The Storm God

Chapter 3535 Research! (Please subscribe!)


Hal greeted quickly.

Over there, Kilowog was still fighting with a few monsters with a hammer in turn. Although he would not lose, but with outnumbered enemies, it was really not something ordinary people did.

In this short period of time, poor Kilowog had already been beaten by several monsters.

In other words, Kilowog is physically stronger. If it were someone else, he might have already fallen down.


Hear Hal's voice.

Kilowog secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and without saying a word, he retreated directly and flew to Hal's side.


Raflitz also stopped attacking.

Because he saw just now that after Hal took off the orange light ring on Saros' hand, he didn't put it on or put it away.

Instead, they gathered them in one corner and ignored them.


Hal even put the orange light ring in front of him.


This made Raflitz very puzzled.

What's the meaning?


Is this returning the orange light ring to me?

Check it out!


He recalled those ghost monsters.

Seeing this scene, Halton smiled slightly, and said in his heart that it was exactly as I expected, and then said to Raflitz: "I'm sorry, I think this is a misunderstanding..."


"Yes, we didn't come here to snatch your treasure. In fact, we didn't even know that this thing is yours..."

Hal began to explain the ins and outs.

The tone is very sincere.


Raflitz is also very cooperative.

Although several monsters were around, none of them acted rashly.

After listening to Hal's explanation, Raflitz also understood the purpose of Hal and the three of them, and said, "So, you are here to ask for help?"


Hal nodded and said, "We originally thought that the power of the orange light could help us, but now we know, it's not realistic..."


He activated the power of the green light.

It turned into a big hand, and directly sent all the orange light rings taken off Saros's body to Raflitz.

Return to the original owner.

Raflitz didn't hesitate at all.

Immediately, he snatched all those orange light rings into his arms, and the expression on his face also instantly beamed with satisfaction.

But keep on.

His complexion changed, and he said angrily: "Okay, now that the misunderstandings have been resolved, shouldn't you also leave?"

The implication is that you are not welcome here.


Regarding this, the three of Hal couldn't help but wry smiles.

But they didn't care about these, the power of the orange light represented greed, and the consequences of greed, the two of them had seen it with their own eyes.


Hal was sure that the power of the orange light couldn't help him.

It may even cause all kinds of unnecessary troubles, such as Saruos being bewitched and losing his heart...

Instead of continuing to waste time here, it is better to find Kroner.

After all, she had easily shut down countless mechanical hunters and stopped their actions before.

If they can get this power, then Hal and the others can save a lot of trouble.

Think here.

Harry didn't hesitate.

Immediately took Kilowog and Saros and left here.

Fortunately, the previous battle between Saros and Raflitz did not affect the spaceship, otherwise Hal and the others would have suffered a lot.

After leaving Okaro Star.

Saros, who had lost his strength, first used the blue lantern to recharge his ring, and then came to the cab.

At this moment.

Hal and Kilowog are discussing something.

Saruos came over and heard that it was about Dust Star. It turned out that Appa from OA had contacted Hal just now and told them that there was a big battle on Dust Star.

As for the two sides of the war, one need not think too much, it must be the mechanical hunter army headed by Aya.

The focus is on the other side.

It turned out to be the demon-like army of the most notorious Apocalypse in the universe!


When you hear this.

Saruos was shocked and horrified, as well as bewildered.

Not only had he heard about the horror of the Apocalypse's demon-like army, but he had even seen their horror with his own eyes, because his home planet was destroyed by the Apocalypse.

Even now, they are still under the brutal rule of Apocalypse.

But Saras did not give up hope.

He firmly believes.

As long as there is life, there is hope.

Even if it is very slim!


Saruos never expected that Apocalypse stared at Aya of Sanddust star. To be precise, it should be the body of the anti-supervisor king.

If the other party succeeds in this, what's the deal?

"How is the result?"

Think of the horror of Apocalypse.

Saruos couldn't help becoming nervous, and asked quickly.

Hal smiled wryly and said, "You may not believe it, but Apocalypse actually failed. Those who went to colonize were almost wiped out, and only a few escaped by chance..."


Sa Ruo suddenly couldn't believe it: "How is this possible, that is Apocalypse, no matter how powerful Aya and Mechanical Hunter are..."

"We thought so too, but it's what it is!"

Kilowog sighed and shook his head: "This incident has caused an uproar in the universe, and Apa of OA star believes that there must be some special reason for this, such as the previous collaborator of the Red Lantern Corps... ..."

"you mean?"


Hal frowned and said, "I suspect that there are third-party forces involved in this, otherwise, with the level of a mechanical hunter, it is impossible to be the opponent of the demon-like army!"

"You know, the one who led the team to Dust Star this time was Disard, the general of Apocalypse Star, and all of them were elites, as well as the newly created demon-like Doomsday, whose strength was extremely terrifying, but it ended up like this... ..."


Speaking of which.

Hal's tone couldn't help feeling weak and frustrated.


Even the army of Apocalypse was defeated.

With just a few of them, how could they be the opponents of Aya and countless mechanical hunters? It's okay to dream.


No matter what, they will not give up.

This moment.

Hal had only one thought.

We must find Krona, as long as we find her, there is no hope of dealing with the army of mechanical hunters, and topaz will be added at that time...

It's not hopeless to rescue Aya!

He said to himself confidently.


The three of them stopped talking.

Driving the spaceship, following the clues given by Ganser, he continued to search for Kroner's trace.

And at the same time.

dust star.

In the core base, Bai Xiaofei was studying and analyzing the anti-surveillance king's body, and relying on his strong background and scientific and technological capabilities, he successfully deciphered some of the technical methods and mysteries.

"What a powerful technique!"

"Whether it is the core or the external materials, they are the best. No wonder it can be called the ultimate device. It is really awesome!"


While researching, Bai Xiaofei sighed and said, "Such a powerful character exists who can even be called against the sky, but he finally lost to fate!"

"It's really sad and deplorable. If you want to blame it, you can blame it. You are not the protagonist. No matter how awesome you are, you are still an experience pack that paves the way for others..."


Aya was very quiet and didn't say much.

While silently studying and watching Bai Xiaofei's research, at the same time helping to sort out the technical information and various research data about the anti-surveillance king.

This is also a good opportunity for her to improve.

Bai Xiaofei will unreservedly explain many things that he doesn't understand, profound and complicated, and make Aya's knowledge base stronger and stronger.


Aiya has basically mastered about 20% of the authority and ability of the Hongmeng Dark System, and her strength means have been greatly improved.

I believe that with the growth of time, her future achievements will be limitless.

And now.

Her main job is to cooperate with Bai Xiaofei to see if she can perfectly reproduce some of the technical means of the anti-surveillance king on the sentinel hunter, so as to enhance its combat effectiveness to the greatest extent.


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