The Storm God

Chapter 3521 The army has arrived! (Please subscribe!)

"what to do?"

After the communication ended, Kilowog looked disappointed and helpless, turned to look at Hal who was also in a very bad mood, and asked.

OA Xing is about to give up Aya, which is almost a certainty.

But he knew that Hal would never give up!

as expected!


Seeing Hal snorted coldly, his eyes flickered, he said in a deep voice: "Since OA star is not allowed to help us, then we will find a way ourselves!"

"Think of it yourself?"

Kilowog is a little confused, what can we do? If we had a way, would we still beg that little old man Apa? you……

But keep on.

In a flash of inspiration, he suddenly understood what Hal meant. Kilowog suddenly said: "You mean...?"

"That's right!"

Hal nodded and said, "We can go to Ganser. After all, he used to be a guardian, and now he is the founder of Lantern. I believe he should know something, and maybe he can help us..."


Odeum star.

Hal and Kilowog drove the spaceship and came here soon.

No nonsense.

After seeing Ganser, Hal immediately informed Ganser of the recent situation, especially about Aya's possible blackening by the influence of the anti-supervision king's body.

in short.

They came here to ask for help.

after all……

Someone from OA star is so fucked up.

It is typical to kill donkeys and ignore them at all, so Hal can only find a way by himself, and Gunther is undoubtedly his last hope.

"This is not easy!"

However, after hearing what happened, Ganser also frowned and sighed: "The anti-supervision king is not so easy to deal with, whether it is before or now, especially around him, there are countless mechanical hunters... ..."

"If you want to deal with it, you have to deal with those mechanical hunters first, but there is still hope. Just now you said that the scientific director has regained his power?"


Hal nodded quickly.

And showed Ganser all the videos saved at that time.

And Ganser also saw the trickiness at the first glance, and then smiled and said: "You were all deceived by her, she didn't die, but was teleported elsewhere at the last moment!"


As soon as these words came out, Hal and Kilowog were immediately stunned.

The guardian is not dead?


Ganser explained: "The power of a guardian is not simple, even if the anti-supervision king wants to destroy us who have power, it is not an easy task, otherwise our clansmen would have been slaughtered. "

"Hal, I can't help you much with regards to science and technology. The scientific director's ability is far superior, not to mention that she still has power now..."

"you mean?"


Ganser nodded with a smile, and said, "Perhaps, you can try to find the director of science. With her accomplishments and abilities, it is absolutely no problem to deal with those mechanical hunters. In this way, at least you can concentrate on dealing with the anti-supervisor king."


Hal said depressedly: "The universe is so big, where are we going to find her? Do you have any clues?"

Gunther shook his head.

Sighing: "Sorry, the location of the teleportation is personal privacy, and I don't know, but I can tell you clearly, the distance will not be too far!"

"You can start searching with this clue."

"in addition……"

Speaking of which.

Ganser couldn't help turning his head to look at the newly recruited Lanternman beside him, a strange-looking alien with a lobster head and eight hands.

"This is Saruos from the clang clan, with great fighting ability, he should be the most outstanding fighter among our Blue Lanterns!"

"With him helping you, the hope of overcoming difficulties may be greater!"

"That's all I can do."


Hal and Kilowog were overjoyed immediately.

You know, the increase of the blue light to the green light is very powerful. With the blue light, their combat effectiveness can be multiplied at least several times.

not to mention……

This Saros himself is also very good at fighting.

With his joining, I believe that Hal's team strength will definitely increase a lot. How can Hal and the others be unhappy?


The two warmly welcomed Saruos to join.

Then he explained the situation to Ganser in detail, and after receiving Ganser's guidance and help, he left Odim star immediately.

after all……

Aya's problem was not resolved.

The safety of Razer is still unknown, and the scientific director has not yet been found. Hal and others have a lot to do.

They have to do it asap.

According to Ganser, the guardian's space transfer ability is related to the individual's ability and distance.

After one cast, there will be a short dormancy period for the second cast.

Because the guardian's body is not very strong.


Want to find the scientific director.

They had to do it as soon as possible, otherwise once the transfer dormant period came, the scientific director might be transferred to another place.

At that time, it will be even more difficult to find.


The three of Hal dare not neglect.

After leaving the Odim star, he immediately returned to the star field where he fought against the anti-surveillance king, and then entered the energy detection algorithm provided by Ganser to start looking for the whereabouts of the scientific director.

at the same time.

On the other side, the large army of Apocalypse quickly crossed the vast sea of ​​stars and arrived at the star field near the dust star.

after all……

The technological level of Apocalypse is not low, and it is even far away from OA, so it is not a problem to travel through warped space.

What's more, Dust Star is not very far from Apocalypse Star, only a few million light-years at most, and with their abilities, they can reach it in a few hours.

And as the army of Apocalypse Star gradually approached, Aya on Dust Star also sensed it immediately, and frowned immediately: "Those fleets are..."

"The sign of Apocalypse!"


Aya was shocked.

Why did the demons from Apocalypse come here?

Is it also for anti-surveillance king's technology? These guys are not easy to deal with. I have to tell Mr. Bai about this as soon as possible.


Aiya contacted Bai Xiaofei.


Bai Xiaofei was also quite surprised by this, but he was more happy, and said with a smile: "The guys from Apocalypse actually came over to join in the fun?"


Aya nodded.

Then he showed Bai Xiaofei the data he had detected, and explained: "This time, although they dispatched not many troops, their energy signals are very strong, and they should be all elite troops!"


Bai Xiaofei agreed.

But he didn't care much about it, he smiled slightly when he saw this, and said: "It's just right to come here, and now our number of mechanical hunters has exceeded one million, and if you stay here, you just stay there. Instead of wasting it, it's better to entertain the other party." .”

"After all, he is a guest from afar, we have to do our best to be a landlord!"

"Mr. Bai, what do you mean?"

"That's right!"

Bai Xiaofei nodded and said: "Since they are here, it will save us trouble, anyway, we have to do it sooner or later, let's do it now!"

"Use the mechanical hunters under my command to test the level of soldiers on Apocalypse. It's best to be able to figure it out clearly and accurately, so that it will be convenient for me to plan in the future!"


Aya understood.

Afterwards, after finishing the communication, she began to dispatch troops at a high speed, using the mechanical hunters to arrange a special defensive formation on the Dust Star to face the Apocalypse army that was about to be stormed!


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