The Storm God

Chapter 3544 Fantasy team! (Please subscribe!)

"OA star?"

Morpheus, the God of Dreams, was slightly taken aback when he heard the words, wasn't he talking about the anti-supervisory king, why did he go to star OA?


He reacted quickly.

The anti-supervision king is no longer the original anti-supervision king, but a new version of the anti-supervision king replaced by Aya.

Its strength is terrifying and powerful, absolutely beyond imagination.

Raiders to overcome the difficulty is extremely high!

by contrast.

The OA star side is different.

As these Green Lanterns who claim to be righteous in the whole universe, they appear to be very loose, and it is very easy to deal with them.

It's like breaking down one by one!


The army directly led to capture OA star or something.

The Red Lantern Corps could do it before, and Apocalypse is much stronger than the Red Lantern Corps, so it can naturally do this.

Even scarier than the Red Lantern Corps!

in addition.

Aya is also from the OA star.

Maybe we can find some clues related to it from OA star, even Aya's weakness.

And do so.

It can also make Darkseid vent his anger well...

It's a multiplicity of things.

In all fairness.

Even if it was him, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, would make the same decision as Darkseid, after all, is the persimmon to be picky?


The point is not this.

It's Darkseid who wants to take the lead, instead of mostly hiding behind the scenes and participating silently as before...


After what happened with Sandstar, the other party is already dissatisfied with him, if he doesn't express it...


Future cooperation will be enough!

After all, you can't always let others do it, but you yourself stay out of it, as if you are watching a play, right?

The key is the most important operation this time, your people messed up, and even killed their capable generals...

If you don't say it again, can this be justified?


The Oneiroi Lord Murphys compromised.

No compromise is not enough, if you don't perform well this time, maybe the future cooperation will be over.

Even if it's endless, you can guess it with your toes. With the pissing nature of Dakseid and these guys, they will definitely make troubles and kill people with knives in future actions.

In short.

If he wanted to live in peace, he had to submit to this softness.

not to mention……

It's just an OA star.

Not a ruthless character like the anti-supervision king, Morpheus, the god of dreams, is still very confident in his own strength.

Let's just say Dallol and them.

Don't look at them coming back in a big defeat on Sanddust Star, but they are already awesome if they can come back alive. After all, the enemy is the anti-supervision king!

A multiverse horror exists.

If they were to deal with OA stars, that would be trivial!


Dallol alone.

The OA star can be slaughtered. After all, the system he cultivates is the most destructive Dragon Ball method among many systems.

As long as there is no type of opponent who restrains him, no amount of Green Lanterns will be useless in front of Dallol!

So far.

Mophis, the God of Dreams, suddenly had an idea.

He said to Dallol and the others in a deep voice: "Dallol, I will not pursue this matter with you, after all, you are also victims, and now I will entrust you with the task of crusade against the OA star. Whether you can make meritorious deeds is up to you.”

The implication is, if you don't do well this time, don't blame me.

After all, my boss also wants to save face.

Not once.

It can also be said to be extenuating.

But if given the chance, it still doesn't work, then it's a bit unreasonable.

Naturally, Dallol and the others knew this truth.


They immediately issued a military order.

Claiming that this mission will definitely not disappoint Morpheus, the God of Dreams, otherwise the boss will not need to do it, and they will come to see them themselves!


Morpheus nodded and said: "It's good that you know, but I still want to remind you, don't underestimate the background of OA star, after all, even the ruthless character like the anti-supervisor king was created by the little blue man of."

"God knows, do they have any special hole cards in their hands, so even if you have a certain advantage, you must not be careless!"

"It's best not to give them any chance, and directly kill all the defenses and armed forces of Star OA with the momentum of thunder!"


Dallol and others expressed their understanding.

Nodding his head, Morpheus, the Oneiroi, said again: "Well, considering that there are too many Green Lanterns on Star OA, and their technological strength is not weak, there may be other helpers..."

"Relying on the strength of the few of you alone, I'm afraid it will be a bit stretched, so I will let the fantasy team help you!"


The voice did not fall.

In the hall, a spatial crack suddenly opened.

follow closely……

A group of soldiers stepped out of it.

There are men and women, tall and thin, with different images, but they don't know each other, and they look like they are not easy to mess with.

Especially the man in the lead, his gaze was like lightning, and his eyes seemed to contain some kind of supernatural power, making people feel as if they were going to be killed even if they took a look at him, it was extremely terrifying.

This is Dream Team.

Under the command of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, there is another loyal and powerful young man who is capable and capable, and his level of strength is stronger than that of Dallol and others!

You can say that.

Any member of the Dream Team can completely abuse Dallol and others, even the boss Dallol!

The strength of its team can be imagined.


Dallol's mouth fell open.

Seeing Long Zhan and others of the fantasy team appear on the stage with indifferent expressions and incomparable arrogance, I couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness in my heart.

He is not stupid.

Naturally, he knew the meaning of what Morpheus, the God of Dreams did, was nothing more than fear of accidents, and he would be the one who would be ashamed at that time.

at the same time……

This is also for Darkseid and others to see.

There are still capable people under the command of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, but they just didn't show it before.

Since you insist on us taking the lead this time, let me show you that while brightening your muscles, you are also showing your sincerity.

I'm already like this, you're always embarrassed to target me again, right?

as expected.

Seeing the debut of the Dream Team, not only Dallol and others, but also Darkseid and Granny Granny were silent.

Obviously, they were all surprised by this wave of operations by the Oneiroi Lord Murphys.

Darkseid didn't say anything.


Grandma Cixiang knew what it meant.

After a short silence, she immediately laughed, and said that she would also send a famous elite team to the battlefield of OA star with Dallol and others.


They will also provide Dallol with maximum material assistance.

Of course, in the eyes of Dallol and others, these so-called help are completely worthless, because their abilities are not needed at all.

That is.

What Grandma Cixiang said later was all nonsense!

The symbolic significance is far greater than the practical significance.


Even so, these are a terrible threat to the Green Lanterns of OA star. After all, there is no rubbish stuff produced by Apocalypse star.

Even the most basic monsters can kill an elephant if there are too many of them, let alone an elite team!

In short.

After a short discussion.

In this way, the large army to crusade against star OA was decided. The vanguard and coach are Dallol and others, as well as the five members of the fantasy team.

Apocalypse's troops, this time, are mainly assisting from the sidelines, providing the greatest degree of material support, and there are also demon-like warriors leading the formation.

in short.

It is used to count the number of people, otherwise there will be only a dozen people representing the Apocalypse star to fight the OA star, what do you tell the outside world to think?

Is Apocalypse empty?


Then it would be a shame, okay?

No matter how awesome people like Dallol are, at least they have been looked down upon from the very beginning, and Darkseid and Apocalypse will never allow them to be looked down upon. The momentum is shining and talking!


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