The Storm God

Chapter 3552 Unprepared! (Please subscribe!)


After reading the message, Razer remained silent.

He knows how to measure, since Bai Xiaofei said that he doesn't need to take care of this matter, Razer will naturally not go into it further.

after all……

He is just a little brother.

Whether it is status or ability, there is too much difference.

Now, Razer's only task is to continue to undercover. Although Bai Xiaofei didn't say clearly about the undercover mission, Razer understands it in his heart.

To know.

The upcoming war between OA and Apocalypse has caused a lot of noise during this time, and even Razer has heard a lot about it.


He just doesn't care.

But from time to time, now that he has returned to Hal's side, Razer naturally knows where to place himself.

The facts were not what he expected.

During this period of time, Hal and Kilowog have been busy outside, and Appa also intentionally distanced himself from Hal, so Hal knew the news that OA star was about to encounter disaster very late.

And after learning about it, Hal's decision was also very firm.

"Go back to Star OA!"

Hal said firmly.


Kilowog was a little surprised and dazed, shall we go back now? So what about Aya? Just leave it alone?

"Let's put it aside for now!"

Hal was also very helpless, he sighed, wondering: "Aya is not in any danger for the time being, but OA star is not necessarily!"

after all……

The opponent is Apocalypse.

Even if Hal is a native of Earth, he knows the horror of Apocalypse.

Because, as early as when he was on the earth, he had seen the horror of the Apocalypse star demons with his own eyes, but the earth survived in the end.

Although the OA star is strong, and its technological level is far superior to that of the earth, but to be honest, the strength of Green Lantern...

Really not enough!

At least……

Compared with the superheroes Hal has seen on the earth, there is a certain gap, which refers to the general kind.

If it is a top-level existence like Wonder Woman, it will be even worse, and the keys are all scattered in various sectors of the universe.

If it weren't for this, the original Red Lantern Corps wouldn't have invaded the OA star so easily, and even almost took down the little blue people.

Now the opponent is replaced by the even more terrifying Apocalypse...


Hal was naturally very worried.

After all, that is the foundation of his current work. Although Hal does not agree with many of the little blue man's practices, he still needs to have basic professional ethics.

As a member of the Green Lantern, OA star is in trouble, if you don't know it, that's fine. Now that you know, Hal will naturally not stand by.

"All right!"

Kilowog pondered for a moment.

Then he nodded, understood what Hal meant, and then looked at Saros and the Thunder Snake who had just rushed back.

Saruos said: "I'll be with you, too. After all, many Blue Lanterns from Star Odim have also gone to support you."


Kilowog nodded, expressing his thanks.

Razer's side is relatively simple. After all, both sides are familiar with each other, and the Red Lantern Corps is also one of the important participants in this battle, so there is no need to ask, and I know that Razer is definitely going.

The two parties have already understood each other's meaning with just one eye contact, and they have a good understanding.

"Then let's go!"


The spaceship immediately turned around and rushed to star OA with all its strength.


at the same time.

In the vast cosmic sky.

Apocalypse Star's huge space battleship is engulfed in billowing flames, and is advancing aggressively towards OA Star.


They are not very far away from the light house barrier of star OA, and they will arrive in less than an hour or so.

"Let's have a simple battle meeting!"

The control room of the main battleship.

Dallol and others also learned some information about the situation and information about the lighthouse barrier through their own channels.


Just to be on the safe side.

He planned to gather everyone and hold a simple meeting to discuss how to fight when he arrived at the battlefield later.

after all.

The fiasco of the last time made him engraved in his heart.

This time, Dallol is going to commit crimes and meritorious deeds, so there must be no mistakes, and he must be careful.

To know.

Their opponents are no longer just the Green Lanterns of Star OA, but also the Blue Lanterns who appeared out of nowhere, the Red Lantern Corps in No Man's Land, and some other warriors of cosmic civilization.

Although Dallol has strong confidence in the strength of himself and others, it is better to be cautious.

The last fiasco is the best example.

Dallol doesn't want to repeat the same mistakes.


Basically, everyone has no opinion, but Long Zhan and the others from the fantasy team are somewhat sneering at this.

One of them had a pair of weird horns and looked hideous and frightening. He said in a low voice, "I don't think we need it, do we?"

His meaning is very simple.

It is you who have committed crimes and meritorious deeds, not us.

We are only here to assist you, and we will only help you when it is really dangerous.

That is.

They won't do it easily.


The enemies were all killed by them, how could Dallol and the others make meritorious deeds? We are giving you a chance to show off.

So we will not participate in the meeting to discuss or something.

After all, the two sides are not of the same weight, have you ever seen a tiger and a lion, go to a meeting of wolves?



Dallol and others were very angry about this.

But more is helplessness and bitterness, because this is the truth, not to mention the strength of the members of the fantasy team.

It is said that it is true that people have committed crimes and performed meritorious deeds.


In the end, they could only look at the captain.

"I see!"

Dallol frowned slightly, and nodded lightly to the words of the tauren Quite, and said, "Come or not, it's up to you, little demon, fifth child, let's go, and call the Nemesis team and the others..."


Everyone responded.


A group of people came to the meeting room.

The elite that Apocalypse selected this time is the Nemesis team trained by Grandma Cixiang.

They did not refuse Dallol's invitation.

Arrived in the conference room very punctually.

"What are you going to do?"

Big Bada, the captain of the Goddess of Nemesis, looked at Dallol and the others with great interest, and asked, "Is there anything we need to do?"

"Being not!"

Dallore replied.

For the members of the Nemesis team, Dallol did not dare to underestimate them, because each of them is very terrifying.

Even if there is some gap with myself, it is very small.

Especially the captain.

To know.

Big Bada is a new Protoss of the Doomsday Star!

His own talent and bloodline ability are extremely powerful, and the key is to get Darkseid and the assistant of Morpheus, the God of Dreams, to a higher level.

Who would dare to underestimate such an existence?


None of this matters.

Most importantly, this mission belongs to Dallol and the others.

They have to take advantage of this opportunity to perform well and make meritorious deeds. If they are really robbed of the limelight by others, wouldn't they come in vain?


If it is not necessary and absolutely necessary, Dallol will not ask others to help, even those demons.

The meaning of Dallol and others is very simple, that is to rely on their own strength to completely overthrow the OA star!

to this end.

They even didn't hesitate to spend a huge amount of points, almost all their savings, to enhance their strength and ability.

The content of the meeting was also extremely simple and rude.

Dallore suggested.

Take it by surprise, catch it by surprise!

Taking advantage of the Guangwu barrier on the OA star, they are not yet fully prepared, so they arrive at the scene one step ahead and catch the opponent by surprise!



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