The Storm God

Chapter 3545 Take the initiative to attack! (Please subscribe!)

OA star.

At this moment, Apa should be excited and excited. After all, after blowing up the black hole, they obtained a lot of absorbing substances.

And these materials can create more new versions of Green Lantern Rings. Even if they can't replace all the soldiers of the Green Lantern Corps, at least they can arm more than a thousand people.

This is definitely a great joy for OA star.

after all……

The power of the new Green Lantern Ring.

It is obvious to all that with just a little training, one can display ten times stronger abilities than before, or even stronger abilities.

Such an artifact, Appa only hates too little.


It's basically enough for now.

Even if only about a thousand pieces can be produced, if it is converted into an ordinary green light combat force, it is a unit of at least 100,000 people.

In the past, the Green Lantern Corps only had 3,600 people.

Now the new and old combat power is added up, which is almost thirty times what it used to be! Such power, in the universe, is already quite awesome.

Even if it is Apocalypse, Apa now has the confidence to be tough!


After he heard the latest rumors in the universe, Appa couldn't be happier.

Apocalypse is dispatched again?

And directly aimed at Aya, who has become a new generation of anti-surveillance king? The two sides fought fiercely on the Dust Star, and in the end the Apocalypse Star was almost wiped out...

At present, Apocalypse is rapidly mobilizing people and preparing to launch another war, but the target has directly become OA star?


Especially the last message.

After repeated checks and calculations, and a very positive result, how can you, the actual leader of the OA star, Apa, still be happy.

after all……

The new version of the green light ring has not been distributed yet.

Even if all the people were summoned and all the rings were replaced with new ones, it would not be possible to display perfect combat power immediately.

Everything needs a process.

And now.

Apocalypse made it clear that they would not give OA this chance, but give OA a head-on blow before they rise up!

So far.

Appa's face suddenly became extremely gloomy and ugly.


Looking inside the science and technology building, it shows that the densely packed Apocalypse star warships projected above are traveling through the vast universe and heading towards the OA star, Apa's fists are suddenly clenched tightly.

"Issue an order to summon all the Green Lanterns who can come back to star OA immediately. We must use the fastest speed to establish a new Green Lantern Corps!"


"Also, contact the Red Lantern Corps on the other side of no man's land, see what their thoughts and opinions are, and try to win them into our camp!"


"This time the enemy is Star OA, the most evil, terrifying and powerful guy in the entire universe. The strength of our Star OA alone is not enough, so we must unite all the forces we can!"


"Even if the Red Lantern Corps doesn't join us, we can't let them defect at a critical moment, otherwise we will be attacked by the enemy, and the consequences will be disastrous!"


The technicians were in a cold sweat.

Hastily used the fastest speed to convey Apa's meaning.

Because he knew that this time OA star, I am afraid that there will be a catastrophe, because the opponent is the most notorious Apocalypse star!

To know.

The last battle between the two sides ended with the defeat of the OA star. The loss at that time was a heavy one.

It took a long time to slow down.

This time...

God knows what will happen in the end.

If it weren't for the fact that Apocalypse was too powerful and terrifying, Apa wouldn't be so nervous and terrified that he would call back all the green lights without consulting the rest of the guardians.

He even joined forces with the Red Lantern Corps he hated the most to fight against the Apocalypse, which is enough to show the seriousness of the problem.

In fact.

Not to mention anything else, just the word Apocalypse is enough.

after all……

The name of a person, the shadow of a tree.

Just like OA star and Green Lantern, in the universe, when it comes to Green Lantern, most intelligent life will still give face.

There are only very few that don't deal with it.

And Apocalypse...

That is the absolute negative example, the kind that makes people frightened when they hear it, and it is better than OA stars.


In the past, the two sides basically did not violate each other, and maintained a good tacit understanding. There was nothing special and they would not violate each other.

Why are you going to fight all of a sudden this time?

Is it because of Aya?


Imagination is also right.

After all, Aya was created by OA star.

The anti-supervision king is also from the hands of the guardians. Now Apocalypse is in the hands of the new generation of anti-supervision kings incarnated by Aya. After suffering such losses, if they do not retaliate and come back, then they are really sorry for their villainous name. .

Appa knew all too well why.


He also understands very well.

There is no room for negotiation at all.

This battle is fought no matter what, the result is the same whether there is a meeting or not. The only difference is how many people have headaches.

Appa is the representative of the radical faction.

Naturally, he will not be indecisive and indecisive like Ganser. As long as it is something he thinks is right, he will do it immediately.

The rest is not important at all.


The news of Apocalypse's attack spread throughout OA.

After all, this matter has caused a lot of uproar, and I can't hide it if I want to. After all, the news has almost spread throughout the universe.

Even if the OA star adopts a blockade, it is useless, people in other places will soon know the news, and then convey it to the ears of Green Lantern.


A meeting of the Guardians was held immediately.

Of course, because of Apa's relationship, the core content of this meeting has completely become how to deal with and improve one's chances of winning, not whether to fight or not.

Hitting is a must.

For Star OA, and for Apa, this is also an opportunity. As long as Star OA can withstand or even defeat the invasion of Star Apocalypse, from now on, the notoriety of Star Apocalypse will be disgraced.

on the contrary.

The names of OA star and Green Lantern will rise and become the most powerful existence in the universe.


Whether it is for self-protection, or for the future of OA Star and Green Lantern, this battle must be fought.

And you have to fight well, preferably win!

"What are you going to do?"

Seid looked at Appa, who was eager to try, and asked.

After Ganser left, Seid was the leader of the conservative guards, and she might not compete with Apa in general matters.

But this time it was about the future of the entire OA star, she had to stand up and have a good talk with Apa.


Based on Seide's understanding of Appa for so many years, she can more or less guess what the other party will do.

But guesses are guesses, facts are facts.

Things that cannot be confirmed must not be counted at this juncture.

So she had to hear what Apa said in person, because only in this way would Seid know what to do next.

For Apa's plan.

This is not for his own sake, but for the safety of OA and the entire universe. After all, Green Lantern has been maintaining the peace of the universe for many years.

"I decided to attack!"

Apa can also guess what Seid's plan is, but at this moment, he doesn't bother to care about those. Hearing this, he sneered and said, "So what about Apocalypse? Don't forget, we are not what we used to be now, with With the new version of the green light ring, we may not necessarily lose..."

"Before the meeting, I had someone contact Zuo Kesi and others in No Man's Land, and they made it clear that they would support our OA star to fight against the Apocalypse star..."

"With the addition of the Red Lantern Corps, our chances of winning will undoubtedly increase a little bit, so I am going to move the battlefield to the blockade line of the Light House."


Appa talked eloquently, obviously planning ahead.


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