The Storm God

Chapter 3543 Bleeding! (Please subscribe!)


In the dark dynasty, a grand palace full of flames and darkness, a king is sitting in the royal court, squinting at the figures below.

And those figures were none other than the Dallol Seven who had just returned from the Dust Star.

Except them.

The rest were almost wiped out.

Including Disard!


There was a silence in the hall.

Especially after listening to Dallol's explanation, the atmosphere of the whole scene suddenly fell into a strange and extremely depressing dullness.


The most important among them is undoubtedly anger and killing intent!

As for the source of the killing intent?


You don't have to guess.

It must be the supreme ruler above the royal court - Darkseid!

To know.

De Sadd is his right-hand man.

Not only that, De Sadd is Darkseid's chief scientific advisor, the greatest scientist on Apocalypse!

As Darkseid's best assistant, he manages various high-tech devices on Apocalypse, and is good at transforming people from various planets into monsters who are only loyal to Darkseid.

The monsters, and the monster-like destruction day, etc., are the masterpieces of De Saad!

De Sadd likes to plunder rare resources from various planets to conduct scientific research, and is also a perverted sadist who likes to use his superpowers to create terrifying illusions to torture enemies.


Such a capable general who cannot be ignored is now killed by Dallol. Although this result was caused by the illusion of the enemy, it is still unacceptable to Dakseid.

And according to his original temper, he might have killed Dallol long ago to vent his hatred.


This moment.

Darkseid didn't do that.

Gein, Dallol is not his person, but another powerful god who cooperates with him, under the command of Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord.

Don't look at the monk's face to see the Buddha's face.

No matter how angry Dakseid is in his heart, he still has to be concerned about the face of Morpheus, the God of Dreams. After all, the culprit in this matter is not Dallol, but the intelligent life that has taken over the body and abilities of the anti-supervisor king. Body - Aya!

So far.

In Darkseid's thoughts, he couldn't help thinking of those little blue men on OA star, and the Green Lanterns who claim to be the justice of the universe.


Aya came from their hands.

Under the command of his partner, the God of Dreams, Murphys, Darkseid is restless, and the anger and killing intent in his heart must be vented...

Naturally speaking, Darkseid shifted his target to those little blue men on OA star and the Green Lanterns.

after all.

That was quite a hindrance.

Sooner or later, they will be beaten. If that's the case, then simply go to them and start a killing spree!

Think here.

Darkseid suddenly had an idea.


His eyes were like fire and electricity, and his eyes seemed to contain infinite mystery and destructive power, and he looked directly at an illusory figure next to him.

That was Morpheus, the God of Dreams.


Not his body.

It is a powerful clone created with special abilities.

After all, Darkseid is not a good person, and his strength is also extremely powerful, and he is definitely not even inferior to Morpheus, the God of Dreams.

Just in case.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, will naturally not appear in the main body.


If there is nothing important to say.

Even if it is a clone, he is unwilling to dispatch, especially to communicate with Darkseid face-to-face, because the pressure is too great.

But this time the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus (clone) had to come out.

Who made Dallol and others fail, and also killed the capable general under Darkseid's command, De Saad...

As a cooperating ally, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, naturally wanted to stand up and express and compensate him when he knew the situation.


Cooperation overturned the cliff.

Even becoming an enemy directly is not impossible.

on this...

Morpheus, God of Dreams, was very helpless.

He vaguely guessed something, and felt that if it was just Aya, it would be impossible to control Dallol so easily, and even play with the applause.

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, felt that there seemed to be someone among them.

It's just that he can't say it.


The spearhead was pointed at him even more.

At the same time, this also means that Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, will have to pay a greater price to maintain the cooperation and alliance with Darkseid.

He is not stupid.


The Oneiroi Morpheus wisely chose to conceal it, and then directly changed the subject, expressing very simply and neatly that he would give corresponding compensation.

The kind that definitely satisfies Darkseid.


"Then tell me, how do you want to make it up?"


It wasn't Dakseid who spoke, but another powerful general under his command—Grandma Cixiang.

This kind grandma is not kind at all, she is ruthless, she is the commander of the Apocalypse Special Forces, and she is dedicated to brainwashing some talented fighters who are colorless for Darkseid to work for Darkseid, the most famous of which is revenge The Goddess Team was trained by her alone.

Grandma Cixiang and De Sadd have a close relationship. Now that De Sadd is killed, she is of course extremely angry.

But just because Dallol is under the command of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys, it is difficult for Grandma Cixiang to take revenge, so she can only embarrass the Oneiroi Lord Murphys to ease the anger in her heart.

In short.

Grandma Cixiang has already made up her mind.

If Morpheus, the God of Dreams, doesn't come up with some precious enough compensation, this matter will never end!


The two parties are in a relationship of cooperation and alliance.

On the surface, it's not easy to attack each other with hands, but... it's okay to do some tricks behind the scenes, such as borrowing a knife to kill someone or something.

To this.

The Oneiroi Lord Murphys is also well aware.

Seeing that Grandma Cixiang was trying to make things difficult, he could only smile wryly and said, "Ten parts of the original power of the law, one hundred parts of the secondary godhead, plus three hundred god crystals..."

"Is this enough?"


Morpheus, God of Dreams, felt pain in his heart.

You know, this time, he was bleeding profusely.

The power of the source of law is a rare treasure. After taking it, the worst thing is to understand the source of law in it, so that there will be a god-level top master who can possess the power of this law.

Although the secondary godhead is a bit short, it is equally precious.


It works even better.

Because this thing can be taken and absorbed directly, it can completely make a person with no foundation go straight to the sky and become a true god!


True gods are also divided into levels and strengths.

This is mainly related to the godhead absorbed. If the godhead is strong, the real god is strong, otherwise it will be very weak.

But even so, that is a true god.

It is much stronger than the demon-like Doom Day, so one hundred sub-divine ranks is definitely not a small sum of money.

Anyway, Dakseid and Grandma Granny, who knew the abilities of these babies, were slightly startled when they heard the conditions offered by the Oneiroi Lord Murphys. They obviously didn't expect this guy to be so generous.

One must know that Morpheus, the Oneiroi Lord, was very stingy!

This time it was obviously very sincere.

As for Shenjing...

And those other messy things are also very good. Although they are not as powerful as the godhead and the original power of the law, they can also greatly improve the strength of the masters and generals under his command.

This satisfied Dakseid and Grandma Kindly.

Seeing that people are so sincere, they naturally can't continue to flirt and trip the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus.

after all.

The two sides are allies.

The next cooperation, as well as the battle, have to rely on each other.

Think about it.

Granny Cixiang immediately changed her expression.

She smiled and said to Murphys, Lord Oneiroi: "For the sake of Lord Oneiroi's sincerity this time, we will not pursue this matter for the time being, but you must take the lead in dealing with Star OA." !"


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