The Storm God

Chapter 3536 Reprint! (Please subscribe!)


I do not know how long it has been.

Aiya suddenly spoke, and said to Bai Xiaofei: "I have a question here, I don't quite understand it, can you explain it to me?"


Bai Xiaofei was taken aback.

Immediately looked over, only to hear Aiya say: "Look, here it is said that you can talk about your own memory, but other data, all uploaded to the server of the Hongmeng Dark System, so that even if the body is destroyed, it can be restored Again……"


Bai Xiaofei was puzzled and said, "Is there any problem?"


Aya nodded.

Then he explained: "This can't help but remind me of Theseus' paradox, assuming that the constituent elements of a certain object are replaced, is it still the original object?"

"What is the meaning of life?"


She looked at Bai Xiaofei suspiciously.

Bai Xiaofei caught Aya's gaze, a little speechless and helpless, and said in his heart: "Damn! This research is good, why did you suddenly go off topic to philosophy?"

"Why are you thinking about this all of a sudden?"

"have no idea!"

Aya shook her head.

He explained: "It was just a thought that popped up suddenly, and then I thought of myself. If my body is destroyed, and then rely on memory and data backup to rebuild a body, then am I still me?"


Bai Xiaofei opened his mouth, a little speechless.

Because there is no clear answer to this stuff, everything depends on how the person concerned sees it.

Some people may think that they are still themselves, but some people may think that they are not themselves, but another brand new independent personality...

Especially an existence like Aya.

It's like reinstalling the system on the computer, although the backup data and other data are still there, and the machine itself has not been changed...

But strictly speaking, it may not have been the original own.

At least it will be different.


For those who use it, the difference between them is not so obvious, and it is still how to use it.


Bai Xiaofei couldn't answer Aya's question.

However, since the other party asked a question, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but answer. After a moment of silence, he could only shake his head and said:

"Aya, I can't answer this question for you. I can only tell you that all assumptions and ifs are meaningless, because the future is unpredictable. Even if you think this way now, you have really reached that point, or experienced , you may have another feeling and thought at that time..."


Aya suddenly became more puzzled.

Seeing this, Bai Xiaofei could only smile wryly: "In short, you think too much, why are you thinking about what you have and what you don't? It's pure mediocrity!"

"Or, are you going to test it yourself?"


Aya was dumbfounded.

Seeing this, Bai Xiaofei didn't explain anything.

Instead, he turned around and continued to delve into the technical mysteries of the anti-surveillance king. Aya is a smart person, and he believed that Aya would understand.

No matter what the situation is, seizing the moment is king.


Even become the Supreme.

Having the ability to travel between the past and the future is useless.

What has happened will not change, and what has not happened may not necessarily happen. It is completely meaningless to entangle the past and the future.

Even if you can jump out of the shackles of time.

That kind of special change after intervening is at most equivalent to opening a parallel time and space in a multi-dimensional world.

In short.

Philosophy and certain conjecture theories are too esoteric and complicated.

It's good to know a little bit, and there is no need to force study and pursuit, just like the ship of Theseus...


Is there a fart for researching and researching?

People just need to know that there are two ships that can actually be used, and who cares what it turns out to be.

The current Aya happened to be at this bifurcation intersection.

Although Bai Xiaofei was worried that Aya would go astray, he would not intervene too much, because for some things, the more you stop and interfere, the sooner the effect will be.

Only by letting the parties figure it out for themselves is the kingly way.

As expected, Aya was not as disappointed as Bai Xiaofei. After hearing Bai Xiaofei's theory, Aya stopped thinking about this paradox about identity, and immersed herself in learning and research again.


Bai Xiaofei's research has also achieved certain results.

For example, the special lines on the body of the anti-supervision king, the inner and outer parts, are very awesome and unclear.

Although it looks simple, it is just some good-looking tattoo-like lines, but in fact, it has functions and powers beyond imagination.

For example, the anti-matter light of the anti-surveillance king.

According to Bai Xiaofei's research and analysis, the anti-surveillance king's signature method and attack method can only be released with his hands.

Because other body parts do not have similar texture circuits.

Like the body's torso, limbs, and even the head, those lines have special functions and settings, such as enhancing defense, energy conversion...

Etc., etc.

To put it bluntly, these lines are somewhat similar to the magic lines and inscriptions that Bai Xiaofei has learned before, but they are more advanced and powerful.


This technique relies entirely on technological means.

In other words, as long as the technology is strong, individuals can reproduce it and transfer it to other things.

Like Sentinel Hunter!


Because the field involved in this technology is too advanced and complex, not everyone has the ability to reproduce it.

Otherwise, why didn't those little blue people make a similar guy to deal with the anti-supervision king?

Fear of losing control again is naturally one reason, but the most important thing is that no one can fully understand Krona's technology.

Even Kron himself may have created such a terrifying existence as the anti-supervisor king by chance.

Just like Captain America's shield.

have uniqueness.

Even Bai Xiaofei, who has many scientific and technological abilities that affect the heavens and myriad worlds, has only figured out some of the mechanisms of these lines and the means of using them.

It is almost impossible to completely crack and reverse it!


Even so.

That helped Bai Xiaofei a lot.

Because of these cracking technical factors, Bai Xiaofei can combine them with his magic pattern, inscription, branding and other technologies to form a brand new system, and develop and apply it to other products.

Such as weapon forging, armor defense, the overall upgrade of the BT Legion, and the further strengthening of the Sentinel Hunter...

Etc., etc.

In short.

The uses are quite extensive.

Not only that, the anti-surveillance king's energy drive system is also very special. Whether it is the whole body or the parts of the body, almost all of them are self-contained, interrelated, but can operate independently.

Just like the head of the anti-surveillance king, even if it leaves the body, it can escape, and it can even operate the powerful ability of the head.

And this kind of technology is very awesome.

Although the foundation relies on the power of lines, the energy used is extremely special, and even involves some of the original power of the universe.

For example, antimatter forces.

To this.

Bai Xiaofei was very happy.

Because of a similar product, he has also encountered the Tiejiaman system clothing of the alien civilization Radam beast that he encountered in the Super God universe before.

Its most powerful weapon is the antimatter cannon.

Although Tiejiaman is based on biotin, the field of weapons it involves is full of technological approaches. Whether it is transformation or anti-matter cannon, they can all be explained by science, and even reproduced.

And Bai Xiaofei, who has this kind of experience and senior research, has great confidence that he can copy one or two of the anti-surveillance king's energy drive system.

It doesn't want to be able to reach the level of the anti-surveillance king, as long as it has an effect, even if it is only one ten-thousandth, it is enough to defy the sky.

after all……

Sentinel Hunters are mass-producible.

Relying on the terrifying quantity and abilities, even a character like the anti-surveillance king can definitely kill him!


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