The Storm God

Chapter 3529 Common problem! (Please subscribe!)

Dallol is very skilled.

While introducing himself, he didn't attack first, but stood there very gentlemanly, waiting for Aya's reply.


He was doomed to be disappointed.

First of all, Aya didn't understand that at all, and besides, she didn't have that skill at all.

This moment.

She is trying her best to learn and master some of the authority taught by Bai Xiaofei, and as her comprehension continues to deepen, her own strength and background are also constantly increasing.

It seems to be sinking.

More and more, even if it is a mechanical body, it can also give people an indescribable sense of oppression.


Dallol is strong.

Although the training system of Dragon Ball Warrior has many flaws, it feels extremely sensitive. Otherwise, how would it deal with the unparalleled speed of attack?

And at this moment.

He felt the pressure from Aya.

It was as if he had completely changed himself. That special temperament made Dallol gradually become dignified from being relaxed at the beginning.

Although I don't know what Aya experienced at this moment, one thing Dallol can be sure of is that Aya has become stronger.


He put away his arrogance.

Staring at Aya solemnly and earnestly, his aura slowly began to release, and besides the billowing flames, blue and white lightning began to flash.

That is not ordinary lightning, but a special lightning power that contains the ultimate destructive aura and law power.

And with the appearance of this lightning, Dallol's aura of strength increased a lot in an instant, and at the same time, his personal physical signs also changed significantly.

The most conspicuous of these is his hair.


Dallol's hair is a handsome short and medium hair. Because of the explosion and the rising flames, it all shoots up into the sky, which looks very cool.

And now...

His blond hair directly turned into a special shape that was almost as long as his height, and the overall shape was blocky.

Not only that.

Dallol's face has also seen some changes.

Just like his brows, all the brows disappeared, replaced by the protruding brow bone, giving people a very fierce look.

in short.

It's almost the perfect presentation of Super Saiyan 3.

However, slightly different from Dragon Ball Super Saiyan 3, Dallol's eyes turned out to be red...

Bai Xiaofei guessed that it might be due to his personal physique.

after all.

Anime is anime.

Real people are real people, not all of them are the same.

Moreover, the oppressive feeling of this Dallol's strength after his transformation is far stronger than that in the anime. The most obvious feature is that the pressure formed by his aura alone has already made the dust stars under his feet It's about to be destroyed at any moment.


This may still be a result that Dallol can suppress.

After all, there is a secret base on the dust star, maybe there is some special treasure in it, if the dust star is crushed all of a sudden, then the trouble will be himself.

Moreover is.

Aya is not a decoration either.

With Dallol's transformation and power release, of course she will not stand by and be distracted. While studying hard, she stimulates power and releases a special space barrier, which perfectly The coercion of Dallol's power was isolated from the outside.

Otherwise, no matter how restrained Dallol is, the countless mechanical hunters on Dust Star may have to suffer huge casualties.

As the boss, Aya will naturally not sit idly by.


When Dallol saw this, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he said with a smile: "You can block my aura so easily, it seems that you have hidden your strength before!"

"Without further ado!"

Aya didn't bother to talk to him.

While coldly replying, the strength in both hands was released instantly.


Mirror space now.

With the Hongmeng Dark System as the driving center and the anti-surveillance king's energy as the driving force, the special space magic constructed by Aya took shape at this moment.


Dallol was directly enveloped in it.

He even planned to get Xiao Yao and the other six people in together, but it's a pity that the other six people reacted very quickly.

Immediately jumped away.

"It's so fierce!"

A big-breasted woman full of mature charm twitched the corners of her mouth and said, "This little girl is quite ambitious, she actually wants to catch us all..."

"It's ridiculous!"


Her eyes were full of disdain.

However, before she finished speaking, these people were surprised to find that the Apocalypse mothership spaceship group that was still in the sky just now had all disappeared.

"Damn it!"

The fifth child reacted the fastest.

Seeing this, her complexion changed drastically, and she said angrily, "Her target just now was not us, but De Sadd and the others. We have been tricked!"

Everyone: "..."


at the same time.

In the mirror space made by Aya.


Dallol, who was brought in, didn't panic at all. In fact, with his strength and speed, if he really wanted to escape, it wouldn't be difficult.

He just wanted to experience how powerful Aya's method was, so he deliberately didn't dodge it.

after all……

Dragon Ball Fighters have one of the deadliest common problems.

I like to challenge the strong!


For this purpose, many things that ordinary people can't imagine can be done.

Just like the protagonist Gou Kong in Dragon Ball!

Although Dallol is not a dog, he obviously has some dog temperament. When he sees a strong opponent, he can't help but want to have a good time.

Otherwise you will feel uncomfortable.


One thing he forgot, it's not a contest, but a war!

Aya is not an ordinary person, but an artificial intelligence.

Reason is definitely greater than emotion!


Disard was struggling.

They were standing far away, preparing to watch a good show, but they were suddenly involved by Aya inexplicably.

Not only that.

Aya also controlled the power in the mirrored space, directly turning De Sadd and others into mechanical hunters, and launched an attack on Dallol.

Of course……

All this is an illusion.

Whether it is Dallol or De Sadd, at this moment, under the operation and influence of Aya's mirror space, each other is an enemy.

If you don't fight, the opponent will fight.

In short.

I can't help you!

De Sadd didn't realize that he had been tricked.

Dallol didn't either.


in his mind.

Mechanical hunters are just a bunch of rubbish, they don't pay attention at all.

At this moment, seeing a large number of mechanical hunters attacking him one after another, Dallol immediately felt offended.


Didn't think much about anything else.

Dallol waved his hand almost subconsciously.

Immediately afterwards, a dazzling golden light wave shot out from his palm in an instant, and then quickly decomposed into countless tiny rays of light, shooting at the "Mechanical Hunter" who attacked him respectively.

"Boom boom boom!"

In just an instant, a large number of "Mechanical Hunters" were wiped out by Dallol's light, and only a small part survived.

It was the mothership that De Sadd was on.

Of course, this is not because he is lucky, but because the defense of the mothership is stronger than others.

The light that Dallol casually shoots, after splitting, has good attack power, but it is not enough to destroy the mothership's defense.

It's just that it has been subjected to huge bumps and shocks.


"It's a bit of a skill to be able to withstand my anger!"

"Then try this!"


Dallol was excited.

Then he immediately tapped his index finger, and a dazzling light wave that was more radiant than before, with stronger energy breath and more terrifying attack speed, shot out from his finger in an instant, like a laser beam, and blasted towards the opponent in a straight line.

Target until De Sadd's mothership.


In Dallol's sight.

That is not the mothership of Apocalypse, but a super-large mechanical combination formed by Aya controlling a large number of mechanical hunters.

In the eyes of De Sadd and others, this laser-like attack directly became the antimatter light released by Aya.


Without any hesitation.

De Sadd immediately ordered his subordinates to activate the most powerful Star Destroyer cannon on the spaceship.



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