The Storm God

Chapter 3523 Golden Hunter! (Please subscribe!)

"It's so weak!"

On the Apocalypse Mothership, looking at the battle scene projected on the monitor, De Sadd's face was full of disdain.


He turned his head and nodded at his younger brother.

The younger brother immediately understood, followed a few operations in his hands, and immediately invested more troops, but the main force was directly replaced by the demon-like Doomsday.


They already think that these mechanical hunters have nothing to worry about.

So a large-scale riot began, ready to quickly deal with these mechanical hunter garbage, and then face the anti-surveillance king.

after all……

That's their main purpose.

It's the rubbish.


And as more and more demon-like Doom Days came, the scene of the entire battle began to show a large number of empty fields in an instant.

Because, the demon-like Doomsday is too strong.

To know.

It is a biological weapon transformed from the body of a Kryptonian, and at the same time, it has been treated with demon-like treatment using the technology of Apocalypse, and its ability has been improved to a higher level!

That's what it's talking about.

And the mechanical hunter...


It's just a group of hard mechanical toys.

At least this is the case in front of the Demon-like Doomsday, because no one can withstand the attack of the Demon-like Doomsday.

Whether it's frontal, sideways, or indirect...

Almost dies when touched, hurts when rubbed...

As fragile as a biscuit!

It's very sad!


But seeing a demon-like Doomsday jumping high, and then falling rapidly like a comet, the mechanical hunters in that area were immediately crushed to pieces by the berserk force of the collision, like sweeping fallen leaves!

Without any exceptions!


The rolling impact and vibration can shatter many mechanical hunters.

One can be so invincible, let alone a large group!


Everyone says to breathe into the flock.

This is simply a group of tigers entering the breeding pen.

See what you see.

Almost everywhere, there were scenes of mechanical hunters being smashed and blown away, as if a group of ants were being slaughtered wantonly by iron grasshoppers.

On the other hand, there are so many mechanical hunters, almost a sea of ​​people, and they can't see the end at a glance. Even if the situation is not good, they don't retreat in the slightest.

Even if you are smashed to pieces, you have to rush forward desperately.

That's scary!


If the situation has not changed, the war between the two sides has always been like this, and it is useless to have more mechanical hunters.

The only difference is that sooner or later it will be completely slaughtered.


That's not to say there weren't casualties on the Apocalypse side, either.

Since the mechanical hunters created by star OA can wreak havoc on most of the universe, they naturally have their merits.

Just like the near infinity of energy.

Even if you can't beat it, you have to fight!

Unless it is completely smashed, even if there is only one head left, they will continue to attack the enemy even if they bite.

Facing the endless mechanical hunters, the demon-like army also suffered a lot of heavy injuries and casualties. After all, except for the demon-like doomsday, other demons do not have a body of steel that is invulnerable. The weapon attacks of the mechanical hunters can still effectively deal with They cause harm.

not to mention……

at the begining of.

The number of demon-like army is not very large.

It was all thanks to the Demon-like Destruction Day that opened up the situation. Otherwise, an army like theirs alone would probably die as many as they came.

But even so.

The casualties of the demon-like army were also extremely huge.

After all, one is a mechanical body and the other is a flesh and blood body. The two sides are not at the same level at all. If you hit someone, it's okay, but if they fuck you, you will die. How can this compare?

Especially when there are many people bullying few people.


Apocalypse doesn't care at all.

After all, the demon-like army was transformed from the defeated. At the beginning of production, it was used as cannon fodder to consume the enemy's vitality.

Only special life forms like the Kryptonian family will be treated specially, transformed into demon-like Doomsday, and become the elite of the elite.

For the rest, no matter how many times they die, they don't feel bad.

after all……

There are as many of these things as there are.

Not worth the money at all!


The life and death of the demons can be ignored, but Disard still wants Apocalypse's face, so when he saw the serious casualties of the demon army, the smile on his face quickly restrained a little.

Afterwards, more demon-like destruction days, as well as elite-level demons, will be thrown into the battlefield.

This is also because they saw in the sky that the army of mechanical hunters on the ground seemed to have completed some special rectification without knowing it.

Seen from above.

The arrangement of these mechanical hunters is like some kind of special formation rune, which gives an unidentified and dangerous feeling!

"They must be planning some kind of conspiracy!"

Disard frowned, feeling bad in his heart, and then ordered a team to destroy some of the mechanical hunters.

But at this moment.


A series of astonishing bright green awns suddenly shot up into the sky.

However, those mechanical hunters who formed a special formation suddenly released strands of green will power from their bodies, which connected with each other to form a complex and mysterious special formation.

And at the moment when the magic circle was formed.


Suddenly, an infinitely powerful and terrifying power of Gengjin emerged from the sky and earth. This power seemed to be like rain from the sky, turning into hazy drizzle and shining on the mechanical hunters in the battlefield.

follow closely.

All the mechanical hunters who were bathed in these radiant powers instantly became a size bigger as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

Not only that.

Their bodies also directly turned into a dazzling golden yellow.

It's like little golden men, giving people a feeling of being indestructible and immortal. When the army of demons attacked them, they could cause some impact and damage before, but now...

Totally useless!

It felt like the demon-like army was not holding weapons at all, but water guns, hitting the golden mechanical hunter, and couldn't even scratch it.

What's more, even if it is a terrifying guy like the demon-like Doomsday, unless it hits the golden mechanical hunter head-on, the aftermath and the like will be completely useless to them.

This caused the slaughter speed of the demon-like Doomsday to drop by a large amount in an instant, but the lethality formed by the gathering of the golden mechanical hunters increased exponentially.

Just for a moment.

The huge combination formed by thousands of golden mechanical hunters, like building blocks, is like stepping on a cockroach, directly crushing an unlucky demon-like Doomsday into a puddle of mud on the spot !

This scene immediately made De Sadd dumbfounded.

"what is that?"

"Such power, such a magic circle, such a combination and combat mode, I have never heard of it before. Could it be that they have just been researched?"

"If it continues like this, the situation is not good!"


De Sadd was shocked.

Not only because the situation on the ground has seriously exceeded his expectations and imagination, but also because there are thousands of golden mechanical hunters soaring into the sky, rushing towards their Apocalypse Mothership .


These mechanical hunters also understand the principle of capturing thieves and capturing kings.

This made De Sadd's complexion extremely ugly in an instant, not because of fear, but because he knew very well that the demon-like Doom Day can only exert its strongest power on the ground.

But in the air, it will be greatly reduced.

The mechanical hunters obviously aimed at this point, so they dared to attack their mothership unscrupulously.


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