The Storm God

Chapter 3531 Retreat in embarrassment! (Please subscribe!)

Damn it!

The mature woman cursed secretly in her heart.

This mirrored space is really too strong, the three of them almost exerted all their strength, but they still couldn't do anything.

what to do?

There was nothing they could do.


He could only look at Aya.

On the other side, Aya controlled the body of the anti-surveillance king, suspended in space, awe-inspiring, cold and domineering.

Xiao Yao and Lao Wu are also not her opponents.

The two sides formed a stalemate.


This situation did not last long.

Just when the six people got together and prepared to join forces to deal with Aya, the mirrored space that seemed like a distorted mirror suddenly exploded.


"Wow, wow..."


Countless mirrored space fragments, like shards of glass, scattered and shattered, engulfed in an extremely powerful and terrifying force, swallowing everything around them.


Whether it is the six people or Aya, they are not ordinary people.

These small situations can't do anything to them at all, and they are easily avoided or resolved by both sides.

"Can't you really trap him?"

Aya's face was as expected, and there was a bit of a sigh in her eyes, probably because the follow-up of the script did not proceed according to the trajectory she set.

But the six little demons were pleasantly surprised.


However, this surprise soon turned into shock and horror, because they saw dead bodies all around Dallol!

You don't need to guess, you know, it must be De Sadd and other Apocalypse generals.

And the mothership is completely gone.

Some are just wreckage!


All this is done by the boss.

Everyone could even clearly see that Dallol's arm was still stained with De Sadd's blood, and the latter had already turned into a cold corpse.

There was a bloody hole in the chest.

That's right!

That's what Dallol did.

When De Sadd was hit and was about to die, the illusion suddenly disappeared.


Both sides see everything clearly.

De Sadd was so shocked that he couldn't bear it on the spot, and hung up directly, looking as if he was dying.

Dallol, on the other hand, exploded completely.

The incomparably violent power even directly exploded the mirror space.

This moment.

Dallol already knew he had caused a catastrophe.

After the mirror space exploded, he didn't think about anything else. Right now, he only had one thought, to kill Aya and wash away his grievances.


What face is there to go back empty-handed to meet Morpheus and Darkseid, the God of Dreams?

"Go to hell!"


Dallol was furious.

He regretted that he underestimated and underestimated the other party, which led to the current tragedy. So don't keep your hands now, just make a move with all your strength.

The whole person is like a cannonball, so fast that it is incomparable, and rushed directly towards Aiya.

The billowing flames, as well as the air of lightning, represent Dallol's endless anger and violent power, which is unstoppable and invincible.


Aya was not given for nothing.

Seeing Dallol running away, he looked like he wanted to tear himself apart, smiled coldly, and said, "Are you so sure that everything you see now is not an illusion?"

As soon as the words came out.

Dallol's attack momentum is obviously stagnant.

Obviously it was Aya's words, which directly touched Dallol's weakness. Recalling that he was recruited just now, he actually killed the leading general on his side...

Dallo hesitated for a moment.

He stopped attacking, then stared blankly at Aya and the six little demons around him, as if to confirm whether all this was an illusion or not.


At this time, Xiao Yao flew over and asked concerned: "Are you okay?"


Dallore said nothing.

He looked at the little demon who was approaching him with some doubts in his eyes.

He said in a deep voice: "Put out your ash, I want to see if it is real, or don't blame me for being rude!"


The little demon's face suddenly darkened.

However, Hui Hui was summoned very cooperatively, and in front of Dallol, he used the Void Claw to prove his innocence.


Dallol was silent.

But he admitted in his heart that he was fooled again, this little demon is real.

The other few people, although they didn't act to prove themselves, there is a high probability that they are not fake, after all, Xiao Yao was with them just now.

And all this.

It is very likely that it is Aya's trick.

The purpose is to make myself unable to attack with all my strength, and have scruples in my heart, otherwise, it is possible to hurt my own people like just now.

So far.

Dallo was annoyed at the moment.

But helpless.

at last……

He could only look at Aya, gritted his teeth and said, "Despicable! Do you only use such despicable methods?"


Aya didn't care at all.

He sneered and said, "It doesn't matter if you're despicable or not, as long as it works, after all, I'm outnumbered now..."

Dallo was speechless for a moment.

to be honest.

He really wanted to rush over and cut Aya into pieces to vent his hatred, but Dallol also knew that it was just an illusion.

The Aya in front of her is very strange.

Not only killed the anti-supervision king, but also became a new generation of anti-supervision king, his own ability is also extremely strange.

He and De Sadd fell under the illusion of the other without knowing it, and then killed each other. If we act rashly, the consequences will be unimaginable!

Although it is a bit embarrassing, the best way at this moment is to retreat!


I wait for others to cast a mouse.

No one dared to use all their strength, but the other party had no scruples. Even if they were outnumbered, they would definitely suffer.

Think here.

Dallo no longer hesitated.

He frowned slightly at Xiao Yao and the others, and then ordered: "Everyone obeys orders, don't love to fight, all retreat!"



Regardless of everyone's reaction, Dallol himself flew away like a cannonball, driving the golden regiment.

Xiao Yao and the others saw this, although they were a little puzzled, they did not neglect.

The boss is gone, so naturally they won't stay.

Then they left one after another.

To this.

Aya didn't stop.

He just silently watched Dallol and the others leave.

after all……

She is not in complete condition now.

With outnumbered enemies, it is almost impossible to keep the opponent. Rather than wasting that energy, let it go.

Anyway, her goal has been achieved.

that's all.

Almost all of the large number of troops sent by Apocalypse were wiped out.

Only the ace team headed by Dallol survived, and the remaining people, whether it was the demon-like destruction day or ordinary demon-like people, were left forever.


A large part of them were killed by Dallol himself.

Including Disard.

It can be said.

They came in a mighty way and left in a hurry.

Extremely embarrassed.

in the field.

And most of the diabolical survivors.

However, they were all rootless duckweeds. As the mechanical hunters changed more and more, the golden ocean almost submerged the black demons.


The catastrophe will eventually subside.

All the demon warriors were slaughtered to death.

And the casualties of the mechanical hunters were also very serious. The million-strong army actually consumed nearly 40% of it!

This is still the case of Aya taking action herself.


I'm afraid it will be even worse.

Seeing this data, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but frowned slightly, and said in his heart: "It seems that the mechanical hunter is still not good enough, the overall level is too low, it may be no problem to deal with ordinary people, but it can be used to deal with elite troops..."

"For example, something like Demon-like Destruction Day is not enough."

"It's even more free for those like Dallol!"


"The body of the anti-surveillance king is still very powerful. If you can transfer and reproduce its manufacturing technology to the mechanical hunter, or even the sentry hunter..."

"That would be awesome!"


Bai Xiaofei is not an inkblot person.

Do whatever comes to mind.

Taking advantage of the fact that all the people on Apocalypse had left, and that Dust Star had returned to calm, Aiya came to the scene in person when she was learning and mastering some authority capabilities of the Hongmeng Dark System, and began to study the anti-surveillance king's body technology.


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