The Storm God

Chapter 3537 Artificial brain domain mental simulation! (Please subscribe!)

"let's start!"

After a long time, Bai Xiaofei withdrew his mind.

Instead of researching and cracking it, he started to prepare for the actual replica, intending to transfer the techniques he learned to a sentinel hunter to see how it works.

Aya was on the sidelines.

Of course.

The real hard work is actually the countless mechanical hunters around, because whenever Bai Xiaofei lacks any materials, he will take them from them.

no way.

After all, it is the first time to tinker.

Even a boss like Bai Xiaofei will inevitably fail and miss, and every mistake will lead to a failure.

No mistakes can be tolerated!


Bai Xiaofei's experience is very rich, with the experience of countless previous experiments and development as a foundation, he quickly absorbed the lessons and successfully mastered the tricks.

at the same time.

He also had a whim, if the material of the imprinting pattern was replaced with shock, or super metals such as dark iron, and at the same time supplemented with the remote command operation of the Hongmeng dark system, so that it can load the required ability at any time...

Then how powerful and terrifying would such a sentinel hunter be?

To know.

The current sentinel hunter is already terrifying.

Originated from the combination of Sentry and Mechanical Hunter, coupled with Bai Xiaofei's technical support, the combat effectiveness is simply outstanding.

Supplemented by the cloud network loading support of the Hongmeng Dark System, the Sentinel Hunter has great intelligence and pertinence, and can almost fight any type of enemy.

Even if you can't fight alone, you can still rely on the group to unite, display various formations, and combine skills to deal with the enemy together.

Compared with the rigid mechanical hunter, the two are completely different.

And now...

Bai Xiaofei combined some of the texture techniques from the anti-surveillance king with his own insights and designs, and planned to upgrade the Sentinel Hunter.

At the same time, the material was provided to the greatest extent, so that the upgraded version of the Sentinel Hunter created in this way is scary just thinking about it.


Seeing Bai Xiaofei squandering all kinds of extremely rare and precious materials, Aiya couldn't help but said: "It's just an experimental transformation, there is no need to waste it like this?"

She felt sorry for Bai Xiaofei.

It's Aya instead.

Even if you really want to upgrade, you have to wait until the technology is mature. This is still in the experimental development stage, so just use such good materials...

What a fool!

"It's okay!"

But Bai Xiaofei smiled nonchalantly, and replied: "Isn't it just some vibrating gold and dark iron? As long as I think about these things, I need as much as I want. You don't have to feel sorry for me, and stay with me for a long time in the future." You'll get used to it..."

Aya: "..."

she admits.

I was shocked again.

What local tyrant?

This is!

And it's still the kind that secretly hides no human nature, and the earth is boundless.

Anyway, Aya was completely convinced.


Two days passed.

Finally, after spending countless materials, producing almost two hills of garbage, and scrapping tens of thousands of mechanical hunters and nearly a thousand sentry hunters, he finally successfully created the latest generation of upgraded sentry .

Compared with the sentinel hunter, the shape of this sentinel is obviously much stronger, giving people a slightly fatter feeling.


That's just Bai Xiaofei's opinion.

If they were other people, their first feeling when they saw this sentinel was a huge oppressive feeling like a mountain.

That's right!

This version of the Sentinel is not only tall, but also mighty.

It is simply the anti-supervision king who is two sizes smaller, but compared with the somewhat cute appearance of the anti-supervision king, the sentinel is obviously more majestic and domineering.

It gives people a sense of self-prestige and endless danger.

Especially the pair of eyes, which looked very sharp, coupled with the knife-like facial shape, and the stern look of the sentinel, the sense of danger and oppression formed was very scary and frightening.

Not to mention ordinary people, even an intelligent life like Aya couldn't help but tremble slightly when he saw the latest version of Sentinel.

"This breath..."

Aya was shocked at the time.

She stared wide-eyed, looking in disbelief at the new version of the sentinel robot that Bai Xiaofei personally built, with an expression of disbelief on her face.

"That's right!"

Bai Xiaofei was very satisfied.

Whether it was the new version of Sentinel he created, or Aya's reaction, he was very happy. Even Aya was shocked, which is enough to show the excellence and dominance of the new version of Sentinel.

To know.

This is just a glance.

Haven't fought yet, what is the head start?

This is!

Bai Xiaofei smiled with satisfaction, and explained to Aya: "I installed a special imprint pattern on it, changed the anti-matter energy drive settings, and installed an artificial brain domain mental simulator for it. The auxiliary blessing, it has a special spiritual power, can exude its own breath and coercion, how about it, the effect is very good, right?"


Aya was so shocked that she couldn't speak, she nodded blankly.

Bai Xiaofei continued to explain: "A simple machine has no soul. No matter how advanced its intelligence is, it will only execute orders rigidly, instead of thinking and adapting to changes like humans..."

"But with this artificial brain domain spirit simulator, it is completely different. This is equivalent to giving them an independent will and soul. Although it is only at the most elementary level, it cannot be like a real person, but compared with the mechanical hunter , or even a Sentinel Hunter, is much stronger!"


Bai Xiaofei looked at the new version of the Sentinel with a smile on his face, twitched the corner of his mouth, and said, "Then, introduce yourself to us!"


Aya was stunned for a moment.

Self introduction?

What do you mean, could it be that the first new version of Sentinel in this experiment has successfully awakened its own will and independent personality?

In amazement.

Aiya was shocked to see that as Bai Xiaofei's voice fell, the new version of the sentinel, who was still cold and expressionless just now, "come to life" immediately, like a dead thing.

It first looked at its body suspiciously.

follow closely……

In its blue eyes, a series of complex data information flashed quickly, as if learning and searching for information on the Internet, this Sentinel unexpectedly accepted its own existence very quickly.


Aya saw that the sentinel was like a human being. He tilted his head and thought for a while, then bent down and waved his hands, using a very standard and gentlemanly salute posture, thinking of Bai Xiaofei, the creator who created it, bowing his head. A big gift was made.

"Dear Creator, your servant, 01 greets you, and offers my most sincere respect and thanks, because you created me!"

The sentinel said respectfully.

Aya opened her mouth in shock.

Because from her point of view, the sentinel's level of intelligence is quite good. Even if it is not as good as her own, it is still much better than most of the other so-called artificial intelligence.

Anyway, until now, Aya has never seen any artificial intelligence that can accept and learn to such a degree in a short period of time.

Is this the power of artificial brain domain mental simulation?

It's so terrifying!

"very good!"

On the other side, Bai Xiaofei didn't care how shocked and amazed Aya was. He was very happy and excited when he saw Sentinel 01 looking good, saluting and greeting him like a human younger brother, even a little flattering.


All of this was not done by him, but driven by Sentinel 01's own will, that is to say, the other party has successfully possessed his own independent personality and thinking consciousness!

That is.

Bai Xiaofei's conception and experimentation have been initially completed at this moment, and judging by the performance and effect, it is quite good.

As for the specific situation?

This requires further verification and testing to know.

Think here.

Bai Xiaofei regained his spirits immediately.

He smiled at Sentinel 01 and said, "Let's go outside to conduct specific tests related to combat. Don't let me down..."


Sentinel 01 pondered for a moment.

After that, the corners of his mouth swayed, and he replied, "Don't worry, the Creator of Zunjing, I will do my best to fulfill your hopes and goals!"

The tone is firm and powerful!


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