The Storm God

Chapter 3520 Reject! (Please subscribe!)

some planet.

A tall, thin man wearing a gorgeous black and gold cloak descended into the crowd with a group of terrifying fighters who were not a good thing at first sight.

And these people are not ordinary people.

All monsters.


Many of them are burly and strong, special monsters that are scary to look at. If Bai Xiaofei was here at this moment, he would definitely recognize them.

Because they look very much like Doomsday who killed Dachao in the movie!

However, these guys are a little different from Doomsday. They look more ferocious, their bodies are full of dark aura, and they all wear some special metal armor to protect some special parts of their bodies.

Compared to the original Doomsday, these guys are obviously stronger and more terrifying.

That's right!

They are the upgraded version of the demon-like Doom Day.

Apocalypse has only recently used the biological weapons created by the survivors of Krypton, and it is currently the most cutting-edge and powerful pioneer soldier!

And in the recent war, the demon-like Doom Day has fully proved their value, and almost all of them are purgatory.

There are not a few planets that can block their attacks.

It's so strong!


Hundreds of monsters destroyed the day.

As well as tens of thousands of elite demons, and more ordinary demons, all of them were summoned by this cloaked man.

Because, he has a brand new mission.

To Dust Star!

Conquer the anti-supervision king!


dust star.

Both Hal and Kilowog realized that they had been reckless.

The Aya at this moment is no longer the Aya of the past, whether it is because of the infection of the Anti-Prison King or other reasons.

It's different anyway.


Persuasion by force is even more futile!

At this moment, the only thing they can do is to escape and retreat!


Continue to fight like this.

I'm afraid they were surrounded and beaten to death by the dense army of mechanical hunters before they found a chance to persuade Aya.

Although very unwilling, but now they have to choose a strategic retreat.

follow closely.

The hard-pressed two also found out.

Razer is gone!

"Damn it!"

"That Razer guy, shouldn't he be killed?"

"Hal, what do we do now?"

"Are you going to withdraw or not?"


Kilowog frowned and asked.

Hal was silent.

According to his personality, he would never give up on his companion no matter what, but the current situation is really bad!

If they continue to stay here, it is very likely that both of them will be unlucky.


After much hesitation.

After all, Hal still gritted his teeth and chose to retreat.

He firmly believed that Razer was not so easy to kill, the opponent must have found a chance to escape, or was caught...

In short.

As long as they are still there, everything still has a chance!

As for whether you are deceiving yourself or others? Then only he himself knows, anyway, the current Hal is running very slickly.

Including driving the spaceship to escape from the dust star.


This is also related to Aya's release of water.

Otherwise, with so many mechanical hunters, it would be impossible for Hal and the two of them to escape under the full salvo of chasing fire.

After all, Aya's purpose is to expel, not kill.


After Hal and the two left.

Aya couldn't help but secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and sighed: "I finally left, otherwise, if I continue to fight, I don't know how many mechanical hunters will be destroyed!"

To know.

These mechanical hunters are the vanguard and cannon fodder that Bai Xiaofei uses to fight against the Apocalypse and the Oneiroi Lord Murphys.

The higher the quantity, the better.

As a result, just after gathering some, they were destroyed a lot by Hal and others.

It's depressing to think about it, but luckily they're gone now. Without the troubles of Hal and others, Aya can finally continue her work again.


Use the planet's resources, as well as the remains of damaged Mech Hunters, to create brand new Mech Hunters, even Sentinel Hunters!

after all.

No one knows how cruel the future war will be.

While there is still time, Bai Xiaofei of course wants to expand his military strength as much as possible, anyway, there are plenty of resources.

at the same time.

Bai Xiaofei is also very interested in the data about the anti-surveillance king.

If the ultimate weapon of the anti-surveillance king can be known in batches, it will be super cool.

There were no conditions and opportunities before, but now that the body of the anti-supervision king has fallen into Aya's hands, of course Bai Xiaofei will not be polite.

The first time I asked Aiya to sort out the information, and then sent it to myself.


The anti-surveillance king's technology is too powerful.

Even though Aya is the strongest artificial intelligence in Star OA, there are still many things that I don't know very well about the anti-surveillance king's technology.

It's like a kid in kindergarten who suddenly arrives at university, facing all kinds of advanced knowledge, almost full of bewilderment.


Aya is also from the OA star.

So in some rooms, she and the anti-supervision king still have a lot in common, otherwise it would not be possible to control the anti-supervision king's body so quickly.

But mastering the body and completely deciphering the data in it are two different things, so although Bai Xiaofei's instructions were given to Aya early, Aya has not completed this task until now.

It's not that she is weak, but that these techniques are too complicated.

It is so complicated and profound that even if Aya wants to simply organize it into data and transmit it to Bai Xiaofei, it will take a lot of time.


Whenever she has free time, Aya will immerse herself in it, trying to comprehend the content of these technologies and organize the data.

As everyone knows.

In the vast universe starry sky.

At this moment, there is a mighty army of Apocalypse Star, which is coming straight to Sanddust Star at an astonishing speed, to conquer the anti-supervision king.

They obviously don't know that the original anti-supervision king has been replaced by Aya, and the current one is not the anti-supervision king in the pure sense.

But none of that matters.

The most important thing is that the army they brought is amazing!

after all……

That's Apocalypse!

It is called hell on earth in the universe, the most terrifying existence, the thugs who dare to come to fight with them knowing that the other party is the anti-supervision king!

Poor Aya, she just got rid of the entanglement of Hal and others, she hasn't had a long rest, and she will soon be attacked by Apocalypse again.

And this time, it is obviously not comparable to the small size of the last time.

It is definitely a super-large-scale brutal bloody battle!


the other side.

After Hal and Kilowog drove the spaceship to evacuate the dust star, they felt that they were powerless, so they quickly contacted the OA star, reported the situation here, and then asked Apa to send some helpers to come. Help them save Aya.


After pondering for a while, the guardian of the little blue man, Appa, finally directly rejected Hal's request without any surprises, on the grounds that there was no manpower available.


Aya's blackening also made Apa disgusted, and he was unwilling to waste so much money to rescue an artificial intelligence system.

After all, with the technology of OA star, you can make as many things as you want, why bother with one Aiya?

What's more, the current situation is very turbulent and bad, Apocalypse has begun to invade the galaxy civilization again, and countless people have turned to OA for help.

The OA star really has no extra manpower to mobilize.

At this time, Hal asked Appa to send more people to find an artificial intelligence system that can be created at will...

How could he agree.

Even if this matter involves the anti-supervision king, after all, whether it is the anti-supervision king or Aiya, they are essentially the same now.

The only difference is that the leader has changed.

Compared with Apocalypse, the harm of the anti-surveillance king is relatively small, so OA is not in a hurry.

This made Hal a little unacceptable.


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