The Storm God

Chapter 3550 Guaranteed! (Please subscribe!)

at the same time.

While Abin Sur and the others were busy arming the light house barrier, preparing for the arrival of the Apocalypse army.

In another star field in the universe.

"It should be here!"

Little Red Razer followed the clues all the way, and finally found the relevant clues of Crona, and came to a strange planet.


Just when he was about to enter.


The void trembled.

Immediately after the space was torn apart, a familiar spaceship suddenly flew out of the distorted wormhole, it was Hal and the others.



The two who looked at each other were shocked.

Hal didn't expect Thunder Snake to be here, and his face was filled with surprise, he quickly flew out of the spaceship, and said happily, "Razer, it's really you!"

"I didn't expect to meet you here, what a coincidence!"

"By the way, what are you doing here?"


Hal soon realized something was wrong.

At this time, Kilowog on the spaceship also flew out, and the entire spaceship was directly handed over to Saros to control.

after all……

Spaceship AI is gone.

They are struggling, and now they can only control the spaceship manually, which makes Hal and others suffer a lot.

Don't look at Kilowog, but he is actually very careful. He saw that Razer seemed to be looking for something, and he didn't hide it. He asked directly, "Is it possible that you are also tracking Kroner?"


Razer nodded and gave an affirmative answer.

There is nothing to hide.

As for the reason?


Just make up one.

For example, I heard that Kroner possesses a certain special technology that can help speed up the recovery of no man's land manufacturing...

Or maybe Kroner is the creator of Aya, and he will definitely know a method that can help Aya recover...

It's always okay, right?


Hal and the others had no doubts.

After all, they are good brothers who have experienced life and death together, and no one will doubt each other easily.


The premise is that they don't know that Razer is undercover.

After some courtesies and exchanges, the two parties understood each other's intentions, and both came for Krona, so they decided to go together.

A group of people took the spaceship and landed directly on a location on the planet, and then flew out extremely, following clues and signals, they found Kroner's hiding place all the way.

"How did you find me?"

Kroner was very surprised and unbelievable when Hal and others came, after all, she was hit by the light of the anti-supervision king at that time.

No one would think she was alive.


Hal and others are not.

Even followed it all the way, and found her hiding place.

This is incredible!


Hal didn't explain much, and went straight to the point: "We want to know more about Aya..."


Crona remained silent.

To be honest, she was still very surprised when she heard that the anti-supervision king was actually killed by Aya and replaced by him.

In fact.

After the initial injury, Kroner moved here.

During this period of time, for the sake of safety, she didn't do much activities. Apart from recuperating her injuries, she was more active in strengthening her own strength.

after all……

Although the anti-supervision king failed to kill her back then, he also disfigured Krona and became the scarred face she is now.

at the same time.

She retrieved her strength privately.

Such behavior also violates the rules and laws of OA star, and will also be tolerated by OA star.


In order to protect himself, Kroner could only retreat here.

Until today when Hal and others came to her, she didn't dare to contact the outside world so as not to expose her position.

Unfortunately, she still failed to escape the fate of being found.

Think about it.

Crona, who is now Scarface, couldn't help but sighed slightly, and then said to Hal earnestly: "Now you know why I destroyed it in the first place, right? Because I met a long time ago, and Aya is a Scourge..."


Hal didn't want to hear this at all, so he interrupted directly: "Now is not the time to talk about that, why don't you talk about how to stop her? As the creator of Aya, I think you should know something we don't know thing……"


Scarface smiled and nodded.

Then I showed some content to Hal and others. It was a video, which not only included the experimental process of scarring, but also Aya's behavior of running away after being created for the first time and awakening her own personality.

Although Aya's memory was destroyed later, Scarface still didn't have the heart to destroy Aya completely at that time, but disguised as an ordinary artificial intelligence and installed it on the top new spaceship of OA star.

This is how everything that followed happened.

After watching the video, Kilowog was very puzzled and asked, "Why didn't you destroy her from the beginning?"

In fact.

Not only him, Hal and Thunder Snake, even Saras are very curious, after all, they have been violent once, so aren't they afraid of the second time?


Scarface laughed and said, "You guys won't understand. To me, it's the most outstanding work. Although there are a few flaws, it's not impossible to correct. It's just that it's too dangerous to stay on Star OA. That's why I put it on the ship..."

Hear here.

Kilowog and the others finally understood.


Cooperating with you is taking us to take risks!

Thanks to Aya's learning and development, she didn't run away like the first time, otherwise, wouldn't we have been completely cold?

So far.

Hal and Kilowog immediately stared at Scarface in displeasure.

It's just that Scarface ignored it completely, and said with a sneer: "You can't blame me, you know, I didn't let you drive that spaceship, you snatched it away to drive it yourself..."

The two immediately said: "..."

By the way...

This is really the case!

All right!

I won't pursue this for the time being, it's meaningless after all, the most urgent task now is how to prevent Aya from continuing to make mistakes!

"There is no way!"

Scarface said resolutely: "It is completely out of control, and only by completely destroying it can we prevent the danger from happening..."


She also showed everyone a piece of data.

That is the main programming code created by Aya, that is to say, as long as there is this, Hal and others can target Aya with some targeted Trojan horse viruses to delay and influence Aya's actions .


This is only theoretical.

After all, the current Aya is no longer the former Aya.

Not only did he create a physical body, but he also merged with the body of the anti-supervision king. No one can tell how many times its core program has undergone upgrades.

The code data given by Scarface can only give Hal and others a deeper understanding of Aya.

The rest are not of much use!

"And one more thing!"

Hal put away the data code, and then said: "How did you control those mechanical hunters, can we have this kind of ability and technology?"

There are countless mechanical hunters around Aya.

If you want to get close to Aya, you must first clear those obstacles, and Scarface's ability technology is the key.


Scarface didn't hide anything.

Hearing this, he immediately told Hal and others all the technical principles and related operations.


It's not free.

In return, Hal and the others had to promise her that they would never tell anyone about her being alive or related information.

"no problem!"

Hal thought it was something he couldn't fight, but it turned out to be this, so he agreed very simply.

after all……

He didn't care much about Scarface.

Kilowog, Saros, and Thunder Snake are almost the same. It's just a guarantee, and there will be no loss of meat.

So what if you agree!


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