The Storm God

Chapter 3546 Lantern's support! (Please subscribe!)


"I have no opinion!"



Apa's proposal was quickly supported by all the guards, not only because only Apa can provoke the overall situation, but also because Apa's plan is indeed very suitable for the current situation.


It wasn't long before Star OA experienced the invasion of the Red Lantern Corps last time, and many places that were destroyed before have not yet recovered.

In any case, the OA star can no longer be used as a battlefield, because in that case, no matter who wins or loses in the end, the OA star will suffer.


The battlefield must be shifted.

And the light house barrier is undoubtedly the best place.

One is because there are endless natural obstacles there, which can be used as defenses and bunkers for the OA star.


There are also a large number of Red Lantern Army teams stationed there.

Without any dispatch or assignment at all, the Red Lantern Corps can be directly used as the first line of defense for the OA star.

Although it's a little silly to do this, but for the sake of OA star, the little blue people can't care so much anymore. After all, they didn't let the Red Lantern Corps station there, so I can only say who made you catch up.

In order to deal with the possible re-invasion of the Red Lantern Army, OA Star is also there, and a Green Lantern Army is arranged to guard it.

That is.

Near the barrier of the light house, there are at least two legions.

This saves a lot of trouble on the OA star, and it only needs one order to directly use the two major armies there for military deployment.

at last……

It's just other factors.

In short, Apa decided on the current plan precisely because of all these things, so it was no surprise that he won the support and approval of everyone.

As for the candidates for the new Green Lantern Corps?

All right.

This is a matter of opinion.

Everyone didn't have much interest or opinion on this, after all, the Green Lanterns were their subordinates and servants.

It doesn't make much difference to the guardian who will be the guardian, as long as he is safe.


Appa has gained maximum decision-making power again.

Then, the focus of their meeting directly became two points: First, immediately dispatch manpower to go to the lighthouse barrier for military deployment.

Second, gather personnel and carry out hell training, and try to adapt the new Green Lantern to the power of the new version of the Green Lantern Ring in the shortest possible time.

Everything else, all on the back!


End of the meeting.

A group of guardians left the field one after another, busy with their own affairs.

And one of them, Said, also had a mission, but because of the problem of leaving the field, she was arranged by Apa on star OA to provide tactical support and material supplies.

On the surface, it is a very important position, but it is actually useless.

after all……

Green Lantern has very special abilities.

It can simulate almost most of the equipment and food, and the demand for materials is negligible.

Obviously, this is Apa marginalizing Said, and the really important positions are all assigned to the guardians of the radicals.

To this.

Sid didn't care much.

The only thing she worries about is whether this battle can be won?

The last tragic battle with Apocalypse was still fresh in Seide's memory, and she was terrified. This time, she only hoped that the same mistakes would not happen again.

at the same time……

Seid also contacted Ganser immediately.

After all, the Blue Lanterns headed by Ganser, their power is simply a cheat for Green Lantern.

If he could have the help of Lanternman, then the odds of winning the OA star would definitely increase by more than dozens of times.

Although Ganser has now been expelled from the OA planet by Appa, in the final analysis, Ganser is also a former guardian, and even a little blue man!

Now that OA star is in disaster, and there will be a battle with Apocalypse star in the near future, Seide believes that Ganser will definitely choose to help when he finds out.

as expected.

On Star Odim, when Ganser found out about the situation, he said immediately without any hesitation that he would send someone to help.

Seid was instantly grateful.

Regardless of the situation on OA, the number of Blue Lanterns on Ganser's side on Odium has doubled several times compared to before, and there are about a hundred people.

Obviously, during this period, Ganser worked hard, which allowed his Blue Lantern Corps to achieve such a huge improvement in a short period of time.

Of course.

No matter how the Blue Lantern Corps expands, the most powerful and special among them is undoubtedly the Holy Walker Walker!

Whether it's his aptitude, comprehension, or his efforts in cultivation, others can only sigh in admiration and admiration.

Naturally, Ganser would not be stingy with such talents.

Walker was given considerable authority.


Walker is still the chief commander and general of the Blue Lantern Corps, and his status is almost equivalent to that of Sinestro.

It's just that Walker doesn't care about these.


Gunther found Walker.

At this time, Walker was floating in a huge lake, doing some kind of practice. The lake water under him was like his state of mind, an ancient well without waves, extremely calm.


There were slight ripples in the lake water.

Before Ganser arrived, Walker had already noticed, opened his eyes, and looked at Ganser who was flying.

"Walker, your strength has increased again, congratulations!"

Sensing Walker's special power, Ganser was startled for a moment, then said with a smile, his words were full of relief and joy.

no way.

No one would dislike a genius like Walker.

"I feel the origin of the disaster!"

Walker nodded slightly, then looked at Ganser with deep eyes, and said lightly: "Is there something wrong with OA?"


Gunther was not surprised.

Walker's ability is very special. Since a certain rescue mission, he can sense many things.

This time is no exception.

Walker felt it before he even said why he came.

This saved Ganser a lot of trouble, so he went straight to the point and said, "Apocalypse stared at OA star, I suspect they have a bigger conspiracy, we have to help them..."

Gunther's meaning is simple.

Regardless of his current relationship with OA Xing, he just couldn't let Apocalypse succeed, after all, he was a veritable bad guy.

If they are really allowed to continue to act recklessly, other innocent lives will inevitably suffer bad luck, there is no doubt about this.

To this.

Walker wholeheartedly agrees.

Therefore, there is no objection to Ganser's appointment.

After all, the Blue Lantern Corps they represent is hope. If even they give up and choose to stand by, then there is no need for this universe to exist.

Walker said that he would bring people to star OA for support, but Ganser had better say hello to star OA to avoid any misunderstanding between the two parties.


Gunther also understood what Walker meant.

The Blue Lantern's shot represents the Blue Lantern Corps, a member of the Odim star, not another branch of the OA star.

This is especially important.

In case that radical, Apa, doesn't know each other's identities, bosses them around, and treats the Lanternman like a servant to give pointers...

Walker wasn't used to their stink.

To know.

Walker is actually Bai Xiaofei's younger brother, even if he doesn't care about his own face, he still has to take Bai Xiaofei's face into consideration, right?

The same goes for undercover.

All he knew was that at any time, he couldn't lose Bai Xiaofei's person!

Even if you don't reveal your identity now, you must not weaken the name of Bai Xiaofei's little brother. If Apa and those guys really dare to be presumptuous, Walker will definitely not dump him!

Walker is now explaining this to Ganser, that is, to vaccinate Ganser again. If you are worried or dissatisfied, find someone else.

Gunther smiled bitterly.

He said that he would make it clear to OA Star.

The implication is, when the time comes, give me some face, let it go if you can, if you really can't bear it, do it again, as long as you don't make trouble out of control.

after all……

Ganser was born in OA star.

More or less, it is also necessary to give OA star a little favor and face.

Walker nodded: "Okay!"


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