The Storm God

Chapter 3527 Can't move! (Please subscribe!)

"Good guy!"

"Even the void was blown up, don't you want to be so exaggerated!"

"Who is that little demon?"


a certain space.

After receiving Aya's message, Bai Xiaofei, who saw the scene of the two sides fighting each other, was amazed in his heart, and was full of interest in these few people who just appeared.

Let's not talk about the blond flame man, a typical Dragon Ball Warrior style, he must be an outsider.


It is because of the influence of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, that he possesses this power.

However, the others are not easy to distinguish.

Just like little demons.


It can actually summon a giant bear out of thin air.

And the power of this giant bear is actually related to space. It's scary that even the anti-matter light of the anti-surveillance king can be hardened.

Although the other few people didn't show much ability, they should not be underestimated. After all, they belonged to the same team, so they couldn't be counselors.

Bai Xiaofei felt that these guys should be the product of the cooperation between Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, and Darkseid. Even if they were not outsiders, they must be related to Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord.

Because there is no such power in the local world.

Think here.

Bai Xiaofei suddenly felt more interesting.

Immediately replied to Aiya and said: "I have seen the situation, you don't need to worry about other things, as long as you have a good fight with these guys."


Aya was a little speechless.

What you said is easy, these guys are not easy.

Although I have controlled the body of the anti-surveillance king, I am not very proficient after all, and the power I can exert is only 50% at most.

Wouldn't it be embarrassing if it failed?


She also understands.

With Bai Xiaofei around, it is absolutely impossible for the other party to just sit back and watch him fail.

So he let go of the worries in his heart, no longer cared about the others around him, but concentrated on controlling the body of the anti-surveillance king, and continued to fight with the gray brown bear summoned by the little demon.

have to say.

This gray brown bear is really meaty.

Even the anti-surveillance king's ability can't do anything to the opponent for a while, and the strength of the two sides competes together, and it looks like they are evenly matched.


That's only temporary.

As time slowly passed, Aya's level of control became higher and higher, and she became more and more handy, and her combat power became higher and higher.

The gray and brown bears soon began to lose the wind.


For a brief moment.

It had several wounds on its body.

"Sure enough, I can't do it!"

At this time, seeing the gray brown bear lose, the blond flame man couldn't help but shook his head with a wry smile and said with a sigh.

beside him.

It is several other companions.

A few people were watching the play, and none of them intervened in the battle between Xiao Yao and Aya.


It's not that nothing was done.

The mechanical hunters who swarmed around were easily killed by them, which gave a lot of help to the demon-like army.


Let it go.

The demon-like army doesn't know how many people will die.

And elite-level demons like Demon-like Doom Day are all concentrated near the ground base, smashing the energy shield wildly.

All the mechanical hunters along the way were not their opponents. They were either destroyed on the spot or turned into toys.

The situation is simply one-sided.

In the army of mechanical hunters, the only one who can hold the scene is the anti-surveillance king controlled by Aya, but the advantage it occupies is not very obvious.

after all……

Except for Xiao Yao.

In the enemy's team, there are still six people who have not made a move.

If all seven of them go together, I'm afraid even Aya won't be able to withstand the siege of these masters!


These people did not rush up together.

Instead, Aya secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and then mustered all her strength to directly increase the power of the antimatter light, with a destructive momentum, completely blasting the gray brown bear summoned by the little demon into serious injuries.


The little demon was shocked.

And in her exclamation, the gray brown bear was shot in the chest, and a horrible blood hole was torn by the antimatter light, and it collapsed and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The little demon was completely defeated.

"I come!"

At this time, the man who was called the fifth child flew out, and he slapped lightly with a huge tail with the same skin color.

The light that bombarded the little demon was directly pulled aside.

"Fifth, go away!"

The little demon didn't appreciate it at all.

She stared into angry eyes, and said coldly: "She hurt Huihui, I want to avenge Huihui, don't stop me!"

"Little demon..."

Lao Wu smiled wryly and said, "Your ability is rather special, and it's not suitable for you to display it here for the time being, so let me help you vent your anger."

"That's what the boss meant too."



It doesn't matter how the little demon reacts.

The fifth child had already left in a flash, and then rushed directly in front of Aya as if teleporting, and launched a frenzied attack on her.

I saw that he blasted countless fists like lightning, forming a pink storm, wrapped in terrifying power, and bombarded heavily.

Aya is unflappable.

Although the anti-surveillance king's reaction speed is a bit slow, in order to overcome this weakness and protect himself, Aya has already opened the energy shield.


The fifth attack.

All hit the energy shield.

And it's the one with the highest level of protection. Countless fists bombarded it, and it just rippled out.

The anti-supervisor king's body was almost motionless.

at the same time.

Open right hand.


Antimatter light is released instantly.

But this time, it was no longer a simple beam of light, but turned into a small and innocent light dragon that seemed to be conscious, and rushed towards Lao Wu in pursuit.

after all.

The distance between the two sides is too close.

Only by adopting such a method can the opponent be effectively prevented from continuing to attack oneself. If it is still a beam of light, it will be easy for the opponent to dodge.

as expected.


Seeing the five light waves tracking and attacking him like an electric snake and thunder dragon with incomparable flexibility, Lao Wu was shocked.

Can you still play like this?


Resolutely dodge and evacuate to avoid being caught up by Guangbo.

While dodging, he also used the tentacle-like thing on his head to release waves of purple light waves.

After the five antimatter rays were hit by the purple light waves, they instantly became stagnant and slowed down, creating an excellent opportunity for the fifth child to escape calmly.

As for the other purple light wave blasting towards Aya...


When it touched the energy shield, it completely disappeared.

Although Aya hasn't changed much on the surface, in fact, the energy output of the anti-surveillance king has increased a lot in an instant.

Obviously, the purple light wave just obtained seems to contain some special powerful power, but after all, it still failed to break through the defense of the energy shield, at most it increased its energy consumption by a lot in an instant.

If it were someone else, I'm afraid it would be bad luck.


Seeing his purple light wave, even though it hit the anti-surveillance king's protective shield, the fifth child still had no effect. He couldn't help curling his lips, speechless: "I'm convinced of this defensive power, awesome!"


He withdrew from the battlefield.

Returned directly to several companions.

At this time, the little demon was glaring at the boss, that is, the blond flame man, as if to protest with his eyes.


The flame man completely ignored it.

Seeing that the fifth child came back, he felt a little strange: "Why don't you fight anymore?"

The fifth child shrugged his shoulders, curled his lips and said, "I can't beat it. That thing is harder than a tortoise's shell. You are the best at dealing with such characters."

The implication is that you should do it yourself.

This guy……

Except you.

None of us can do it.


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