The Storm God

Chapter 3525 Against the waves! (Please subscribe!)


The changes on the battlefield quickly attracted De Sadd's attention. He looked at the impact on the display in doubt, and frowned deeply: "These garbage... let them evolve?"

"How can this be?"

In the picture, I saw a group of mechanical hunters abandoning their stick-shaped laser weapons and transforming them into various cold weapons.

Or swords, or spears, and other weapons.

These mechanical hunters use these weapons to face the monster-like doomsday. Although there are still many, they may not be able to withstand a monster-like doomsday...


From the trend of the scene, it can be clearly felt.

The pressure of mechanical hunters and the one-sided area are gradually being reversed. The most obvious example is that some demon-like Doomsdays have started to get injured frequently...

Even some of the more unlucky ones had their heads cut off directly.

Followed by a burst of energy.

Completely turned into slag.


Such an injury.

Even Doomsday can't bear it.

They have a super self-healing ability, and they have not yet metamorphosed to the point where they return to their original appearance from the particle state.

After all, this is reality, not comics!

Even if it is the transformed demon-like Destruction Day, it is impossible to be immortal. If it is fatally injured, it will still die.


This trend is still expanding.

Because, the formation pattern in the mechanical hunter has also started to change again, and with its changes and changes, the mechanical hunter not only has enhanced defense, but also increased strength, and even increased speed.

In short, the mechanical hunter is constantly evolving.

Or targeted evolution!


Not all.

There are only a few, only those mechanical hunters who are in the changed pattern will evolve stronger and stronger.

But even so, in terms of the total number, the mechanical hunter still has an advantage over the demon-like Doomsday, because the formation can be expanded.

And the most indispensable thing for mechanical hunters is quantity.

On the other hand, Apocalypse's side is different. They sent troops this time, and the number of people they brought was limited, and if they died, there would be one less.

Especially Doomsday.

There are only a few hundred in total, but before we even see the anti-supervision king, more than a dozen have already been killed.

Even De Sadd couldn't bear such a loss.


It's still expanding.

No, just watching the video stealth, several demon-like Doomsday were hacked to death by the evolved mechanical hunters.

"Damn it!"

De Sadd was instantly furious.

He squinted his eyes, staring at the densely packed, almost endless army of mechanical hunters on the dust star, and said angrily: "There are too many of these ants!"

"I want them to disappear immediately!"



The little brothers understood instantly.

A younger brother in the control room immediately pressed a button after hearing the words.


The destructive scarlet light reappeared.

It was like a sword of death, falling from the sky in an instant, and bombarded among the densest crowd of mechanical hunters.

Just for a moment.

The mechanical hunters near the landing site were directly vaporized and disappeared.


The bloody beam of light became thicker immediately.

From a few meters in diameter at the beginning, it instantly expanded to several battles, or even larger.

Immediately afterwards, it began to move, like a red eraser on a drawing book. Wherever it went, no existence could match it.

Whether it is an ordinary mechanical hunter, a golden mechanical hunter, or an evolved mechanical hunter, they will die if touched, and will be vaporized and disappeared in an instant.

There are no exceptions.


This also includes the demon-like army of Apocalypse, as well as the demon-like Doom Day who couldn't dodge and was seriously injured...


Such examples are only a few.

Most of them chose to retreat when the bloody beam of light descended.

It is so unreasonable and unreasonable, wantonly erasing the painted patterns on the drawing book full of mechanical hunters, and eliminating all the things that are not pleasing to the eye.

There are no round enemies.

Apart from……

The most core base.


When the scarlet beam of light, from thousands of miles away, almost instantly fell to a certain position on the dust star at a rapid speed.

An extremely special energy shield suddenly flashed.

Leng is abruptly withstood its attack.

"found it!"

On the Apocalypse Mothership.

Seeing this scene, De Saad was overjoyed and said with a chuckle: "Cang Ran is really deep enough. If it hadn't been for using such weapons, I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to find your position!"


The attack just now was not released indiscriminately.

Instead, they are purposefully looking for Aya's core position on the dust star, and then concentrate their efforts to quickly destroy it.

This is not.

With the flash of the energy shield, and the exposure of the base location.

De Sadd and the others were immediately overjoyed.

next moment.

Countless armies of demons.

Small fighters, medium warships, and more demon-like Doomsday.

They were all quickly thrown here from the air, and at the same time, the scarlet beam of light released by the mothership did not stop.

Instead, they continued to release attacks, consuming the energy of the base.

inside the base.

Aya's face was a little dignified.

Because the power of the bloody beam of light is too strong, after all, it is an interstellar light cannon that can destroy planets, that is to say, the protective cover of the base is relatively powerful, otherwise it would have been useless if it was replaced by other ordinary ones.


Even so, the base's protective cover couldn't hold it for too long, because after the location of the base was determined, the bloody beam of light immediately narrowed its range.

Obviously, it is necessary to break through the surface and cause more damage and consumption to the protective cover as much as possible. If this continues, the protective cover will completely fail in a short time.

At present, the only solution that can be quickly and effectively solved is that Aya drives the body of the anti-surveillance king and releases antimatter light to counteract it.

But in doing so, her position would also be exposed.

Although the enemy has locked the base, they still don't know that the anti-surveillance king is here. They are just guessing and trying to figure it out.

If Aya makes a move, it is tantamount to implementation.

Most likely to be passive.

"do not care!"

"Anyway, the goal has been achieved, and the strength of Apocalypse is almost tested. The rest is to solve this crisis."

"Go ahead!"

Just pondered a little.

Immediately afterwards, Aya made a decision, and then drove the body of the anti-surveillance king, rushed out of the base, raised his hands high, released a bright and terrifying anti-matter light, and directly followed the scarlet beam of light from the Apocalypse Mothership. against the wave.


The terrifying energy impact collided, and immediately exploded a huge circular shock wave, destroying an unknown amount of land, rocks, buildings, mechanical hunters, and demon warriors.


Neither side cared much.

At this moment, the two forces are colliding fiercely, refusing to give an inch, one red and one white two dazzling beams of light, you are fighting for each other, trying to completely crush the other side.

And finally...

In the end, the anti-matter light of the anti-surveillance king is more powerful.

After a short while.

The scarlet beam of light was crushed by the antimatter light, and then began to retreat all the way at an astonishingly terrifying speed, and then went upstream.

Seeing that it was about to blast into the sky and hit the mothership of Apocalypse.

But at this moment.


Disard suddenly ordered.

The mothership of Apocalypse chose to flee immediately.

The antimatter light emitted by Aya failed to hit the mothership, but only affected other nearby warships.

Then, the unlucky one who was hit by the bombardment immediately began to decompose and annihilate, turning into a billow of antimatter energy, which was quickly absorbed by the body of the anti-supervision king.


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