The Storm God

Chapter 3538 Control! (Please subscribe!)


The three of Bai Xiaofei came to an open place outside a base.

Apart from the desolation and dozens of sentinel hunters, there is almost nothing around, and it looks very desolate and lonely.


To experiment with the abilities of Sentinel 01, there is no need for those flashy ones, these Sentinel Hunters are enough.

after all.

Sentinel Hunter is strong.

"let's start!"

No nonsense.

After everything was ready, Bai Xiaofei couldn't wait to watch a wonderful performance.

And Aya next to her was immediately ready for the video recording of the experiment, the one with the highest rules!

at the same time.

As Bai Xiaofei's order spread, the surrounding sentinel hunters quickly stood up and came to Sentinel 01, all of them expressionless, cold and silent.

And Bai Xiaofei and Aiya had already retreated to the back.

"The gap is really huge!"

Aya couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

If there is only Sentinel 01, there will not be such a big contrast, but when it stands with other Sentinel Hunters.

The gap is extremely obvious.

as if...

A living person is the same as a wax toy, the two sides are fundamentally different.


Sentinel 01 tilted his head habitually and scanned the surrounding Sentinel Hunters. He seemed to be puzzled. Why are these mechanical hunters similar to him, but actually so different?


Those sentinel hunters don't care about that.

The order they received was to attack Sentinel 01 and beat them to death, so there would be no hesitation.

Just do it!


Just for a moment.

The eyes of some sentinel hunters began to turn red.

That is the precursor to the accumulation and explosion of the super-energy heat vision ability of the eyes, and their power is even far above Dachao's heat vision!

Other sentinel hunters have shown different abilities, such as palming fire, freezing air, and controlling lightning...

Etc., etc.

Various special abilities derived from super genes, combined with the cloud service transmission of the dark system, allow these sentinel hunters to almost replicate and display them.

And these sentinel hunters designed and built by Bai Xiaofei are more powerful and terrifying than the original sentinels of the last days!

Its comprehensive strength is strong, even far above Dachao.

after all……

Their body materials are not ordinary.

Although it is not made of Zhenjin, it is a special composite material with strong strength and strong compatibility.

Its overall performance is even far above Vibranium and Ulu Metal.

The body made of this special material can match the Sentinel Hunter's ability beyond the ordinary, and even increase it.

Compared with the mechanical hunter created by OA star, it is simply a sky and an underground, completely different!


Closer to home.

The first to attack was undoubtedly the long-range heat sight, followed by the sentinel hunters who simulated various super genetic abilities.

In short.

Attacking from a distance and fighting in close combat, the cooperation is very tacit.

Anyway, from Aya's point of view, there is absolutely nothing wrong with it. This is definitely the most suitable and correct way of fighting.

Full marks!

Not only that.

The powerful combat power and terrifying power they showed really surprised Aya.

Although Aya knew for a long time, Bai Xiaofei designed and built the special unit of sentry hunter to replace the mechanical hunter.


Knowing and knowing, and seeing the terrifying strength of these sentinel hunters with their own eyes are completely different things!

this moment.

Seeing the Sentinel Hunter's attack methods and terrifying strength, Aya had to admit that Bai Xiaofei was really awesome.

Those little blue people on OA star are really far behind.

It is no exaggeration to say that the Sentinel Hunter is a complete sling machine hunter, in every respect!

If the mechanical hunters created by star OA were this version, it is estimated that the entire universe has already been conquered and ruled by them.

after all……

The ability of the sentinel hunter is simply too terrifying.

Completely share the super gene pool, arbitrarily change anytime, anywhere and simulate the restraint power against the opponent, it is also terrifyingly strong...

How the hell does this work?

On the other hand, mechanical hunters are stupid guys who can only attack rigidly, and don't even know how to dodge at all. The two sides are not at the same level at all.

The latter kind of thing can slaughter almost the entire planet and civilization of the 666 universe sector, which is stronger than the terrifying existence of the sentinel hunter. There is nothing wrong with slaughtering the entire universe, right?

No matter how bad it is, most of the universe will definitely exist.

In short.

Aya felt terrible!

I even thought in my heart, fortunately, OA star does not have this kind of technology and ability, otherwise I am afraid that I would have been able to play the entire universe in the first place.

no way!

Although the little blue people claim to be righteous and represent the peace and light of the universe, in fact, a lot of darkness and chaos are created by them themselves.

Such as the Red Lantern Corps, Mechanical Hunter...

Etc., etc.


For the OA star, Aya really didn't like it.

The key point is that those little blue people actually offended his new boss, Bai Xiaofei, which made Aiya feel sad for those little people...

You said that it is not good for you to provoke anyone, but you want to provoke him?


You are so awesome!

Regardless of what Aya thought.

In the scene at the moment.


Dozens of Sentinel Hunters have launched a stormy terrorist attack on Sentinel 01, and various abilities have almost completely covered and shrouded it.


Even so.

Sentinel 01 didn't make any movement either.

It was like a piece of wood, still standing there blankly, neither dodging nor attacking.

more critical.

Those terrifying attacks fell on it, but they had almost no effect, whether it was thermal vision or other abilities...

It's all useless!

Sentinel 01 is like an invincible existence.

Standing there like a god, he was attacked by a group of "mortals" with ridiculous means, and these so-called attacks were not even qualified to tickle in front of him.


Seeing this scene, Bai Xiaofei was very satisfied.

Xin said, the special body made of brand new materials is indeed stronger in defense, and can almost completely ignore all attacks and powers at the current stage.


The key is the texture technique copied from the anti-surveillance king, which is too awesome and powerful, otherwise the special materials alone would not be able to achieve such an effect.

It can only be said that the combination of the two special 1 and 1 has produced a special effect beyond imagination, and this is what makes Bai Xiaofei most satisfied.

To know.

This Sentinel 01 is the first experimental subject.

It is so powerful at the beginning, but with the passage of time and the innovation of technology in the future, it can't go to heaven?


Although all these were pleasant surprises, they were still within Bai Xiaofei's expectation.

At this moment, what Bai Xiaofei is looking forward to more is undoubtedly the actual combat operation of Sentinel 01, after all, it is the first robot created by Bai Xiaofei with an artificial brain domain mental simulator.

Whether it can be distinguished from ordinary intelligent robots and think and fight like real intelligent creatures is the core of this experiment.

As for defense, power, and even combat methods...

None of that matters.

after all.

Can be upgraded at any time later.

However, the artificial brain-domain mental simulator is irreplaceable, and it is the most important thing. Its success is directly related to the mainstream direction of Bai Xiaofei's mechanical army in the future.

And at the scene.

After standing there for a moment.

Sentinel 01 finally reacted. Under the endless fire and all kinds of ferocious and terrifying attacks, it directly used its own power to release a special energy shield covering itself.

follow closely……

Raising both hands, a special sound wave frequency was suddenly released.

The invisible frequency of the sound wave swept across the audience almost instantly, and wherever it went, all sentinel hunters who were affected immediately stopped attacking.

This scene almost followed the previous scene where Kroner subdued the mechanical hunter, absolute suppression and control!


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