The Storm God

Chapter 3555 It's my turn! (Please subscribe!)


"It's too weak, it's like an ant!"

"Is this your strength?"


Dallol stopped abruptly.

He folded his hands on his chest, held his head high, and looked down at a group of green light warriors opposite him with condescending eyes, full of disdain and disappointment.

as if...

Came here on a whim, but saw a group of vulgar and vulgar fans, and was completely speechless towards these reception staff.

And opposite him.

It is a group of miserably abused Green Lanterns.

As well as other soldiers who came to help and support, they suffered heavy losses in the shock and confrontation just now.

It's like a group of sheep charging towards the Tyrannosaurus rex. Tyrannosaurus rex was not injured, but this group of sheep suffered heavy casualties, which is really pitiful.

In the vast universe, the bodies of Green Lanterns can be seen almost everywhere, including some new Green Light fighters with new green light rings.

no way.

Dallol is too strong.

He and these Green Lanterns are not in the same order of magnitude at all.

This is the result of part of the power that Dallol can restrain, otherwise a super-large air bomb will probably blow all these people to ashes!

To know.

The qi and destructive power of the dragon ball world are extremely astonishing.

Hundreds of combat power can blow up the moon, let alone a super boss with hundreds of billions like Dallol.

Even if it is only one tenth, or even one percent of the power of the explosion, it is definitely not a joke.

Let me ask...

How could he have any interest in these weak players?

Dallol sighed and shook his head, then said helplessly: "Little demon, I will leave these weak chickens to you, I will go to the front first..."

The voice did not fall.

The whole person erupted suddenly, and the golden flame turned into a terrifying power, making Dallol disappear in front of everyone in an instant like a super-light rocket.

Xiao Yao and the others: "..."


You are too a thief!

Are we like disposing of garbage? You are clearly handsome!

But the complaints belonged to the complaints, they didn't quit, but turned all these grievances and depression into attacks.

In the blink of an eye.

The Green Lantern Warriors who survived just now almost all fell down.

Although the abilities of the six little demons are not as brutal and terrifying as Dallol's, they are all very weird and special.

Definitely more than enough to deal with Green Lantern.

In just a few moments.

The battle is over.

The six continued to fly.

The battlefield just now turned into a scene of purgatory.

Countless corpses were mutilated, floating in space, silently telling their tragic experiences.


Light house barrier.

Abin Sur is uniting everyone to urgently build a defensive formation.


He got a message.

It was from Rex, and the picture was extremely bloody. What I saw was the scene when the compatriots were tortured and killed by Xiao Yao and others with their abilities.

"We failed!"

"I'll leave the rest to you, must..."


The screen stopped abruptly.

In the end, Abin saw that his good friend was transformed into a lifelike sculpture in an instant, completely losing signs of life.

And in a certain corner of the screen, there is a side face with a wanton grin.

He was the one who released the petrified light just now.


Abin's eyes suddenly turned red.

He never expected that Rex had just led people to support him, but unfortunately news came from behind him.

Abin Sur was sad.

He was also very angry and sad, and wished he could rush out immediately, fight the enemy, and avenge his friends.


Abin also knows.

I can't do this myself, because he is the commander in chief of the entire light house barrier, and he must consider and be responsible for the overall situation.

Without any choice.

Abin could only forcefully hold back his impulse.

Then immediately informed several other legion leaders of the relevant news, meaning that the enemy is powerful, and we have no time to waste.

If you don't cooperate anymore, you won't know who will die next.


Others also saw this scene.

Everyone was startled for a moment, and then fell silent, frightened and discolored. Some of the more timid ones even expressed their intention to withdraw on the spot.

"If you want to quit now, don't you think it's too late?"

Someone sneered.


"Soldiers come to block the water and cover them with soil, afraid of a ball!"

"If you can't fight, you will die!"

"Damn it!"


Most people are still bloody.

Instead of being intimidated, they aroused infinite fighting spirit, and each of them wanted to rush out to fight the enemy.


In the end, he was persuaded by Abin Sur.

Because he knows very well that these people are giving away when they go out, and it is better to use them rationally than to waste them.

after all.

This is their only chance.

"what to do?"

Some of the calmer and wiser people grasped the point of the question and asked Abin Sur: "The strength of the enemy and us is very different. How can we block the attacks of those killing gods?"


This question is critical.

Abin Sur actually didn't know, but as the commander-in-chief, he couldn't say anything, otherwise the morale of the army would be lost.

After a moment of silence.

His face darkened, and he suddenly said: "Because of his overconfidence, that guy seems to be going deep alone now, and rushed towards us. I mean, this is a good opportunity!"

"You mean, let's get together and kill him together?"


Abin Sur nodded.

Said: "This is our only hope. If we can't even deal with this one, we will have no chance at all when the other six arrive!"


Everyone pondered for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, someone decided to follow Abin Sur to fight.


A group of the most powerful elite fighters were selected, the number is about 300, all of them are the strongest among the major legions.

They joined together to form a sharp knife force, and were sent by Abin Sur to meet Dallol who was rushing towards this side.

If even this elite army can't do anything to the opponent, then they really have no hope at all.

"Everyone rush with me!"


The sharp knife troops were dispatched collectively.


They met Dallol, and without further ado, they bombarded him indiscriminately, planning to strike first.

"Boom boom boom!"

In an instant, various forces enveloped Dallol immediately.

But it's a pity that these attacks hit him like scratching an itch, and couldn't hurt Dallol at all.


This extremely intensive and indiscriminate bombardment didn't even break Dallol's clothes a little bit.

Seeing this scene, the members of the elite army were very confused and desperate.

Dallol smiled cruelly: "You guys are done attacking, now it's my turn, I'll let you try my new trick today..."

The voice did not fall.

I saw him raise his right hand slightly.

At the tip of Xiu Ran's upraised index finger, a misty air mass that seemed to be the size of a soybean suddenly lit up.

Although the air mass was small in size, its aura was extremely powerful and terrifying. Anyway, the moment it appeared, the people around immediately felt the terrifying and heavy pressure like a mountain.

next moment……

"call out!"

This bean-like air ball was thrown out by Dallol, and immediately the faces of the soldiers who attacked him changed greatly in fright, and they turned and fled.


No matter how fast they escaped, they were not as fast as the air mass exploding.

Just listen to the sound of "wave".

The air mass exploded.


First there was an incomparably destructive light that almost swept across the audience.

Immediately afterwards, there was an overwhelming terrifying force that swept across the audience in an instant, ruthlessly raging and covering almost everyone.

And all those affected, without exception, turned into ashes in an instant, and there was not even scum left of the dead!


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