The Storm God

Chapter 3532 Looking for the orange light! (Please subscribe!)

at the same time.

The other half of the universe starry sky.

Hal and Kilowog, together with another Blue Lantern, started their own voyage in the spaceship.

this time.

Their goal is the legendary orange light.

By chance, Hal heard about the legend of the orange light. It is rumored that the power of this colored light is extremely powerful.


He moved his mind.

Thinking, maybe I can use the power of the orange light to deal with those mechanical hunters, no matter how bad it is, it is much stronger than myself now.

To this.

Kilowog did not object either.

After all, this is the only thing they can do at the moment. The OA star side doesn't care about them at all, and it's useless to ask.


The newly joined Blue Lantern has a different view on this.

Thanos with a lobster head suggested: "The energy center of the mechanical hunter should use the power of the green light?"


"In this case, why don't we collect some topaz and use it as a weapon to restrain the mechanical hunter?"


hear this.

Hal and Kilowog's eyes brightened immediately: "That's right, there were a lot of citrines on the planet before, if you get all those citrines here, even if you can't suppress all the mechanical hunters, At least it can create a restricted area!"

The two couldn't help but patted themselves on the head, secretly blaming such a good idea, why didn't they think of it?

Saros laughed and said, "I think you must be ignoring these details because you are too concerned about Aya's safety..."


Hal smiled wryly and shook his head.

Now is not the time to say, they did not hesitate.

Immediately drove the spaceship, went to the planet full of topaz, and asked the local jellyfish creatures to help collect most of the topaz to the spaceship.

It wasn't until the spaceship couldn't hold it anymore that he left and continued his mission.

The three of them drove the spaceship and sailed in the universe, looking for the location of the orange light, while searching for the trace of Krona (the guardian of the scar face).

But unfortunately...

Several days passed.

They still found nothing, until the spacecraft passed the 2828 sector, the Okaro star of the Vega galaxy, the spacecraft detected the special emotional spectrum power.

"Finally there is movement!"

Kilowog wasn't excited at the time.

Rubbing his fists, he looked as if he wanted to rush out and do a big job right away.

Hal also smiled, then excitedly controlled the spaceship to land towards the coordinates of the energy signal detected on Okaro.

It was a barren hill.

On the mountainside, there is a hidden cave.

When the three of Hal flew here, they could find corpses almost everywhere around them without much observation.

It is conceivable that there must be a lot of people who have visited here, but there are not many who can leave safely.

"Are these all here to find the orange lights?"


Hal shrugged his shoulders and joked, "You can't come here for tourism, right? This is not a good scenic spot..."

"makes sense!"

Kilowog strongly agrees.

Afterwards, he used the green light ring to summon a square hammer weapon that he was best at, and smashed open the stone door of the cave with one hammer.

Then Chong and the two warned: "There may be some danger inside, everyone be careful, don't underestimate the enemy!"


Hal nodded.

At the same time, he also entered a state of combat readiness.

And Hal's weapon is relatively peaceful, not the tip of a knife, nor a gun, but a baseball bat...

The blue lantern ring of the lobster star Saras has no shaping ability, and the combat power is not strong, so it is mainly responsible for supporting and increasing the combat power of the two.

Under the buff blessing of the blue light ring, the power of the green light of Hal and Kilowog became much stronger in an instant, and the whole person seemed to be bathed in a layer of green flames, without knowing it.

In this state, lighting can be omitted.

And it is worth mentioning that.

There is no danger in the cave, except that it is relatively humid, dark, and the winding path is a little secluded. Anyway, the three of Hal have not encountered any danger along the way.

No matter what they think, or a trap or something.

Not at all!


walked for a while.

Hal couldn't help but feel very strange, wondering: "It's not quite right, it's too quiet here, isn't it?"


Kilowog nodded and said, "If there were not so many corpses outside, I would have thought I had come to the wrong place. Look..."


He pointed to several corpses not far ahead.

Then he continued: "Along the way, there are many more corpses than those outside, but they have never encountered any danger. It doesn't make sense!"


Saros remained silent.

Along the way, he was very careful and cautious.


He also felt very strange.

But in the end what is wrong, but can't tell.

that's all.

The three continued to dig deeper.


Walked for a while.

The three of Hal finally reached the deepest part of the cave.

As far as the eye can see, there is a small pyramid inside the cave, and on the top of the pyramid, there are a lot of treasures piled up.

Among these rare treasures, the most obvious is a big golden treasure chest.

According to the detection and scanning of the rings of the three people, that special emotional spectrum power came from the big treasure chest.

"Could it be that the legendary orange light ring is in the treasure chest?"

Hal was overjoyed when he saw this.


The three of them didn't leave either.

Directly switched to flying, and flew directly to the top of the pyramid.

And just when Hal stretched out his hand to open the treasure chest, a huge and ferocious ghost-like monster suddenly appeared from under the top of the pyramid, and then opened its hideous mouth, facing the three of Hal. One bite.


Kilowog has long been prepared.

Seeing this, he exclaimed to remind Hal, and at the same time, he immediately took the energy hammer and smashed it directly.


The huge monster was thrown flying by Kilowog on the spot.

However, the crisis did not end because of the monster that appeared on the scene, not just one, but several!


Kilowog smashed his head.

But the other monsters attacked Hal and Saros.

One of them even spewed out a strange orange mist from its mouth, instantly covering the surrounding environment.

It was so foggy that it was almost impossible to see.

Hal not only neglected, but with a thought, the power of the green light immediately condensed a blower, ready to blow away the surrounding fog.


The blower is just taking shape.

It was directly crushed by the orange monster's foot, and at the same time, another one, waving its sharp claws, grabbed Hal angrily.


Hal is unflappable.

With one mind and two purposes, while dodging the attack, at the same time condense a square shield to resist the attack of the third monster.

at last……

Hal and Saros stood back to back, and around them were five orange monsters of different styles.

As for Kilowog?


He was already drawn away.

He ran to the side alone, and fought with several other monsters. It was such a joy, that he had no time to take care of Hal.


Hal glanced around quickly.

He found that these monsters seemed to come from the same source, just like the various things summoned by the green light ring, they were not real entities.

There was an idea and a plan in my mind.

follow closely……

He said to the Lobster Stars: "I will deal with them later, you take this opportunity to open the treasure chest and see if there is an orange light ring inside..."


Saros nodded in response.

There is no way, as an auxiliary person, at this moment, he can only do this, after all, he is not a fighting type.


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