloak respectfully replied, "I will do my best to fulfill your wish!"


dust star.

Aya is directing the mechanical hunters who arrived one after another to transform the planet and make it more in line with her expectations.

At this time...

Hal and others were driving the spaceship and descended suddenly.

Although they detected that there seemed to be countless mechanical hunters on this planet, Hal and the others were not intimidated by it.

They resolutely came to Aya.


Seeing half of the body immersed in the body of the anti-supervisor king, the eyes of the revealed body directly turned into a terrifying pitch-black color, Aya, Hal and others, who showed the demeanor of a queen, felt an indescribable feeling in their hearts. of depression.


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