The Storm God

Chapter 3530 The stars move! (Please subscribe!)

Outside the mirror space.


"You, what did you do just now, what did you do to Disard and the others?"

"Tell me quickly!"


The other six panicked.

You know, although De Sadd is nothing, he is also Darkseid's capable man, and the other party is indeed his boss's collaborator.

Don't look at the monk's face to see the Buddha's face.

If something dangerous happened to De Sadd, then they are very responsible, why don't you tell them not to be surprised?

Among the six, Huo Niu, who had the hottest temper, was about to attack directly.

Fortunately, Lao Wu stopped him.


They started asking questions.

Aiya looked at the six people, sneered, and said lightly: "Forget it, since you want to know so much, then I'll tell you the truth."


"I didn't do anything to them. I didn't even hurt a hair. I just brought them into the same space as your boss."

"At the same time, an illusion was imposed on them..."


That's all for now.

And those six people were not idiots.

Hearing this, all of them immediately widened their eyes, full of horror, because they had already fully understood.

Aya wants the boss and De Sadd to kill each other!

Damn it!

Is this woman a devil?

She actually...


The six were stunned.

After reacting, without further ado, do it directly.

The little demon, the fifth child, and the guy with a big voice, the three of them directly attacked Aya together. The gray brown bear and the purple light, as if the icy air from the abyss of death, the trinity, all attacked Aya.

at the same time.

The other three people, mainly the mature and charming woman, flew towards the vicinity of the mirror image space, and tried to blast away the mirror image space.


Mirror spaces, however, are incredibly strong.

The strength of the three of them hit the top, like waves hitting the cliffs, there was no wave or movement at all.

And the other side.

However, Aiya didn't go head-to-head with Xiao Yao and the three of them at all. Seeing the three of them teaming up to deal with him, she directly chose to dodge.

He also asked sideways: "Why are you in such a hurry? You don't want to know who is stronger between them?"


"You damn intelligent life, I want to tear you apart right now!"

"Die to me!"


The fifth child broke out.

Terrible power, like a torrent, erupted from his body, forming a huge terrifying air pressure, which directly approached Dallol just now.

follow closely……

On his head, that tentacles-like thing released a huge purple beam of light with a diameter of more than ten meters, like a dragon, attacking Aya with infinite anger and killing intent.

at the same time.

The gray brown bear summoned by the little demon waved his hands together, tearing apart the void cracks, forming a cross blockade area, blocking Aya's two escape routes.

And the man with a loud tone released a terrifying ripple power that was almost visible to the naked eye from his mouth, and it exploded, bombarding Aya's other side.

The three of them, the trinity, can be said to have blocked Aya to death, and there is no retreat at all.

And this time.

Aya actually didn't want to hide at all.

What she had been waiting for was this moment. Seeing the attacks of the three of them, all of them used their true skills, and they did not neglect. As soon as their expressions changed, they immediately used a move with both hands!

The anti-supervisor king's palms immediately released two strange rays of light, which showed two colors, one black and one white.

After the two light forces were released, they did not shoot at any of the three little demons, but intertwined with each other, forming a Tai Chi Yin Yang fish.

And with the rapid rotation of this weird Tai Chi Yin-Yang fish, a very special force of law instantly enveloped and wrapped the bodies of Aya and the anti-supervisor king.

Just at this time.

The power of the three little demons all swept forward.


There are no exceptions.

The three forces hit the Tai Chi Yin Yang fish almost at the same time.

But what is extremely strange is that the expected big explosion did not appear. On the contrary, the three attacking forces, as well as the Tai Chi Yin-Yang fish, a total of five forces, miraculously merged together.


This scene stunned everyone.

But at this moment.


The fused power suddenly exploded.

follow closely……

call out!

Three familiar forces.

In an instant, with a faster speed and momentum than when attacking, they attacked the three little demons respectively.

The intersecting void cracks, as well as the gray brown bear's claw machine, attacked the man with a loud tone. And the ripple power of the big man with a bad tone blasted towards the bewildered fifth child.

The fifth purple light wave, the target of the attack, besides the gray brown bear, is there any other convenient little demon...

"I rely on it!"

See this scene.

The fifth child couldn't help swearing immediately, and then quickly reminded everyone: "Damn artificial intelligence, it knows how to use the same way to do it to others, everyone, run away!"

In fact.

The other two were not slow to respond.

Even if they don't have the size of the fifth child, the little demon and the man with a big voice will move away quickly, because they know better than anyone else that the power attacking them happens to be the type to restrain themselves.

That is.

The three forces that Aya transferred by using the Dou Zhuan Xing Yi were not released casually, but were completely targeted.

If this move hits, the three of them will be seriously injured even if they don't die.

after all……

That was no longer a mere attack by the three of them.

While these three highly targeted forces were transferred back, Aya also added some materials to them, making them even more powerful and terrifying.

But alas.

The three of them are not easy people.

After the initial panic and shock, they quickly gathered together again, and then shot out one after another, using their own strength to block their own attacks.

Although it suffered a bit of a loss, it finally resolved the crisis perfectly.

And after such a fuss, the three of them looked at Aya with a look of awe and apprehension, even a deep look of fear.


All three of them are very clear.

This Aiya is really quite terrifying. With just a few of them alone, I am afraid they are not the opponents of the opponent. The scene just now is the best proof.

If the other party took the opportunity to launch a fatal attack at that time, the three of them would have suffered, but for some reason, the other party did not do so.

This makes the three of them very strange.

As everyone knows.

Aya didn't want to.

Rather, she couldn't, because that was already her current limit.

After all, just now she was in a state of dual-purpose, learning and mastering part of the operating authority of the Hongmeng Dark System, and using what she learned now, to use new tricks to deal with the three of them, which is already quite good.

For other novices, I'm afraid they can't do this.

do not forget.

Dallol and De Sadd et al.

They were also brought into the mirror space by Aya, and controlled by illusion. Strictly speaking, it should be three-purpose...

If she wants to take the three of them away in one wave, maybe she can in the future, but Aya is a little powerless now, this is almost her limit.

after all……

People are not vegetarians either.

When it really came to the moment of life crisis, maybe some terrible power would erupt, so Aya naturally wouldn't rush forward.

To know.

Her main task now is to test the strength level of the Apocalypse camp, rather than to eliminate and massacre.


It is best to kill.

You can't kill it, and you don't force it. There will be opportunities in the future.

There is no rush for this moment.


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