The Storm God

Chapter 3547 Calculate! (Please subscribe!)

Light house barrier.

Among the huge warships of the Red Lantern Corps.

As the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, Batgirl, who sits here and is responsible for coercing the OA star to facilitate the rapid recovery and construction of no man's land, is now very irritable and depressed.

Because there were two more people in front of her.

Abin Sur.

And another one, I haven't seen much, but it looks very heroic and handsome, but it is not enough, but it has an alien that looks like a combination of an eagle and a fish head.

The purpose of their coming here is to inform Batgirl that OA Star decided to transfer the battlefield here, and hope they can prepare as soon as possible!

"I'll be your sister, do it!"

Batgirl cursed angrily in her heart.

To be honest, she really didn't want to get involved in this battle, because Batgirl knew very well that those guys from Apocalypse were definitely not easy to mess with.

The most important thing is that this is a war between OA and Apocalypse, why should our Red Lantern Corps get involved?


Even if it is because of some relationship, I have to participate...

Why should we listen to you?


Batgirl feels like she's being used.

Otherwise, there are so many places not to go, why come to Guangwu Barrier? Isn't it because there are a large number of Red Lantern Corps here?

OA star transferred the battlefield here, making it clear that he must use the Red Lantern Corps as a shield, so as to buy himself more time!


What a bunch of scumbags!

If it weren't for the overall situation, Batgirl would have kicked Abin Sur out a long time ago, but at this moment she could only smile apologetically.

He also said that he would do his best to cooperate.

Until the two left.

Batgirl just broke out and smashed many things in the conference room to vent her hatred!


Soon, Batgirl contacted Zuo Kesi and made a small report: "Star OA is clearly using and plotting against us. Are we just going to accept it obediently? You must know that the opponent is Apocalypse!"

"I know!"

The big-headed Zuo Kesi nodded slightly when he heard the words, and said: "The name of Apocalypse is known to almost the entire universe, and it is precisely because of this that we have to unite and deal with them together."


"Once the Apocalypse is finished, who else in this universe will be the opponent of the Apocalypse? We did this for self-protection!"

"If you want to open up, don't get angry!"


Zuo Kesi at the moment.

It's completely different from before, with a lot less stupidity, and looks more shrewd and capable, as if it's a different person.

Gives a calm and mature feeling.

at the same time……

on him.

There is also a strong aura of superiors.

Such a huge change and contrast completely changed Batgirl, who had always looked down on her silly big head.

It seems that he has become Zuo Kesi's loyal younger brother.

"I see!"

Batgirl nodded.

After listening to Zuo Kesi's explanation, the anger in her heart decreased a lot, but she still felt a little depressed.

And this time.

But Zuo Kesi suddenly smiled strangely, and said: "Of course, our Red Lantern Corps is not a soft persimmon. It is absolutely impossible for OA Star to use us to work for them for free, or even shed blood!"


Batgirl was instantly amused.

She knew that Zuo Kesi was not that simple, even if it was for the sake of the overall situation, she would definitely not suffer, so she hurriedly asked: "Sir, do you have any plans?"


Zuo Kesi nodded and explained: "Star OA wants to use a knife to kill people and weaken the strength of our Red Lantern Corps. Why don't we do that?"

"Batgirl, you are like this. On the surface, you cooperate with the work of OA star, but secretly it is like this... When the army of Apocalypse star arrives, if the situation is not good, you will start it immediately!"

"Just throw the biggest problem to the OA star to solve it. After the war is over, we will be too late to reap the benefits!"


Batgirl's eyes lit up when she heard this, she was so excited, she nodded vigorously and said: "I understand, don't worry, I will definitely handle this matter beautifully, and guarantee that OA star will never notice any abnormalities! "


Zuo Kesi said with a smile: "I'm still very relieved when you handle the matter, so let's do it like this, we will carry out both sides at the same time, and the speed will be much faster..."



OA star.

As soon as Apa distributed the new version of the green light ring, the people from the technical department ran over and told him that he was the person in charge of the Blue Lantern Corps and wanted to talk to you.

"Blue Lantern Corps?"

Apa suddenly looked confused: "Is there such a legion in the universe?"


The man nodded and replied: "In the mission report of Green Lantern Hal, it was stated that they met Purple Lantern and Blue Lantern..."

"It's just that their numbers are relatively rare, and their abilities are not as widely used as Green Lantern."

"I see."

Appa nodded knowingly.

He was also curious, what did the Blue Lantern ask of himself at this juncture? Is it possible to help yourself?

Think about it too.

OA star is the base camp of Green Lantern.

The Green Lanterns are the strongest fighters who maintain peace and justice in the entire universe. If they are defeated by Apocalypse, the consequences for other civilizations in the universe can be imagined.

For the sake of the overall situation and self-protection, it is not surprising that some people will come to OA star to help, because there are already many such examples.


Apa never expected that the Lantern Man who had been unable to contact him before would take the initiative to contact him at this moment...

This is a bit strange.


The communication was connected.

Then, Appa saw the guy he didn't want to see the most, who was now the head of the Blue Lantern Corps - Ganser.

"It's you!"

Appa was taken aback.


Ganser greeted with a smile: "Apa, hello, we meet again, how is the situation on the OA star?"


Appa remained silent.

The eyes are sharp and angry, and there is a feeling of being deceived and despised.

Ganser didn't care so much, and continued to say to himself: "Okay, I won't talk nonsense to you, I am looking for you this time, and I am here as the general manager of the Blue Lantern Corps. I miss you I also guessed..."

In short, it means one thing.

For the sake of all of you being colleagues in the past, I will send people to star OA to support you, but I hope you will not treat Ganser's Blue Lanterns with special eyes and attitudes.


What a mess.

Even Ganser can't guarantee what consequences will be brewed in the end.

It was more of a demonstration against Appa than a reminder that even though I was evicted, I was still awesome.

And the Blue Lantern is my masterpiece!


You are in trouble.

And the one who can help you the most is our Blue Lantern Man.

I hope you don't know what is good and what is bad, you'd better serve me obediently, if something unpleasant happens, don't blame me for not saying hello to you in advance.


That's about it.


Apana was furious. After Ganser finished speaking, he smashed the communication device with his fist in anger.


"Damn Ganser, he even created a blue lantern man to communicate with me at this critical moment. This is clearly mocking me!"

"I don't need your help!"

"I don't want to die!"


Appa almost growled.

However, as soon as his voice fell, the technician next to him immediately raised his voice: "Master Guardian, according to the action reports of Green Lantern Hal and Kilowog, the power of Blue Lantern can be greatly enhanced. The power of the green light..."

"Conservatively, the range of increase is at least 5 to 10 times, and even some specific factors will be stronger..."


The implication is.

Such an excellent combat support, our OA star really cannot do without it!

Appa: "..."


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