The Storm God

Chapter 3553 You will die if you touch it! (Please subscribe!)

Xiao Yao is a restless master. After hearing the boss's proposal, he immediately became excited and was the first to vote by raising his hand.

"We have no objection either!"

The fifth and the others also expressed their attitudes one after another.

after all……

We are all acquaintances.

Who doesn't know, besides, Dallol's proposal is also very good, and there is nothing wrong with it.


The most important thing is.

They all have enough confidence in their own strength.

Even if there are really some hard-to-handle masters on the OA star side, they can retreat unscathed, after all, they are only alone.

And the big troops are very close.

So what if there is an accident?

Fight hard!

When the army arrives, even if other people don't attack, this formation alone can scare many people.

But if their battle plan is successful, the effect they can achieve will not be ordinary.

If not, it will be decisive.

after all……

Lighthouse barriers are important.

Whether it is for the OA star or the opponent's own alliance, it is of vital significance. Once the barrier is destroyed, the OA star is almost equivalent to being undefended.


This battle must be won no matter what!

Think about it.

Dallo narrowed his eyes for a moment.

Seeing that several colleagues in my team support me so much, I feel very relieved in my heart, and said with a smile: "Okay, since that's the case, then let's tidy up a little and set off right away!"


Everyone responded.

Afterwards, Xiao Yao and others left one after another.


Dallol stayed.

He is a Dragon Ball Warrior, and he seems to have the blood of a Super Saiyan, so fighting or something is as simple as eating and drinking for him, without any preparation at all.


The most important thing is.

When he saw Big Barda of the Goddess of Nemesis team, he blinked at himself just now, apparently he had something to say to him.

After Xiao Yao and the others all left.

Dallol didn't talk to the other party, and asked directly: "If you have anything to say, just say it, I don't like beating around the bush!"


Big Pata smiled slightly.

Looking at Dallol with a hint of appreciation, he said, "I'm just leading someone to pass on a message. You'd better succeed in this mission, otherwise no one will be able to save you..."

"Neither the Dream God Lord!"


After speaking, they left.

Dallol silently watched the Nemesis team leave, with disgust and anger deep in his eyes, and said in his heart: "You bastards, sooner or later, I will take revenge for all of this!"

"I swear!"

Dallol is clear.

It doesn't matter who said what, the important thing is that they are completely looked down upon by the other party now.


Also stared at them.

If it weren't for the Oneiroi Lord Murphys above, I'm afraid Dallol and others would have been troubled by someone.

However, this is only temporary.

If Dallol and the others did not perform satisfactorily in this battle, even if they were covered by the Oneiroi Lord Morpheus, the people behind them would probably jump out and make trouble.

The purpose is naturally to avenge De Sadd.

As a proud Dragon Ball fighter, has Dallol ever been so angry? If he hadn't been concerned about the face of the God of Dreams, Murphys, he would have turned his back on Apocalypse long ago.


Dallol could only hold back his anger.

Gather all the anger, and then prepare to vent it to the light house barrier of star OA.

He wants to use practical actions to slap the other party in the face, so that the other party knows that they are not easy to mess with!

The last failure was nothing more than an accident.



Xiao Yao and the others are ready.

"Set off!"

Without any ink.

Dallol, who was full of fighting spirit, gave an order directly, and took his six team members, and set foot on the fast small battleship prepared by Apocalypse.


The battleship departs.

Directly open the warping space, and go straight to the barrier of the light house at the fastest speed.


Light house barrier.

The person in charge of Star OA, Abin Sur, is busy assigning tasks, arranging the deployment of a legion and soldiers, and the whole person is like a spinning top, with almost no time to rest.

after all……

According to the latest detection news, the fleet of Apocalypse has arrived at the nearest galaxy, and it will arrive at the light house in no more than 2 hours.

However, their defensive deployment has not yet been fully implemented.

Abin Sulton was under a lot of pressure.

In fact.

It's not that he's incapable.

Being sent by the OA star to direct the overall situation is a kind of recognition in itself, and others can't come if they want to.

The reason why the defense deployment has not been fully completed until now is not because of Abin Sur, but because everyone comes from different places.

Everyone has their own beliefs and principles.


This naturally led to some unavoidable friction and collisions in the initial communication with each other.

Just like the Red Lantern Corps!

To know.

They were in the universe before, wantonly doing evil for a period of time. Although they have changed for the better now, the things they committed in the past will not change because of this.

Especially some planets that have been bullied and even destroyed by them. The grievances between the two parties cannot be resolved with a simple apology.


Among the many forces supporting OA star.

There are many such examples, so when arranging work in Abin Sur, it is inevitable to encounter various resistances.

The reason is simple.

I have a grudge against these red guys. Even if I die, I will definitely not cooperate with him to defend and fight against the enemy.

These are relatively easy to talk about.

And for those who are difficult to talk about, just do it on the spot.

If it weren't for Abin Sur and others who arrived in time to dissuade them, they would have already started doing it themselves before the enemy came.

Without any choice.

Abin Sur had to find another way.

But in this way, the problem will come again. Without the assistance of the Red Lantern Corps, the combat power of other forces will be severely reduced.

As a result, many weak and even fatal flaws will appear in the defense force.

The blue light and green light can also serve as and make up for it in the past.

But in this way, it will lead to a large-scale transfer of personnel, or even a lack of personnel, which will have a considerable impact on the entire deployment plan.

Although in the end Abin Sur relied on his ingenuity, he managed to think of a way to make do with it, but the result was far worse than expected.

The most terrible thing was that before Abin Sul could breathe a sigh of relief, the sirens of the outermost defensive fleet suddenly rang through the entire defensive position.

"what happened?"

"Didn't the fleet of Apocalypse say that it will take about 2 hours to arrive? Why did the alarm suddenly sound?"

"Is it a mistake?"


Everyone was talking for a while.

Abin Sur did not dare to neglect, and immediately contacted the outermost defensive fleet to inquire about the specific situation.


The other party didn't have any nonsense.

A picture was sent directly to Abin Sur, which showed a miniature Apocalypse star warship rushing towards them at an astonishing speed.


in flight.

A man with golden flames all over his body, surrounded by blue and white lightning, and a terrifying aura flew out of the battleship.

This man's hands were shining, and he bombarded the defensive fleet indiscriminately. In the screen, countless golden light clusters were shot from the hands of the golden flame man, blowing up several defensive battleships in just a moment.

It's as if those warships were made of paper.

No exceptions and exceptions were spared!

If you touch it, you will die!


last of the last.

The information on the screen suddenly stopped and turned into a snowflake.


The warship that was in contact with Abin Sur was also attacked by the other side, and may even have been killed.


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