The Storm God

Chapter 3554 Confrontation! (Please subscribe!)


Abin Sur is no fool.

Seeing this scene, he suddenly came to his senses. Apocalypse launched a lightning raid, and was going to catch them by surprise.


Abin Sur's expression changed.

At this time, the strongest force must be integrated to prevent the enemy from invading, otherwise, once the opponent breaks in and destroys the subsequent defensive formation, everything will be over.


Regardless of worrying about the life and death of those on the outermost defensive front, Abin Sur immediately contacted representatives of all legions.

In fact.

Don't make contact with him deliberately.

When the alarm sounded, the leaders of other legions also received relevant news very quickly.

Especially those who are responsible for the outermost defense of the legion of those soldiers.

Although most of them are Green Lanterns, there are also some fighters from other legions, such as Blue Lanterns.

And because the blue light restrains the red light, there is no Red Lantern in the outermost defense.

This actually allowed the Red Lantern Corps to reduce major casualties and losses.

"what happened?"

The heads of several major legions met soon.

Representatives of some small forces obviously lacked psychological quality, and looked very flustered and frightened.

"Did Apocalypse call?"


Abin Sur nodded.

Briefly told everyone about the matter, and finally said: "If you guessed correctly, this should be the vanguard of Apocalypse!"

"The purpose is to catch us off guard, destroy our formation and defense first, and disturb the morale of the army..."

"The most important thing for us now is to gather strength and stop the other party. They must not continue to move forward, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!"


Everyone understands the truth.

But the key is, how does this work?


The strength of those people is really too terrifying and powerful. The outermost defensive force was destroyed in an instant.

How to stop the other party at this moment?

Think here.

Everyone couldn't help looking at Abin Sur, after all, he was the commander-in-chief, at least in name.

"Let us Green Lanterns do the sniping of the enemy, and the rest of you are responsible for consolidating the defense and rescuing the wounded..."

Abin Sur took his time.

I quickly informed everyone of my decision and arrangement.

According to his meaning, if you want to deal with the vanguard of Apocalypse, you must be the best of the best!

And the Green Lanterns with the new version of the Green Lantern Ring are undoubtedly the best personnel, because they have the Blue Light Buff to bless them.

The combat power after the status is full is very impressive.

Compared with other fighters, the advantages are extremely obvious. The key ability of Green Lantern is also very versatile. Unlike other fighters, they are more serious, and they all have various flaws, which are easy to be targeted.


Regarding Abin Sur's proposal, everyone didn't make any sense, and they all nodded their heads. After all, the name of Green Lantern is still very convincing.

The Red Lantern Corps had secret thoughts, so naturally they didn't want to be the leader.

They contributed to the flames, thus directly determining the implementation and implementation of Abin Sur's plan...

Of course.

as one of the allies.

Naturally, the Red Lantern Corps couldn't say that they didn't have nothing at all, but they just sent out dozens of Red Lanterns to help fight as a symbol.

Compared with the manpower dispatched by other legions, there is a big gap.

For example, those alien races who drive some kind of biological mech-like device, they directly dispatched thousands of elite fighters to help.

On the side of the Lanternman, there were also more than a dozen dispatched.


Their job is not to fight.

The more important thing is to increase the Buff and combat power of the Green Lantern who is going to perform the mission. Apart from having no milk, it is regarded as the strongest support.


Abin Sur was going with him.

But he was stopped by everyone. After all, he is the commander-in-chief of the Legion Alliance. If he goes there, what danger will happen, or even fall...

Then the dragons here have no leader, wouldn't they have to collapse on the spot?

Without any choice.

Abin Sur had to choose another man.

And the person who performs this task is the elite warrior of star OA, an alien with a head of half fish and half eagle, but has most of the alien characteristics of human beings——Rex.

"Captain, don't worry, we promise to complete the task!"

Rex spoke confidently.

As a member of the team recognized by Abin Sur, at this moment, he felt a heavy responsibility and was very excited.


Abin Sur is also very confident in Rex's strength.

Wen Yan nodded, and then said: "Be careful in everything, if the situation is not right, or the enemy is powerful, don't be brave!"


Rex said.

Afterwards, he took a group of new Green Lanterns, a dozen Blue Lanterns, and aliens from other civilized galaxies to the outermost defensive battlefield as quickly as possible.

Others continued to hold meetings to discuss.


Start another task.


Light house barrier.

The outermost defensive front.


All the warships have been destroyed and turned into countless corpses and mutilations floating in the starry sky of the universe. It looks extremely miserable.

And almost none of the members of the battleship survived.

Even if someone used the escape pod to escape at a critical moment and avoided being killed on the spot, the danger did not end.

Not long after those people escaped, they were directly hit by the destructive Qimang and light clusters that flashed across the sky, and they were completely killed.

Some were frozen into lumps of ice.

Some were devoured and shattered by the claw-shaped cracks that opened in the void.

Some people even turned into all kinds of toys or snacks after being concentrated by a burst of purple light waves.


The people here are just plain old.

That was all kinds of abuse. In just a short moment, no less than a thousand members died in various ways.

The most terrible thing is.

Even so, those sneak attackers did not slow down much, and soon left the battlefield area, and continued to invade and approach the light house barrier.

That posture...

It can be described in one word - overwhelming!


Dallol and the others soon met a group of Rex who were also rushing towards them at the fastest speed.

The two sides looked at each other passionately in the vast starry sky.

follow closely.

The war broke out again.

It's just that this time it's not as easy as the last time. After all, one is a surprise attack and the other is a well-prepared one.

The results are naturally different.



Dallol and the others on Apocalypse's side, although their moves are simple and crude, their power and effect are also extremely astonishing.

In front of them, battleships are just like paper, without any defensive capabilities.

On the contrary, those Green Lanterns who flew out to fight with their own strength without taking the spaceship were barely able to withstand the wave of offensives from Dallol and others.


It's just a wave.


The weapon attacks released by more than a dozen new versions of Green Lanterns directly collided with the air mass of Dallol and others, as well as other special ability waves.

Just for a moment.

Many of Green Lantern's shields were dried into pieces.

Immediately afterwards, their bodies either turned into ashes on the spot and disappeared completely, or they were seriously injured and temporarily lost their fighting power.

no way.

Who made the two sides not exist at the same level at all.

Among other things, Dallol, the leader of the seven-member team, was able to single out almost all of them with his terrifying dragon ball aura.

And there are as many as seven masters like him.

If Green Lantern wanted to stop them, he had to pay more people and strength to barely equalize with the opponent.

This is very hard!


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