The Storm God

Chapter 3556 Don't talk about loyalty! (Please subscribe!)


There was dead silence in the command room.

The situation of the battle on the battlefield was almost broadcast live, so when everyone saw that the sharp knife troops were sent to the regiment by Dallol in a face-to-face, everyone was stunned.

It's like being enchanted by petrification magic.

All of them stared wide-eyed, their mouths opened enough to swallow a ball, and their faces were full of horror and despair.

no way.

This picture is too shocking.

Those are the elite masters carefully selected by these legions.


in front of the enemy.

But it is weaker than an ant.

The opponent just stretched out a finger, and the weird energy of the air mass almost wiped out all the soldiers...


Who can resist this!



"You must run quickly, or you will have to wait to die if it is too late!"

"We are not opponents at all..."


This moment.

Everyone's hope was completely crushed, leaving only endless fear.

And in a certain hidden corner of the barrier of the light house, a certain special voice was laughing happily.

"Jie jie jie..."

"Fear, tremble, and become my source of strength!"

"Only fear is the only truth in the universe!"

"Hey hey hey!"

If Bai Xiaofei was here, he would definitely be able to recognize that this creature hiding in the dark and secretly devouring the power of fear is none other than the parallax monster that escaped before!

And now...

He didn't know where to find an alien host, and he even came near the light house barrier, intending to watch from the sidelines and enjoy the benefits of being a fisherman!

And the fear of Abin Sur and others is his best source of strength.

Visible to the naked eye, parallax monsters...

Oh no!


It should be the Parallax Demon.

After all, the current parallax monster already has a host, that is, the parallax monster, no matter how weak it is!

The power breath of Parallax Demon was originally very weak.

But now...

As the fear of Abin Sul and others grew stronger, the power he gained also increased.

Gradually, his strength also increased exponentially!


No one found out.

Regardless of the situation and thoughts of the parallax demon.

Light house barrier.

In the command room, after a short period of dead silence, everyone quickly came to their senses, and then their expressions changed drastically.

Including Chief Commander Abin Sur!

"So strong!"

"Who is that person? Such power, such destructive power, I have never heard of it before..."

"A new breed developed by Apocalypse?"


Abin Sur's face was serious.

His intuition told himself that the OA star might be in danger in this battle.

To know.

There was only one person on the other side just now.

But abruptly and directly overthrew the elite soldiers of up to 300 people they united with, how terrifying and powerful this is!

If the soldiers of Apocalypse are all like this...

Then the whole universe will be over!


He also knows.

It is impossible to mass-produce a super soldier like this.

It is very likely that what they are encountering now is the best among them, and it is impossible to have more such terrifying fighters.

But the problem is.

They can't handle this alone.

Even if there are no similar masters in the future, even if there is only an ordinary demon-like army, it will be enough for everyone to drink a pot.

what to do?

There was hardly any hesitation.

Abin Sul immediately turned around and left the command room, preparing to report the situation to OA star, and asked for support and help by the way.

after all……

After this great battle.

Their combat effectiveness is already severely lacking, especially the masters and elites, who were almost crippled by the enemy.

If the OA star does not send additional personnel and countermeasures, judging from the current situation, the light house barrier will undoubtedly lose!

To know.

That man was just a pioneer.

Apocalypse's large army is still behind and has not attacked yet.

Just a vanguard can beat them like this. When the big army comes, then what the hell is going on, just surrender!

Not just Abin Sur.

The leaders of the other major legions were also completely panicked.

Like Batgirl from the Red Lantern Corps...


These guys have already calculated.

The reason why I didn't act at the beginning is mainly because I'm not sure whether the specific situation on the scene is strong or weak...

And now.

After witnessing the terror of Dallol with his own eyes.

Batgirl immediately made a decision: "Let's go! You have to go right away, otherwise you won't be able to go if you want to go when the big troops from Apocalypse arrive!"


He hurriedly contacted Zuo Kesi.

And told the other party everything that happened here, and finally said: "Sir, I don't think it is necessary for us to stay, because staying here is simply courting death!"


Zuo Kesi deeply agrees.

Hearing this, he frowned and said: "The situation this time is obviously beyond our belief. The horror and power of Apocalypse is well known to everyone in the universe, but I didn't expect them to be so terrifying..."


"Since the situation is so dangerous, you should evacuate as soon as possible!"

"Don't worry about the reaction from Star OA..."


Zuo Kesi narrowed his eyes and said.

In him, there is no sense of loyalty and responsibility. After all, the relationship between the Red Lantern Corps and OA Star is not very harmonious.

The two sides formed a cooperation only due to various pressures and needs.


The army of Apocalypse came under pressure.

The situation of OA star is critical, Zuo Kesi thinks that there is no need to go to die with OA star, although the relationship between the two parties is almost the same, there will be no eggs under the collapse of the nest, but at least they can survive for a while.

And during this period of respite, there may be some hope.

In short.

Zuckers is very selfish!

Seeing that the situation was not good, without any hesitation, he immediately agreed to Batgirl's proposal and directly activated their backhands in advance.


Just when Abin Sur and others were trying to find ways to ask for help and actively deal with powerful enemies like Apocalypse.

Batwoman and others of the Red Lantern Corps suddenly activated a special technological device, and they who stayed near the last line of defense of the light house barrier directly opened a space wormhole and escaped collectively!


When everyone heard the news, they were stunned for a while.

Then they all started yelling.


"Those guys from the Red Lantern Corps escaped without showing any loyalty..."

"What the hell am I # %¥......"


Everyone was furious.

Facing the fleeing Red Lantern Corps, he directly exhaled fragrance and greeted the other party's female elders and relatives cordially.

Even Abin Sur, who has always had a good temper, couldn't help but yell at him. After all, he handed over the most important defense line to the Red Lantern Corps.


They just quit.

This is tantamount to directly hollowing out their last defensive force and creating a hollow defensive formation.

If the enemy's SLR has a little insight, they can easily penetrate this defense, and they don't even need to pay attention to them.


As long as the physical defense of the barrier is broken, the OA star is completely undefended, and anyone who wants to come can come and leave as they want.

These people are just decorations.

Doesn't do much at all.


"Everyone, all return to defense!"

"Hold the barrier!"


At this moment, Abin Sur didn't care about other things, and immediately ordered everyone to return to the light house barrier and concentrate on defense.


Once the enemy is killed, go past them.

The unguarded barrier will be their biggest flaw and weakness, which is equivalent to the undefended crystal tower.

This is so fucked up!


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