The Storm God

Chapter 3539 Adam! (Please subscribe!)


Almost absolute silence.

From the indiscriminate bombing just now to the sudden stop now, Sentinel 01 just raised his hand, and then released a special frequency ripple.

That's all!


Seeing this scene, Aiya was stunned.

That solves it?


Not just her.

In fact, even Bai Xiaofei was shocked.

You know, Bai Xiaofei didn't give it these abilities, but Sentinel 01 learned them by himself.

what's the situation?

on site.

Sentinel 01 is not idle.

After controlling all the sentinel hunters, making them lose their mobility and stand still like puppets.

Sentinel 01 stepped out of the attack range and damage circle blasted by various abilities, and came straight to a sentinel hunter.

"Data analysis scanning..."

A trace of doubt flickered in its eyes.

follow closely.

Under the curious gazes of Bai Xiaofei and Aya, Sentinel 01 actually lifted the head of the Sentinel Hunter in front of him!

"It's really different from me!"

Sentinel 01 looked at the mechanical structure inside the skull of the Sentinel Hunter whose hood had been lifted, and let out a sigh.

There is actually a little loss and loneliness in it...

This scene.

Bai Xiaofei was very surprised.

"Good guy!"

"The power of this artificial brain domain spirit simulator is too strong. It has such an amazing learning and perception ability just after it was born..."

"It's simply stronger than a real person!"


Bai Xiaofei was amazed.


He flew directly in front of Sentinel 01, and said excitedly, "What happened to the ripple frequency you released just now?"

Bai Xiaofei was also very curious about this.

Because Sentinel Hunters are different from Mechanical Hunters. Logically speaking, they do not have such a fatal weakness, and it is even more impossible for them to be easily controlled by others, or even shut down.

But Sentinel 01 Que did it.

This is unbelievable, and at the same time, it also made Bai Xiaofei understand that there may be some kind of special mysterious perception ability in the mechanical field.

And this kind of ability is not possessed by him as a living person.


With Bai Xiaofei's strength.

It is impossible not to notice it, but let a Sentinel 01 who is almost like a newborn baby discover it, which is very contradictory in itself.

After all, Sentinel 01 was created by Bai Xiaofei.

In fact.

It's not just Bai Xiaofei.

Aya was also very curious and puzzled, because as an intelligent life form, she also didn't know what happened just now.

When she and Bai Xiaofei came to Sentinel 01, their eyes were full of exploration, and they were obviously amazed by Sentinel 01's performance.

"This is a bit complicated to say..."

Sentinel 01 did not hide anything from Bai Xiaofei, the Creator, and immediately explained: "In short, I found that I seem to have a special resonance with these hunters. As long as I activate this resonance ability, I will You can control their actions..."


It also demonstrated to Bai Xiaofei.

Even when Sentinel 01 raised his hand, the special frequency ripple was released again, and those sentinel hunters who were down immediately resumed their actions.


They are no longer hostile to Sentinel 01.

Instead, they all stood obediently in a row, like soldiers waiting to be inspected, standing there neatly, with their heads held high...

This scene made Bai Xiaofei very speechless.


It discovered that these sentinel hunters, who were supposed to obey him, had "betrayed" and surrendered to the embrace of the "enemy".


That's not to say.

Bai Xiaofei lost control of them.

In fact, in order to prevent this from happening, Bai Xiaofei had already taken preventive measures when designing and manufacturing these sentinel hunters.

Whenever someone tries to dismantle and study them, it will cause self-explosion.

Sentinel 01 is obviously an exception.

in short.

It's like accidentally obtaining the account password, you can log in and control these sentinel hunters, but you can't change the password.

But even so, it was quite scary.

after all……

These sentinel hunters were all designed and built by Bai Xiaofei himself. It's amazing that the guys from the first and second squads can't do this at all.


When Bai Xiaofei heard this, he was stunned for a moment.

Then he began to study the special ripple frequency, and was surprised to find that this thing was created by Sentinel 01.

The technical information contained in it is extremely complicated and profound.

Although it is just a short frequency, it contains many core technologies and even secrets of sentinel hunters.

It is precisely because of this that Sentinel 01 can easily break through the firewall of Sentinel Hunters, invade and control their actions.

It's like a Trojan horse.


After figuring out the principle and function of it, Bai Xiaofei was amazed and sighed, and praised from the bottom of his heart: "01, with this technology, from now on, you will be equivalent to the queen of sentinel hunters!"


Sentinel 01 was taken aback when he heard it, apparently not understanding what it meant.

But Aya understood immediately.

Then explained: "Mr. Bai means that you are equivalent to the queen of the ant colony, and have the absolute right to control these sentinel hunters!"

"Of course."

"The first control authority of the sentinel hunter is always Mr. Bai's. If you have to choose between you and Mr. Bai, Mr. Bai's is undoubtedly more effective."

"Is that what you mean?"


The last sentence.

Obviously it was to Bai Xiaofei.


Bai Xiaofei nodded.

He smiled and replied: "01's abilities are indeed unimaginable, and somewhat beyond my expectations, but this is also the reason why I created the artificial brain domain mental simulator, and it turns out that it did not disappoint me!"

Sentinel 01: "..."

It didn't speak.

It just listened silently, but from its electronic eyes, it can be seen from the flashing data stream from time to time that its consciousness is not in a daze.

Instead, he was still thinking and learning quickly.


Bai Xiaofei saw this scene.

My heart moved, and then I smiled and said to Sentinel 01: "The name 01 is a bit too much, since you already have your own independent personality and thinking consciousness, you should also have your own name..."

"How about this."

"I'll give you a name, what do you think of Adam?"


Aya was silent.

As smart as she is, she immediately understood the meaning of Bai Xiaofei's name, the first life created by God.

"Own name?"


After hearing this, Sentinel 01 was cold for a while.


Sentinel 01 just laughed.

He nodded with a smile on his face, and said happily: "This name is very good, I like it very much, and I will be Adam from then on!"

"nice! You love it!"

Bai Xiaofei smiled and said: "From now on, I will give you the authority to command the Sentinel Hunter Legion, and have the greatest authority besides me!"


When Aya heard this, she was stunned.

She looked at Bai Xiaofei in disbelief, her eyes seemed to say: "This is to give power to the promotion? Isn't this too casual?"

"Also, Sentinel 01..."


"It should be said that Adam, he has just been created, just like a baby, although his learning ability is amazing, but he will directly become the commander of the Sentinel Hunter Legion..."

"Isn't this too hasty?"


Aya's heart was full of worry.

Are you not afraid of accidents?


Bai Xiaofei was very firm and confident, he replied to Aya with his eyes: "I am their creator!"

Aya: "..."


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