The Storm God

Chapter 3534 The power of greed! (Please subscribe!)


The windshield of the spaceship was shattered everywhere.

Hal and Kilowog were even more like cannonballs, they were blasted out and crashed into nowhere.

The force of this blow was too fierce.

The two were stunned. After waiting for a long time, they finally came back to their senses. Hal and Kilowog, who had stopped, had just met their heads when they found that the spaceship was gone.


The two men looked at each other bitterly.

Then, Hal smiled wryly: "I think Saruos must have been bewitched by the power of the orange lantern, and his attire has changed directly..."


Kilowog nodded in agreement.

Then he frowned and looked at Hal, and said depressedly: "Those are not important now, the important thing is how can we restore him to normal..."

this moment.

The two couldn't help but think of the countless corpses on the planet Nake.

If we say before, they didn't understand the origin of those corpses, but after Saros' transformation, the two of them have gradually come to their senses.

The root lies in the orange light!


Neither is stupid.

Thinking carefully about the changes in Saras, he immediately realized that the emotional power of the orange lamp should be the greed of creatures.

Only this kind of emotion is more in line with Saruos' performance at that time.

This made the two of them a little helpless.

after all……

Compared to other powers of the Lantern Ring.

Greed is not a good thing, it is easy to lose one's heart, don't you see that even a blue lantern man as strong as Saros can't handle it.

If it were someone else, it would be for nothing.

I want to use this power to defeat the anti-surveillance king controlled by Aya, as well as the countless army of mechanical hunters...


That's just nonsense.

Thinking that the three of them had spent a long time, but instead of finding hope and help, Hal and Kilowog were very uncomfortable because their "hope" was put in.


Nor are they easily discouraged.

Soon, the two recovered, and Hal analyzed: "If the power of the orange light is really greedy, then I think he should have driven the spaceship back to the planet just now, after all, there are many rare treasures there. Treasures, and a large number of orange light rings..."

"That's right!"

Kilowog agreed: "If it were me, an extremely greedy guy, I would definitely not let those treasures go!"


The two are no longer in ink.

Immediately exerted the power of the green light, and flew to Okaro Star at the fastest speed.

And at the same time.

On Okaro planet, Saros was holding an orange lantern and was immersing himself in satisfaction. He got off the spaceship without looking at the road, and was about to return to the previous cave.

Hal and Kilowog guessed right.

Driven by greed, Saros has only one idea in his head now, that is to take all the treasures in the cave for himself!


But he didn't know that the praying mantis stalked the cicada and the oriole was behind.

Just when Saros had just left the spaceship, a weird orange figure suddenly jumped out from the corner of the spaceship, and then kicked Saros into the air.

Saruos was caught off guard and was kicked out, and the orange lantern he held in his hand fell because of this.


The weird orange figure was overjoyed upon seeing this.

Instead of chasing Saruos, he rushed towards the orange lantern and hugged him tightly, as if he was embracing the person he loves the most.

That is a soulful and intoxicating!

at the same time.

A strong power of greed instantly diffused from the lantern, blending into this figure very naturally.

And with the influx of power, the alien with the lizard head suddenly appeared one after another terrifying monsters all over his body.

It was those incorporeal, special orange monsters that seemed to be made of energy that attacked Hal and the others before!

"Damn robber, you dare to snatch my Laflize's treasure. You are so impatient. Return my ring!"

The lizard alien turned his head to look at Saruos who stood up, and said coldly.

"What's yours?"

Saros' face became even more angry. After hearing Laflize's words, he looked like a cat whose tail had been stepped on, and his face was instantly ferocious.

He roared: "That's mine at all, you damn monster, return my lantern quickly, or I'll make you look good!"

at the same time.

Saras wasn't polite at all.

The power of the blue light ring mixed with the power of the orange light ring was released at the same time, forming the image of a half-length giant, and immediately attacked Laflitz.

And Raflitz is not to be outdone.

As soon as their eyes turned cold, the phantoms of the monsters around them all rushed over and started fighting with Saros' half-length giant.

The two sides came and went, and the fight was brutal.

The surrounding mountains were in bad luck at that time, and within a radius of more than ten kilometers, almost all were flattened.

As for the battle situation, in general, the two sides are evenly matched.

One is the power of double rings, while the other can summon ghostly monsters, and there are many of them.


in a short time.

Neither of the two can do anything to each other, and when the two sides were fighting in the dark, Hal and Kilowog came.

"This is……?"

Seeing the tragic battle at the scene, both of them were a little confused.

What happened?

Why didn't I see you for a while, and Saros started fighting with that lizard star? Wait, the orange lantern is actually in the hands of the Lizard Stars!

Suddenly Hal's eyes lit up.


He looked at Kilowog.

Kilowogg and Hal are old partners, so he understood Hal's meaning instantly, nodded and said: "Understood, you are left and I am right!"


Hal responded.

Immediately afterwards, the two also joined the battle.


They did not stand on the side of Saros, but very strangely helped the Lizard Stars deal with Saros.


Raflitz was a little confused and puzzled by this.

What's up with these two guys?

Aren't they in the same group? You used to steal my baby together, why is it that you are beating your own all of a sudden now?

never mind!

Never mind, let's beat the guy who stole my orange light ring first, if these two guys don't know what to do, at worst, we can clean it up together.

All the treasures are my Raflitz's!


The three of them worked together.

In just a split second, Saruos was forced into a very embarrassing situation.

Facing a high-intensity attack, even with the power of the twin lamps, Saras couldn't bear it at this moment, and the energy of the ring was seriously consumed.


The least number of blue light rings has run out of energy.

With the exhaustion of the blue lantern's power of hope, the blue lantern man Saras turned into a pure orange lantern man in an instant, and his attire changed completely.

at the same time.

His strength has been greatly reduced because of this.

Although Saros has several pairs of arms and many orange light rings, but the quality is not the same, it is not enough to deal with the joint attack of the three of Hal.

After struggling for a while, Saros was completely defeated.

"Hal, hurry up, seize the opportunity!"


Seeing that the time had come, Kilowog immediately turned his gun around, and with a square sledgehammer, he hit the ghost monster who was his partner just now with a single blow.

At the same time, Hal was reminded to quickly take off the orange light ring on Saros.

Hal said nothing.

Speaking directly with practical actions, the power of green light turned into arms, and almost at the same time, all the orange light rings on Saros' seven pairs of arms were removed.


With the separation of the orange light ring, the power of greed on Saruos' body disappeared instantly, and he directly turned into the ordinary appearance of the original Lobster Starman.


Saruos looked around in a daze, completely confused about the situation, and said, "I, what's wrong? It hurts..."

Hal, on the other hand, was overjoyed, finally recovering!


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