The Storm God

Chapter 3524 Weakness! (Please subscribe!)

"Ready to fight!"

With an order, densely packed fighter planes and ordinary demon-like troops quickly appeared around the Apocalypse Mothership.

Ordinary demons look more like cockroaches. They have hard wings on their backs and can fly. Although they are not powerful in combat, they can be used as cannon fodder to hinder the enemy, but they are good at it.

At least for now, they have successfully completed the task of protecting the mothership.

A large number of demons gathered together, forming a pitch-black human wall, which barely blocked the golden mechanical hunter's attack.

There were only some scattered attacks that missed, but were finally completely eliminated and invisible by the mothership's defense.


The aerial battle continued.

On the Apocalypse side, it is natural not to be outdone. Whether it is for face or to protect the mothership, all the fighters are madly attacking.

Their firepower is fierce.

One after another, the golden mechanical hunters were blown up on the spot.


For mechanical hunters, this is nothing at all, because more mechanical hunters will continue to lift off and rush towards this side.

From a distance, it looks like a golden tide is coming from the sky.

On the side of the Apocalypse Star Mothership, they did not release the demon-like Doomsday to attack, because they knew very well that even the demon-like Doomsday had a certain flying ability, but they could not fully exert the power it should have.

Easily released in the sky environment, it will only make the enemy seize the weak point and attack wildly. Even if the defense of the demon-like Doomsday is extremely good, it can't withstand the shooting of this mutant version of the mechanical hunter.

not to mention……

On the mothership, it is not a way to deal with this situation, for example, releasing starburst light that is enough to destroy ordinary planets!


An astonishing beam of light suddenly shot out from the Apocalypse Star Mothership. The dazzling scarlet, wrapped in endless blood and evil, pierced the sky and pierced the sky!

Wherever it passes, the void trembles, invincible, and no existence can resist it even a little bit!

The demon-like army can't do it!

The golden mechanical hunter is also not good!

Everything, in front of this pure and extremely destructive power, is like snow under the scorching sun, there is no room for negotiation!

Just one word——


Boom boom boom!

The bloody beam of light continued to release, like a giant red stick, sweeping across and smashing everything in its way.

Just for a moment.

The formation formed by the army of golden mechanical hunters was completely shattered, only a few scattered golden mechanical hunters remained in space, and then they were overwhelmed by countless monsters in an instant.


Even the large number of golden mechanical hunters who were coming in afterward were directly smashed into a mess by the bloody beam of light released by the Apocalypse Mothership, and almost died.

It is no exaggeration to say that the plan to capture the thief and capture the king organized by the mechanical hunter has almost completely failed.

Apart from killing some useless ordinary monsters and small fighters, they didn't even touch the side of the mothership...

Such a record made Disard in the mothership very satisfied.


"With this power, you still want to attack us?"

"It's ridiculous!"


His face was full of arrogance and disdain.

As everyone knows.

These attacks are just Aya's random whim. After all, her mission is to use these cannon fodder mechanical hunters to test the strength of Apocalypse, not to really fight them to the death.

So far, Aya still hasn't used many tricks.


How could Apocalypse be so arrogant.

Don't say anything else.

Based on the anti-matter light technology that Aya has already analyzed and launched, even if some of the most basic and simple versions are loaded on the mechanical hunter, it can definitely increase its lethality by more than ten times.

At that time, all kinds of demons and doomsday will be scum!

And now...

Aya is in the base.

I'm busy collecting all kinds of data, including the demon-like army, the elite-level demon-like, but the main one is the demon-like Doomsday.

after all.

This is a special monster formed by combining the biological gene technology of the Kryptonian family and the transformation technology of Apocalypse.

As long as you can study him thoroughly, it will not be difficult to deal with him.

The difficulty is that the monster's blood sample is very difficult to obtain. Even if it is obtained, the modified DNA is too complicated and difficult to decipher.

Even with Aya's use of Bai Xiaofei's many ultra-technical techniques, now he can only roughly understand some superficial superficialities.

The mysteries at its core are probably impossible to study thoroughly without a certain amount of time and research.


If this thing is so easy to crack, Apocalypse will not be called the most terrifying abyss and hell in the universe.

Since people dare to use this kind of monster as an ordinary biological weapon, they are naturally not afraid of being caught, researched and cracked.

Obviously, he is very confident in his technology.

Facts have proved that their technology is indeed awesome, and they can't accept it.


Aya is not one-sided either.

This aspect is not easy to solve, so change the method.

Through research, Aya discovered that although the demon-like Doomsday is powerful and terrifying, it is not without weaknesses.


Their resistance to energy and other attacks is very high, but the cutting physical damage to certain blade tips is actually not that abnormal.

As long as you use some special weapons with a material level that has reached a certain level, attacking them can effectively cause damage to them.

Like cutting off limbs or something.


If the weapon is enchanted and forged with the array imprint, it can also effectively restrain and interfere with Doomsday's super self-healing ability.

As long as Doomsday cannot heal quickly, he will be restrained until he loses the battle completely and is slaughtered completely.

in addition……

This monster's resistance to mental aspects is not very high.

At the very least, the ability of mind control can interfere with them to a certain extent, and even control them.

Of course, the premise is that the mind is in control, and the strength must be strong enough, such as the level of Professor X Charles.

In a word.

Although the transformed demon-like Doomsday has stronger combat effectiveness, it is based on the premise of sacrificing other attributes.

strictly speaking.

Such a monster is not as good as pure Doomsday.

Of course, the key depends on who the opponent is. As far as the mechanical hunter is concerned, the demon-like Doomsday is undoubtedly more lethal.

Although the pure doomsday has great potential for evolution, it is difficult to control, and it may go berserk and rebellious at any time.

Darkseid naturally didn't want this to happen, so they would rather sacrifice Doomsday's evolutionary potential to transform it into a more powerful general-purpose combat tool.

In all fairness.

If Aya were Darkseid, she would do the same.

Take these mechanical hunters as an example. In fact, they are not without intelligence. On the contrary, they are very intelligent.

It's just that the anti-surveillance king and Aya directly blocked and locked the upper limit of the mechanical hunter's evolutionary learning program.

The purpose is to prevent mutiny and rampage.

at this point.

Aya and Apocalypse are pretty much the same.

Closer to home.

Aya didn't think about anything else.

After changing the research direction, a brand new result was quickly obtained, and the latest combat strategy was directly popularized in every mechanical hunter.

At the same time, it also unlocks and gives the mechanical hunter more combat authority.


weapons in their hands.

It used to be a stick-shaped gun that could release the power of green light.

But now, after Aya's improvement, the mechanical hunter's weapons are no longer limited to these, and the stick can be changed into a style that is more conducive to combat according to different situations.

Like knives, guns, etc.

at the same time.

It is matched with the corresponding martial arts fighting skills program. With these, the mechanical hunter can be transformed into a mechanical martial arts master in an instant.

The kind that can completely fight against the demon-like Doomsday!

Instead of being limited to standing still, holding a stick, and shooting stupidly, it's just a stupid mode.


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