The Storm God

Chapter 3522 Fuck it to death! (Please subscribe!)

among the stars.

Inside the vast and magnificent aircraft carrier.

De Sadd stood in the cab, looked at the data information projected in front of him, smiled, and murmured to himself: "The location of this planet is quite good, but it's a bit too desolate, and there is no life around it." exist……"

Speaking of which.

He suddenly thought of it, and couldn't help laughing wryly.

Then he continued: "I forgot, the mechanical hunter will hunt and kill all sentient creatures. Even if there is life, it will probably be slaughtered by them..."

"It's an excellent battlefield!"


The voice just fell.

A technician next to him came over and reported: "My lord, according to our tests, the mechanical hunters on this planet seem to be in a special sequence..."

The implication is that the other party may know that we are coming.

Do you want to dispatch soldiers to interfere.


And so it came.

There is no guarantee that they will not be hit by the opponent.

Although the troops of Apocalypse may not care about these things, they should try to reduce some losses as much as possible.

In short.

The technician has a good heart.


De Sadd nodded.

He glanced at the younger brother with a little appreciation, and agreed: "You are very thoughtful, so let's do it according to your wishes!"


The younger brother was a little confused.

He just had the attitude of giving it a try, but he didn't expect it to actually succeed.

This surprised and surprised him.


De Sadd didn't care about the younger brother's reaction, and explained to himself: "We are here to hunt, so naturally we won't send out the ace team at the beginning, and sending some small soldiers to test their level is a normal operation. ..."


The younger brother suddenly realized.

After turning around and leaving, with De Sadd's order, he immediately dispatched a group of demon warriors, driving a small spaceship, and left the large army.

Go straight to Dust Star.



Be careful of the spaceship falling from the sky.

The ultra-high speed, wrapped in intense heat, formed a huge fireball like a meteor, and crashed to the ground.


The hatch opens.

A large number of demon-like warriors swarmed out of it.

They used the spaceship as their base, and began to think about the rapid spread around them. Among these demons, there were still a few elite fighters as leaders.

The forms of the leader demons are different, some are human-like, but more are more like monsters, the kind that look like aliens.

Among them, the one with the highest status is undoubtedly a demon-like Doomsday transformed from Kryptonian survivors.

He is tall and strong, like a humanoid monster.

Although it looks a bit ugly, the explosive muscles and the sharp ossifications cut out from the body are full of danger and violence.


Doomsday doesn't have any ink.

After stepping off the spaceship, he glanced at the mechanical hunter army not far away, which was lined up in an orderly manner, his eyes were full of cruelty and disdain.

A roar.

The large army of demons beside him instantly understood what he meant, and flew into the sky one after another, like locusts, and immediately swarmed towards the mechanical hunter.

And himself.

It even took the lead, like a human-shaped cannonball, rising from the ground in an instant, and crashing into the camp of mechanical hunters at a faster speed than the demon-like army.


The power of the demon-like Doomsday is too strong.

Especially in the case of unreserved and unscrupulous release of power, even if it's just a casual jump and land, it still has amazing and incomparable destructive power.

Just like a comet hitting the ground, that terrifying force immediately sent dozens of mechanical hunters flying away near the place where the demon-like Doomsday landed.


And that's all.

If it were an ordinary person, they might be shocked by the power of the demon-like Doomsday, making them extremely embarrassed, or even seriously injured on the spot.

But Mechanic Hunter is different.

They are all made of steel, without any emotions, so naturally they will not feel fear or fear.

That violent and turbulent force, at most, only destroyed the formation of dozens of mechanical hunters, but did nothing to them.

after all……

As early as when Apocalypse's troops were detected approaching Dust Star, Aya had put all the mechanical hunters on combat readiness.

The power of green light in their bodies, combined with their own steel bodies, can form an unimaginable defense force to protect themselves from harm.

Such invisible air waves and impacts can be well defended.


The violent attack that followed.

That won't work.


"Kacha, zizizi..."


Fiendish Doomsday is brutal.

After landing, it doesn't matter how these mechanical hunters react, whether or not they are injured because of this, just take a direct shot and smash it.

It looks like a green and fat body, even if it doesn't use weapons, it can hammer the surrounding mechanical hunters into scrap iron slag just by relying on its own fists and feet.

To know.

Doomsday is an existence that can kill even Superman.

What's more, it's an upgraded version of demon-like transformation. The level of power is even more terrifying. Although the mechanical hunter is good, it is still like a toy in front of the demon-like destruction day, without any resistance.

Just for a moment.

The originally neat sequence of the mechanical hunter army was immediately torn open by the demon-like Doomsday to a huge hole and gap.

One after another, the mechanical hunters were torn apart by their hands, disemboweled, arms and legs were missing, and they were even turned into discus cakes...

Its ferocity can be seen.


The mechanical hunter is not a decoration either.

They also launched attacks one after another, but those attacks were just like scratching an itch for the demon-like Doom Day.

No matter how many green light shells bombarded the demon-like Doomsday, it was as if rain had hit the steel body, and it could only be himself, not the target, that would be shattered.

on the contrary……

Every attack of the demon-like Doomsday can take away many mechanical hunters.

It is like a bottomless demon, breaking into the realm of mortals, like a tiger entering a flock, invincible and unrivaled!

The only good news is that there are not many such demons.

Moreover, the biggest advantage of mechanical hunters is that they have a large number, and they don't have any emotions. No matter what the situation is, they will strictly implement the core command procedures.

This causes them not to have any fear or retreat. Even if they know they are invincible, they will die if they go up, and they can't do anything to the enemy.

The mechanical hunter will still be unable to move forward and attack.

Seen from a high altitude, the demon-like Doomsday that crashed into the army of mechanical hunters was like a huge wasp thrown into a dense group, which might have a considerable advantage at the beginning, driving the surrounding ants away. Do not want to abuse...


There are too many ants.

Not for a while.

The wasp was completely surrounded by countless ants, forming a huge mechanical hunter sphere.

And this sphere is still expanding and increasing.

Obviously, it is to completely trap the demon-like Doom Day in it, not to give the other party a chance to move and escape, and cooperate extremely tacitly.

the other side.

The other demon-like army finally confronted the mechanical hunter army.

A fierce and brutal battle broke out in an instant.

"Boom boom boom!"



One by one, the monsters were killed.

Similarly, one after another mechanical hunters were destroyed here...

And the two sides in the war have a common characteristic, all of them are not afraid of life and death, one by one rushing forward, to the death!

It's a crazy style of play that doesn't want to die!

After just one confrontation, there were no less than hundreds of casualties, and this number continued to grow at a high speed.

at the same time.

In the dark sky filled with billowing yellow sand, there are more small spaceships of Apocalypse, wrapped in raging fire, descending like meteors.

And on the ground, almost all of them are densely packed with fearless steel figures of mechanical hunters!


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