The Storm God

Chapter 3526 Hole card! (Please subscribe!)

"What a terrifying power!"

Seeing several battleships being smashed to pieces in minutes, and then transformed into anti-matter power and absorbed by the anti-supervision king, De Sadd was amazed.


None of this counts.

During these years of fighting with Darkseid, what powerful enemy has he not seen? These are just pediatrics.

Just a few warships, don't care at all!

What really surprised and surprised him was undoubtedly the image of the anti-supervision king: "Why is this different from the one in the legend?"

"grown ups……"

A younger brother quickly began to gather information.

Then Hui reported: "The current anti-surveillance king does not seem to be the original one. The woman in the chest seems to be the artificial intelligence Aya from OA star..."

"A product of OA star?"


The little brother kept his palms on, and a lot of video materials were immediately displayed on the screen, all of which were related to Aiya.

"My lord, although I don't know why this Aya became what he is now, it seems that he has perfectly integrated with the anti-surveillance king."

"With the strength of our spaceship, it is estimated that it will be difficult to compete with it. Should we immediately dispatch the ace team to attack it?"


De Sadd remained silent.

He squinted his eyes, looked at the materials displayed by his younger brother, and didn't know what he was thinking about. After a long time, he nodded.


"It doesn't matter if it's the original anti-supervision king or not, Darkseid's will cannot be violated, we must defeat her!"

"Let's dispatch 2 teams to try its level first!"


After a while.

Immediately, several figures flew out of the spaceship of the Apocalypse Star Mothership.

Most of them have the appearance of human beings, only one or two have obvious alien features, and they can't be human at first glance.

These seven figures were all dressed in the same style of Apocalypse Dark Battlesuit, looking domineering and full of tyrannical aura.

at the same time……

Their strength is also very powerful and terrifying.

Even among the angry people, the one with the weakest breath has the level of the peak of the God King Realm. The terrifying power released by waving hands and feet can easily crush and kill ordinary mechanical hunters.

Among them, he is the largest, with a blond hair and blue eyes, and he is the leader among the irritating people. His body is filled with billowing golden flames, resembling the form of Super Saiyan 3 in Dragon Ball.

Just appeared.

The blond flame man released dozens of golden light waves with his fingers. After the light waves were released, they grew in the wind and turned into dozens of huge golden dragons in an instant, sweeping away thousands of troops. All the countless mechanical hunters who surrounded them were blasted into scum.

Its strength is evident.


This guy is very likely to follow the path of cultivation in the Dragon Ball world, and his level of strength is very high.


Even the anti-supervision king who is Aya's incarnation.

When attacking the blond and blue-eyed flame man with anti-matter light, he couldn't directly take advantage of it.

Guangbo confronted each other, and it was evenly divided.


Aya didn't use her full strength.

This is just a tentative attack, not the most powerful one, so it is easy to deal with, but even so, it is enough to show that the opponent is awesome.

not to mention.

There are seven people as soon as they come out.

Seven against one, no matter the number or the situation, it is a bit bad no matter how you look at it. After all, the opponents are all from Apocalypse, so it should not be underestimated.

"Sure enough!"

After the blond-haired and blue-eyed flame man confronted Aya, his face was full of excitement, and he said excitedly: "You are the first powerful character I have encountered since I came to this world. Although it is a machine, it is worth my effort. Let's do it!"

"Hey, boss!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a small and cute looking Lolita-style little girl next to him suddenly showed dissatisfaction.

She pouted and said angrily: "This is not your prey alone. If you attack with all your strength, then we have nothing to do with it."

"I won't do it!"


The one who chimed in was a slightly fat middle-aged man.

He is about three meters tall, and his eyes are narrowed into a line, so that people can't see his eyes. Besides this most obvious feature, there is actually a pink hair on the back of this person's buttocks, which is the same color as his body. colored tail.

Not only that.

While speaking in a voice of support.

This tall, squinting-eyed man also used what seemed to be a hairstyle whip and tentacles on his head to release strange purple rays of light through the air.

And all the mechanical hunters who were shot by these purple rays were instantly reduced to the size of a palm, just like a toy.

This is not a description.

but the truth.

Regardless of shape, size, or substance, those mechanical hunters who were shot were almost no different from mechanical toys.

The man on the other side blew out a casual breath, and directly blown away these toy-like mechanical hunters, and finally fell to the ground and smashed to pieces.

Seeing this, the little demon snorted immediately: "Old Wu, you really have a big tone, who told you to steal my monster..."

"Huihui, beat him up!"


Following the little demon's voice fell.

The void suddenly distorted, followed by a huge gray brown bear, which was as big as a meteor, suddenly appeared out of thin air.

This gray brown bear has scars on its chest and face, making its already terrifying image even more terrifying.

at the same time……

Its attack is also extremely terrifying.

Seeing it slap its bear paw, the man known as the fifth child jumped away quickly, and immediately there was an extremely huge bear paw print on the ground.



It should be a huge pit in the shape of a bear's paw.

And in the deep pit, there are densely packed, the remains of many mechanical hunters who were crushed and smashed by the invisible force on the spot...

The power of one palm is so terrifying, it is almost comparable to the Tathagata palm that Bai Xiaofei learned back then, it is terrifying!

"Little demon!"

The man with a loud tone couldn't help breaking out in cold sweat when he saw this, and said speechlessly: "You are serious, if I didn't dodge this palm, wouldn't I be smashed into a flesh by your ashes in an instant?"


The little demon folded his hands on his chest, curled his lips and said, "Who told you to steal my monster, you deserve it!"


Don't look at him anymore.

Turning his gaze, he stared directly at Aya.

A very sweet smile appeared on the face of the pretty and lovely Lolita, and she said, "This toy looks like a lot of fun, Hui Hui, you can try two tricks with her first..."


Hearing this, the gray brown bear roared up to the sky.

next moment.


The void rips.

Three terrifying claw marks formed instantly with the chopping of the grizzly bear's paw, and then as if tearing the cloth, the terrifying void cracks bombarded directly towards Aya.


Not to be outdone, Aya saw that the little loli let the gray brown bear attack her, and immediately fought back with antimatter light.

no way.

The anti-surveillance king's most powerful attack weapon is the anti-matter light of his palms. Although the mode is single, it is superior.

The so-called one-trick delicacy, eaten all over the world, is what we are talking about.

after all……

Not many characters can handle this.

In view of the fact that the gray brown bear's attack seems to have a space attribute, so Aiya did not dare to be careless, and specially increased the power a little this time.


The two forces collided directly.

The blue-white antimatter light, and the gray brown bear's invisible sharp claws that can tear the void, hit hard, and then exploded.

The dazzling light is generated and spread instantly.

at the same time.


Following the explosion of the light wave, there was a vague and crisp sound like broken glass coming from the void, followed by a sudden space turbulence, sweeping and wreaking havoc on the dust star.


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