The Storm God

Chapter 3533 It's all mine! (Please subscribe!)


Hal made a move.

With a thought, the power of the green light immediately turned into a Gatling machine gun, shooting wildly at the surrounding monsters.

The ferocious attack immediately attracted the attention of these orange monsters.

Sa Ruos, on the other hand, took the opportunity to run away quickly.

He ran to the treasure chest.


Blu-ray release.

Simply and rudely broke the key of the treasure chest and opened it immediately.


In an instant, it was full of light.

But he saw a bright orange light blooming directly from the treasure chest, almost blinding Saras' eyes.

at the same time.

A large number of orange light rings appeared directly in front of them.

And in the middle of these rings is an orange lantern, and most of the bright orange light is released from the lantern.

"found it!"

Saros was overjoyed immediately.

With such a strong emotional power, you can be sure without guessing, this is definitely the orange light they are looking for.


What happened to the ring in this treasure chest? Who hid them? Could it be those monsters?

It doesn't look like it!

In short.

Saros thought a lot at this moment.

However, the doubts in my heart were finally washed away by joy and excitement. Even Saros subconsciously picked up an orange light ring...


the other side.

Kilowog showed his might.

The few monsters that had been easily dealt with had completely hammered the opponent into scum.

And Hal, relying on flexible means of manifestation, bundled and suppressed several monsters, making the other party no longer a threat.


The two came to the treasure chest.

Looking at the box of orange light rings and the large orange light lantern, I was really happy in my heart, and said to myself, "This time it's finally not in vain..."


Just when the two were about to go forward to say something to Saruos, a strange figure suddenly jumped out from the side.


The target of the strange figure is Saros.

Moreover, the opponent's speed was so fast that Hal and Kilowog had no time to stop them, so they could only remind Saros.


This reminder seems redundant.

Just when the strange figure was about to hit Saros, Hal and Kilowog saw a bright orange light, which suddenly shot out from Saros' hands, striking the assailant with incomparable precision .

The attacker flew out immediately.


A small hole was smashed out of the mountain wall, stirring up billows of smoke and dust.

Hal conjured up a weapon and concentrated on his defenses.

The same goes for Kilowog.

Only Saros.


His expression was a little weird.

Although it was almost the same as usual, there was no difference, but there was a faint smirk at the corner of his mouth.

And at the same time.

An orange light ring was worn on the middle finger of his right hand at some unknown time, and his blue light ring was still on the index finger next to the middle finger.

That is.

Now Saruos wears two different colored lantern rings by himself.


At this moment, both Hal and Kilowog were attracted by the strange figure who attacked Saros just now, and no one noticed the abnormality of Saros.


When the two were on alert.

Saruos was still very greedy, and took out a lot of orange light rings from the treasure chest, and put them on his hands.

I have to mention here that Saruos is a lobster star. The most typical feature, apart from the lobster-like head, is the eight pairs of arms!


Saros has a total of eight pairs of arms and sixteen arms.

The largest pair of arms are in the shape of typical large pincers. The other fourteen arms are no different from ordinary people, except that there are a little less fingers, and all of them look like two.

As a result, he now put orange light rings on all these arms.

at the same time.

A powerful and strange force immediately filled Saruos' whole body, making his appearance of the Blue Lantern Hero instantly change.

Orange and blue, even more subtle!


"That's mine, it's all mine, none of you are allowed to touch my things!"

"Otherwise they will all die!"



The smoke dissipated.

In the potholes on the mountain wall, the true face of the assailant was finally revealed.

It turned out to be an alien with a lizard-like head, full of stench, surrounded by flies, with a hideous face and a hoarse grin.

At first glance, he doesn't look like a good person.


After the alien broke free from the pit, he immediately roared at Saros, and with a movement of his body, he charged again.


Hal and Kilowog are not to be outdone.

Seeing that the opponent was stubborn and had a very bad attitude, and wanted to continue to attack, so he was not polite to him, and immediately launched a counterattack.

Kilowog is in charge of the staff.

The power of the green light turned into a dual-running machine gun, outputting firepower.

Hal is in charge of assistance, all kinds of fancy tools, changeable, and then uses tricky angles to prevent the opponent from approaching.

Although the alien was quick in action, his strength was not very strong.

Coupled with one against two, it is naturally difficult to parry.


After suffering a bit, he finally glared at the three of Hal angrily, turned around and left in despair.

Hal and Kilowog breathed a sigh of relief.

Turning around to look at Saruos, he was surprised to find that Saruos has completely changed his appearance at this moment, and there are still orange light rings on a dozen hands.


Hal and the two were stunned.

Although they don't know why Saruos became like this, their intuition tells themselves that the current Saruos seems a little abnormal...


How it is abnormal, but I can't tell.

"What's wrong?"

Saros said with a smile.

The expression was indifferent, as if it was no different from the original one.

Seeing this, Hal and Kilowog looked at each other, feeling that they might have thought too much, and shook their heads, expressing that it was nothing.

Kilowog laughed and said, "Since the orange light ring has been found, we should leave too, so as not to have long nights and dreams!"


Saros nodded.

Just like that, the three turned around and flew out of the cave.

They didn't move the rare treasures in the cave, they just took away the lantern of the orange lantern and a dozen or so orange lantern rings from Saros' hands.

What they didn't know was that the alien who escaped before had been hiding in the dark, staring at Hal and the others with resentful eyes, and kept muttering, "That's my lantern and ring." , you don't want to take them away..."


While Hal and others were not paying attention.

This alien also lurks inside the spaceship.

Hal got the three orange light rings and left in a hurry without thinking about anything else. After entering the spaceship, he started to leave.

Little did they know that there was an extra person in the spaceship.


The spaceship lifts off.

successfully entered space.

After setting the spaceship to autopilot, Hal and Kilowog came to Saros, who looked a little obsessed and kept holding on to the orange light.

Hal said strangely: "Saros, we are safe now, there is no need to hold on to it like this, let's put it down."


Kilowog also said: "We have time now, so we can study it carefully. What kind of power does this thing have..."


Just don't wait for him to finish talking.

Saros suddenly changed his face, stared at Kilowog and Hal with a very ferocious and vigilant expression, and said angrily: "You don't want to take it away from me, it belongs to me alone !"

"You all get out of here!"



He even launched an attack on the two of them.

Moreover, the power of Saruos now is not what it used to be. Under the blessing of the power of the orange light, the power of the blue lantern of Saruos has the ability to shape, and it turned into a big hammer at that time , and knocked Hal and Kilowog, who were caught off guard, out of the cockpit of the spaceship.


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