The Storm God

Chapter 3548 Formation! (Please subscribe!)

dust star.

During this time, Bai Xiaofei was busy.

Not only him, but Aya, Yada, and even those mechanical hunters were not idle, they were all pulled out by Bai Xiaofei to do this and that.

after all……

Star formation is no small matter.

The manpower and material resources needed to do it are very huge, especially the big formation set by Bai Xiaofei is the one with almost the highest rules.

The entire galaxy where Dust Star is located is almost included in the design layout of the Great Formation by Bai Xiaofei.


A group of people started to work.

First of all, the energy source must be determined first, and there is nothing else in the universe, except that there are many planets, and the innumerable stars are excellent energy sources.

Bai Xiaofei only needs to connect these stars through dark matter to form a very delicate energy sharing system.

Supplemented with the magnetic field of the planet itself and its operation, it can be used as active energy molecules, pulling and communicating with each other to form a powerful star array.


Just this is not enough.

After all, the enemies we will face in the future are all masters above the level, and starbursts are almost commonplace.


The star array is not enough.

It must continue to be upgraded, and further up is the array of galaxies, a super large array with a layout set up with galaxies as the basic unit.

Its power is closely related to the composition of the formation and the specific conditions of the galaxy, basically proportional to it.

Around Dust Star, there are no less than thirty huge galaxies and hundreds of small galaxy groups.

After observing it carefully, Bai Xiaofei finally decided to use some of the energy of the galaxies to combine with the galaxies where the dust star is located to form a large array of thirty-six celestial constellations.

And the core of the real eye is naturally the dust star. To be more precise, it is Aya on Dust Star, the anti-surveillance king controlled by her.

That is.

As long as it is in the formation, the anti-surveillance king controlled by Aya can call the power of the formation at any time, exerting a power far greater than itself.

In addition, the biggest function of this formation is to strengthen the surrounding stars and suppress the enemy's strength!

Of course.

This effect is very covert.

If the large formation is not activated, it is generally undetectable, and by the time the enemy notices it, it has basically been in the large formation for a long time.

At this moment, it is almost impossible to run, or destroy the formation, and restore one's own strength.

after all.

The stars are reinforced.

The strength of the enemy has also been weakened. With the double effect, the damage that the enemy can deal can be said to be reduced to the minimum.

What's more, there is an upgraded version of the anti-surveillance king, and there are countless mechanical hunters and sentinel hunters as opponents.

That's it, you still want to destroy the formation?


Such a big formation.

It would take a long time for an ordinary expert to arrange, such as a month or something, but Bai Xiaofei only took less than two days.

Aside from his being too powerful, the most critical factor was the Hongmeng Dark System.

It's like someone using an abacus to calculate an astronomical problem, but Bai Xiaofei has a quantum computer to help.

That efficiency is completely different.

As for Aya and Adam, as well as those mechanical hunters, most of the roles played in the action are tool people.

After all, they don't understand this kind of big formation at all. Whatever Bai Xiaofei tells them to do, they will do it obediently.

And the most tiring among them is undoubtedly the ordinary mechanical hunter.


Some of them have also become the material of the formation.

Really hard.


The effect is amazing.

A large number of mechanical hunters and sentinel hunters were transported by Bai Xiaofei through space to countless planets in this large galaxy, almost hidden in the stars and dark matter.

Only when Bai Xiaofei needs them, they will appear on the stage and display the special abilities that Bai Xiaofei has set for them.

And Aya.

It is mainly responsible for the overall situation of the consultation.

As the commander-in-chief of the sentinel hunters, Adam also took on an important role and task, that is, to assist Aya and serve as the vanguard officer of the first brigade.

Only when there are heavy casualties in the vanguard, Aya, the anti-surveillance boss, will stand up and turn the tide.

And in order to enhance the abilities of Adam and Sentinel Hunter, Bai Xiaofei specially uploaded some top super power data to them.

For example, constructing a magic array map with scientific and technological energy, and developing various types of magical technological energy attacks...

It can make people have many incredible abilities in an instant, even a fairy version of the devil fruit that involves the power of the law...

Etc., etc.

These things can make the sentinel hunters have stronger and more terrifying combat power in an instant. Coupled with their already abnormal and heaven-defying cloud sharing and real-time interaction capabilities, it is simply a strong and a nest.

Coupled with the power bonus of the thirty-six celestial constellation formation, not to mention the ordinary god king realm, even the god emperor, several sentinel hunters added up, can be tough with the opponent.

Let's talk about whether it is strong or not!


Bai Xiaofei was very satisfied with his arrangement.

It's a pity that it couldn't be shown on the spot, so even though Aya believed in Bai Xiaofei very much, she was still somewhat worried and apprehensive.

And at this moment.

Aiya received information from the outside world, saying that Apocalypse Star will not come to fight Sanddust Star for the time being, because they turned their heads to stare at OA Star.


Bai Xiaofei smiled when he heard the words, and said: "Look, I'm right, Tian Qixing is not a good-tempered guy, he can't beat you, and he can't beat OA star? It's clear that he wants to squeeze the persimmon."


Aya nodded.

Then he said: "However, this battle should not last for too long. Judging from the fighting power shown by Dallol and the others before, if OA star does not have special means and masters, it should not be the opponent of Apocalypse star..."

"That's right!"

Bai Xiaofei deeply agreed, and squinted his eyes and said: "After all, there is still a deep hidden Oneiroi Lord Murphys hiding behind his back, and the younger brothers of the two strong men have joined forces. Dare to underestimate, let alone a mere OA star, now they will suffer!"


He contacted Sinestro directly.

"Mr. Bai!"

Sinestro has not been idle during this time, he has been busy with the tasks assigned to him by Bai Xiaofei, and at the same time supervised the training of the three major armies.

At this moment, he was very excited to receive Bai Xiaofei's contact.

A look eager to try.


Sinestro also knew about the fact that Apocalypse Star was going to attack OA Star, and thought that this time Bai Xiaofei was looking for him because he was going on a mission.


But Bai Xiaofei said: "Don't act rashly for now, it's not the time for you to act, wait for my signal..."


Sinestro was a little depressed.

Not the time?


This is a super war between justice and evil.

The outcome of the two parties will directly affect the safety of the entire universe, as well as the future layout and direction. Isn't it the perfect time for our three legions to stand up and replace them?

Why is it not the time?

He is depressed.


As the younger brother, Sinestro knew very well that he couldn't question the boss' decision, so even though he couldn't figure it out in his heart, he didn't say much.

Looking at Sinestro's appearance, Bai Xiaofei certainly knew what the other party was thinking, so he could only briefly explain a few sentences:

"If you want to do good work, you must first sharpen the weapon!"

"How can we highlight our greatness if there were not a large number of casualties, extreme destruction, and astonishing tragedies in this war?"

"Sinestro, I can't eat hot tofu in a hurry!"

"Wait for my news at ease!"


After speaking, I hung up.

As soon as Sinestro heard this, he was enlightened instantly, and he thoroughly figured out the key points and doubts.


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