The Storm God

Chapter 3542 Layout! (Please subscribe!)

Of course Bai Xiaofei is not blindly confident.

One is that, as the Creator, he has already taken certain precautionary measures, and his own ability is also awesome enough!

Even if there is something abnormal about Adam in the future, or even rebellion, Bai Xiaofei can easily suppress and eliminate him.

after all……

Adam is awesome.

It was just a tool created by Bai Xiaofei.

Since Bai Xiaofei can give him the life and proof of his existence, he naturally has the ability to take it all away.

There are so many lessons learned in film and television dramas, since Bai Xiaofei dared to do such an experiment, how could it be possible that he has no second hand?


He is not worried at all.

Although Aiya doesn't understand why Bai Xiaofei is so confident, but as a younger brother, she knows one thing very well, don't question the boss.


She no longer asks the question.

Instead, he changed the subject and said, "Mr. Bai, do you want to continue the related experiment?"

The so-called experiment, of course, is Adam.

"No need!"

Bai Xiaofei smiled.

Shaking his head, he said, "Instead of conducting boring experiments, it's better to let Adam perform various practical operations and actions directly. We only need to record relevant information at any time."

"Isn't Apocalypse busy fighting against the civilized world in the universe and expanding its own geographical territory?"

"It's time for us to show our strength."


Aya was startled when she heard this.

She looked at Bai Xiaofei's narrowed eyes, and asked suspiciously, "You mean, to show the world the power of a sentinel hunter?"

"That's right!"

Bai Xiaofei nodded and said: "Since Apocalypse has sent people to come to the door, we naturally can't be cowards, and mechanical hunters can only serve as cannon fodder for Apocalypse, only sentinel hunters can destroy the day one like demons In terms of quantity, we are absolutely superior..."

"The only thing to worry about is a master like Dallol. As for how to deal with it, leave it to Adam!"

"he and I)?"

Aya and Adam almost spoke in unison.

The former is unbelievable.

The latter was dumbfounded.

After all, Adam had just been created, so he didn't know anything else about it, so he was assigned a task so suddenly, so he was naturally fooled.


Bai Xiaofei then gave him a data file.

Above are Bai Xiaofei, OA star, Apocalypse star, as well as the anti-surveillance king, Keruga star, Red Lantern Corps, Yellow Lantern Corps...

The information and so on are all explained clearly.

Adam's processing speed was very fast, and he knew everything almost instantly, and then suddenly felt a lot of pressure.


He is very aware of his own strength.

Although it may be more than enough to deal with the demon-like Doomsday, there is still a huge gap between top experts like Dallol.

According to the strength level division given by Bai Xiaofei, Adam is on the third floor, while a master like Dallol is on the fifth floor!

The gap between the two sides is not small.


This is not irreparable either.

At least Adam can have confidence in himself, as long as he is given enough time, he can learn to improve to the same level as the other party.

Even surpassing each other is not impossible.


But Bai Xiaofei demanded that it must be done as soon as possible!

That is.

It may not be long.

Adam is about to lead people to fight against the army of Apocalypse, and it is very likely that he will encounter a master like Dallol at that time.

This made him a little stressed.


Bai Xiaofei also said it.

If there is any need, feel free to mention it, as long as it is not too much, it can be satisfied. Naturally, Adam's ability should be improved as soon as possible.

"I see!"

After Adam expressed his understanding, he left. He needs to be alone to sort out the situation and information.

Bai Xiaofei expressed his understanding.

After Adam left.

Aiya then said to Bai Xiaofei: "Mr. Bai, is it too hasty to entrust him with the vanguard mission like this?"

After all, the opponent is Apocalypse.


It's Aya instead.

She would not make such a decision, even if her army has countless cannon fodder, she doesn't care about wasting it at all.

Because after all, this will expose one's own strength and hole cards.

"I don't think so!"

Bai Xiaofei smiled and shook his head and said, "Let's talk about this experiment. At the beginning, did you think Adam would easily finish torturing the Sentinel Hunter?"


Aya was speechless for a moment.

To be honest, although she knew that Adam might be very powerful, she never expected that the other party would be so powerful.

And even take full control of the Sentinel Hunter.

This is the surprise.

the same way.

Bai Xiaofei's meaning was also very simple.

You are not optimistic about Adam leading the army to fight this time, but just like this experiment, the final result may be beyond imagination.

after all……

Adam is no ordinary robot.

It is a special existence with its own consciousness and personality, and at the same time it is not the same as artificial intelligence.

No one can predict what kind of things such a special life will do, even if it fails, so what?

It should be a special experiment.

As said above.

Make it!

Anyway, Bai Xiaofei didn't care about these things.

So what if it's wasted?

does he care


At this point, Aiya was speechless for a long time.

She suddenly discovered that the gap between herself and Bai Xiaofei was not really a little bit behind, but not at the same level at all.

Even the difference between cloud and mud!


It's not that Aiya is too weak, but that Bai Xiaofei is too strong.

Whether it is its own ability, thinking pattern, or strategizing, and other aspects, it surpasses Aya by a lot.

There is no comparison at all.


Aya's attitude towards Bai Xiaofei became more and more in awe.

And when discussing the fight against Apocalypse, and even the hidden deeper Oneiroi Morpheus, Aya is more like a student asking questions from the teacher.

Bai Xiaofei talked eloquently and explained his plan to Aya in detail. After all, Aya's current identity as the anti-surveillance king, and the role and role she played in it are also extremely important.

Absolutely no mistakes are allowed!

"In short..."

Bai Xiaofei finally concluded: "Sanddust Star, you are solely responsible for it. This time, Apocalypse Star was defeated and returned with heavy losses. With Darkseid's temper, it is impossible to let it go. I will definitely send people over again... ..."

"Later, I will send someone over to station here to help and support you. After all, there are only mechanical hunters here, which is really not enough."


Aya listened silently.

Bai Xiaofei continued: "Besides, it's not in my character to be passively beaten. Didn't Star OA advertise himself as a cosmic policeman and believe in helping all the weak and weak? Then we'll find something for them to do!"

"You mean... borrowing a knife to kill someone?"


Bai Xiaofei nodded, smiled sinisterly, and said: "Apocalypse Star is the most evil and terrifying hell in the universe, and OA Star has suffered a lot in their hands before, as long as it is well designed, no matter it is for Face, or anything else, he has no choice but to stand up and deal with Apocalypse!"

"Otherwise, once the reputation of being well-known and double-standard is spread, the reputation of OA Star and Green Lantern will be completely ruined!"

"In short, they have to jump into this pit if they don't want to!"


Aya was silent.

For those little blue people who are arrogant and feel very good about themselves, I mourned for a few minutes, and then said: "I understand, I will work hard to cooperate, but the star formation that Mr. Bai said is..."

"It is a super-large special formation based on planets, even stars, and even galaxies."

Bai Xiaofei explained: "You don't need to worry about this, I will send someone to help you deal with it when the time comes, after all, this is completely different from the route you take."

Aya: "..."


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