The Storm God

Chapter 3551 The sign of the black light! (Please subscribe!)

Razer was silent.

You know, his mission was to find and explore Kroner's secrets. Now that Kroner really turned into a scarred face as Bai Xiaofei said, he was naturally shocked.


Razer was even more curious about the existence of Scarface.

after all……

This is someone who can be paid special attention to by Bai Xiaofei.

Razer is curious, what's so special about this scarred face? Even though the power of the guardian has been restored, it doesn't seem to be very powerful.


in the subsequent development of events.

What special big event will this scar face cause? Like Atoxista, the leader of the Red Lantern Corps?

Everything is a question.

And the answer to the matter can only be found by Razer himself.


While Scarface was negotiating with Hal and the others and discussing the conditions, Razer was distracted, while coping with it, while carefully observing Scarface's secret stronghold.

have to say.

Scarface deserves to be the chief scientific director of OA Star.

Even fleeing, under the condition of limited resources, can open up a secret base that is very unclear.

And in this base, apart from a large number of unidentified scientific instruments, the most left are books.

It's like a combination of a laboratory and a library.


Razer is weird.

Doesn't OA star have its own library?

Moreover, the book of Oua is even more comprehensive, and can even predict the future. If so, why does Scarface make so many books?

Could it be...

Are these books contraband?

So far.

Razer couldn't help being curious.

At the same time, taking advantage of Scarface's inattention, he secretly released his spiritual power and prepared to investigate the contents of these books.

With the power of the red light ring of Razer's high-level authority, even Scarface can't detect Razer's small movements.

And soon.

Razer found some clues.

He was shocked to find that most of the books collected in this scar-faced base were about the chaotic universe that got up early.

This dense mass of books, taken together, can almost become an encyclopedia of the early chaotic universe.

The fields and aspects involved are called a whole!


One of the most special ones.

Undoubtedly, it was still the black book with the special pattern. Razer's spiritual power, before he got close, he could already clearly feel the special and terrifying power contained in it.

It seems that the book is protected by some kind of eerie presence.

Razer's intuition told himself that the thing was extremely dangerous, and it was enough to know that it was special, and it was absolutely impossible to investigate it rashly.


Scarface will definitely find out.

While withdrawing the power, Razer secretly carefully recorded the pattern on the special book.

He planned to send it to Bai Xiaofei as soon as he left here.

He felt that this was an extremely important clue.

Never let it go.


After a while.

Scarface has already told Hal and others all the secrets he knows about the mechanical hunter.

Followed, regardless of whether they understood or learned, they immediately started chasing people away, because somewhere in the dark, there was a special voice telling themselves that they might have been discovered.


The scarred face instantly changed.

The attitude has also become very tough, as if if you don't leave, I will be rude to you.

have no choice.

Hal and others could only leave.

Although he didn't know why Scarface suddenly turned his face, Hal didn't want to pursue anything, after all, what he cared about most now was Aya.

When leaving, Hal naturally invited Razer to be with him.

Razer didn't have a good reason, and his undercover identity hadn't been fully exposed yet, so he didn't refuse, and successfully returned to the team and joined Hal's group.

A group of people left the planet.


Inside the secret stronghold.

After confirming that Hal and the others had left and walked a long distance, Scarface secretly heaved a sigh of relief.


She closed all the doors, completely concealed the stronghold, and activated the strongest defense and stealth ability.

until all this is done.

Scarface came to a certain special room, and then held a book in his hand with great respect, and then closed his eyes and meditated.

It seems to be communicating with this book.

It is worth mentioning that.


The book that Scarface was holding was the one that Razer had found to be special and abnormal just now, and because of fear and concern, he didn't take the liberty to explore it.

This book is unremarkable, except for the pattern in the middle, which is very special. It seems to have a special connection with the badges of Green Lantern, Red Lantern, Purple Lantern...these people.

And with the meditation of Scarface.

The book also began to glow slowly, especially the special pattern, which was filled with a strange and dark power.

The power is like a ghost fog, rising up, but it does not condense, it floats and floats back and forth, as if it is talking to Scarface.

Scarface's expression with eyes closed was full of various changes, from shock to excitement for a while, and finally became extremely determined.

After a while.

The ghost fog dissipated, and Scarface opened his eyes.

She held the books that had returned to normal in both hands, her eyes were full of hope and longing, and said firmly: "Master, don't worry, I will definitely find you the best host..."


Inside the spaceship.

Saros is driving the spaceship.

And Hal and Kilowog are studying the data obtained from Scarface, hoping to find something from it, so as to save Aya.

Razer was also pulled over by them.


Razer is actively participating on the surface, but in fact it is just acting. Its real thoughts are still on that special book.

His intuition told himself that that thing must be an extremely important clue, probably related to the task Bai Xiaofei gave.

Think about it.

Razer didn't dare to neglect, so he quickly found an excuse, got out of the research atmosphere, and then came to a certain corner of the spaceship, and began to secretly contact Bai Xiaofei.

But it's a pity that at this time Bai Xiaofei was arranging the thirty-six star formation, so he didn't notice the text message sent by Razer in time.

Bai Xiaofei didn't discover Razer's information until he finished the formation and arranged the content of the next task.


Bai Xiaofei's expression immediately became serious.

"This pattern..."

"Nimma! You can't go wrong, although there are some discrepancies with the anime, but according to Razer's explanation, this thing is absolutely 100% the symbol of the black lamp!"

"The Black Death Emperor is trying to make trouble!"


Bai Xiaofei was silent in his heart.

Secretly, it’s really a troubled time, just after the anti-supervision king was settled, Tian Qixing jumped out...

The results are not over yet.

Even the famous Black Death Emperor is ready to move.

The DC world is really dark!


Bai Xiaofei smiled.

My heart said, it’s okay if it’s chaotic, the more chaotic the better!

Darkseid, Morpheus, the God of Dreams, the Black Death Emperor, and the anti-surveillance king who only has one head left and can travel through time and space and the past and future with the most important parts, and the parallax monster who escaped and hid...

None of these guys are good at quarreling, it just depends on who is the most noisy!

The praying mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole follows behind.


Let's see who comes out on top!

Afterwards, Bai Xiaofei returned a message to Razer, telling him not to worry about the scar face anymore, and just concentrate on being his own undercover agent.


This time undercover is different from last time.

The main reason is to lurk on Hal and Star OA, so that Bai Xiaofei can know the movements there in time.

after all……

The next two protagonists to fight are OA Star and Apocalypse Star.


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