The Storm God

Chapter 3528 Dallol! (Please subscribe!)

"What kind of power was that just now?"


the other side.

Bai Xiaofei also saw Lao Wu's move.

Although the speed of boxing and kicking is extremely fast, it is only on the surface. With Bai Xiaofei's eyesight, he can naturally see some of the mysteries and essence of it.

Especially the purple light waves released from the opponent's head.

This made Bai Xiaofei very strange.


Even if it is him.

I haven't fully understood the mystery.

Bai Xiaofei just relied on his experience and his Primordial Eyes to vaguely see that this light wave contained a strong magical aura.

But what kind of magic this thing is, it is not clear.

after all……

Magic is something special.

It has a wide range of categories, some are extremely powerful, and some are very tasteless.

Just like Scarlet Witch's Chaos Magic, which is so awesome that it can even distort and rewrite reality, while some can only be used to boil water and cook...

The polarization is too serious.

And this old fifth's purple light wave has a bit of chaotic magic meaning, no matter the form of expression or the degree of obscurity, it is quite radical.

That is to say, the opponent is the anti-surveillance king controlled by Aya, so he did not show enough power. Otherwise, if it is another opponent, he will be hanged and beaten.

Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but sigh with emotion, that guy Morpheus, the God of Dreams, is indeed the strongest god emperor under His Majesty, and his power is so strong that it really shouldn't be underestimated.

Continue to observe!


dust star.

All the mechanical hunters, under Aya's order, have all started to return to defense, and activated the strongest formation and defense.

Countless mechanical hunters seem to be individual parts, even symbols, finally combined together and drawn into a special super large formation.

And the only function of this large formation is defense!

The ultimate defense!

No matter how outsiders attack, they cannot break through the defense.

The demon-like army, the demon-like Destruction Day, and even the mothership of Apocalypse released a scarlet beam of light that could destroy the planet...

They can't even cause the slightest defense against this ultimate formation.

Because it's not just a simple defense, it even involves the ultimate application of rules and laws.

It's like power transfer.

No matter how strong your attack is, you will be directly transferred to other places, or even counterattacked the moment you bombard it.

How do you break?


Disard was quite speechless.

Seeing that he and the others had no other choice, they could only focus on the seven blond-haired and blue-eyed flame men.

That's their trump card.

It is the third team of the three ace teams given to them by the great Darkseid's ally, the Oneiroi Morpheus.

This moment.

Whether it is to break through the base defense of Dust Star, or to defeat the anti-surveillance king controlled by Aya, De Sadd can only rely on them.

And he believed that with the strength of the third team, there would be absolutely no problems.


The blond-haired and blue-eyed flame man seemed to have sensed the special nature of the ground base defense array, and frowned slightly.

Following the shift of eyes, it fell on Aya.

"It seems that the core of the problem lies in this female robot. If she is not resolved, other things will be quite troublesome!"

"In that case, then I will meet her!"


The voice did not fall.

He has already started to move his muscles.

As soon as the neck twisted, there was a burst of clicking sound, which was the crisp sound of bones, and it was also a proof of the excitement and excitement of this old man.


The other six people retreated a long distance very wisely.

Because they know very well that if the boss gets serious, he will never restrain and control his own strength.

Come however you want.

When fighting in other worlds of time and space, because of this, the stars were often smashed, and everyone was wandering in the universe.


Seeing that the boss was excited to do it.

The rest of them knew what to do, and the farther away the better, otherwise, if they were implicated innocently by the aftermath of the battle, they would be the ones who would be unlucky.


This point, the demon army does not know.

They just stayed where they were, either watching the battle or continuing to attack the ultimate defense. Their loyalty made people feel distressed.

at the same time.


Bai Xiaofei also quickly contacted Aiya.

"Mr. Bai..."

Aya was overjoyed.

Xin said, Boss, Boss, you can be regarded as taking the initiative to contact me.

She could feel that this blond man with strange flames burning all over his body was absolutely extraordinary.


The other party only moved a little bit.

All of her test data suddenly became confused, as if she had been infected by a virus, and all the good data turned into garbled characters.

Estimates of the enemy's combat effectiveness and danger are all meaningless, all kinds of? ? ? fills the screen.

All this shows that the blond man is definitely a terrifying and dangerous guy, even if he is now, he may not be able to deal with it.


Bai Xiaofei's contact came.

"Aya, this guy's fighting power is very extraordinary. With your current level, I'm afraid it's hard to handle, so I'm going to give you something..."

Someone said so.

follow closely.

Aiya, who was in a daze, received some special permissions from Bai Xiaofei—part of the operating permissions of the Hongmeng Dark System.

"This is……"

Aya was shocked.

This was her first contact with the dark system, so she was extremely amazed and curious.

That miraculous setting, as well as the terrifying ability of being almost omnipotent, immediately made Aya full of strong self-confidence.

And just as she was quickly familiarizing with and mastering these abilities, the blond and blue-eyed flame man slowly came to Aya.

"Introduce yourself, my name is Dallol!"

"Super Saiyan..."


Bai Xiaofei remained silent.

This guy is really an outsider, and he is still a pure-blooded Saiyan, but he doesn't know what stage he has grown up to now?

Super 3?

Or stronger?

Which universe does he come from, will he become Super 4?

Or something like super blue?

Really been waiting!

At this moment, Bai Xiaofei was very excited.

According to the division and comparison of the combat power of the space-time shuttle, the combat power of super 3 Saiyans is about 100 billion.

Compared with the division of strength and realm in the reincarnation space, it is probably at the level of a god.

further up...

It is the God Emperor.

And more than a hundred billion, it is naturally a trillion.

That is, sign.

This Dallol normal state is almost the same as Super 3. If it can be improved upwards, it is estimated that even if it is broken, it is almost the same.

after all.

God Emperor is not so easy to break through.

Moreover, the training system of Dragon Ball Warriors has serious drawbacks. Although the combat effectiveness is amazing, it is not satisfactory in other aspects.

Bai Xiaofei believed that Dallol was no exception.

That is.

The opponent may be very powerful in combat, but in other aspects, it may be inferior, and such an existence, even if it can be compared with the god emperor, is definitely not as good as the orthodox god emperor.

Not to mention breaking through to the god emperor.

And this level of strength, against the anti-surveillance king, is basically the same, after all, Aiya replaced it.

The heat is too bad.


This version of the anti-surveillance king has too much moisture.

According to Bai Xiaofei's estimate, it is at most about the level of the first level of the God Emperor Realm. After being taken away by Aya, it is almost the same as the level of the God Emperor.


If part of the operating authority of the Hongmeng Dark System can be perfectly integrated, the strength that Aya can display can still be improved a little bit.

And Bai Xiaofei's estimated upper limit is around the high level of the god emperor. Although it is still a bit dangerous to play against Dallol, there should be no problem in a short time.

The premise is that the other party can really improve further in the current state.

In short.

Both sides are equally divided.

Bai Xiaofei was looking forward to it, what would be the outcome of the battle between the two sides?


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