The Storm God

Chapter 3557 Vigilance! (Please subscribe!)

In the depths of the starry sky.

The large army of Apocalypse is still sailing.


They arrived at the outermost defensive zone of the lighthouse barrier army before, and then saw a large piece of battlefield wreckage floating in the starry sky.

"It looks like the fight is quite intense!"

Big Bada stared at the scene outside and said with a smile.

The rest of the Nemesis team members also nodded one after another. Obviously, they have long been familiar with such a scene.

after all……

They did it too.

Even, compared to people like Dallol, the Nemesis team will fight the world for Darkseid, and they will only kill more people!


And beside them.

It is Long Zhan and others of Dream Team.

One of them was a young handsome boy who looked about seventeen or eighteen years old, curled his lips when he heard the words, and said without thanks: "What is this, for guys like Dallol, they are just a bunch of trash! "

The tone is full of arrogance.

To this.

The others didn't say much, because everyone knows that these guys are not easy to mess with, and it's better not to talk to them.

after all……

The relationship between the two parties is a bit delicate now.

The root of the problem lies in the experience of Dust Star last time. After all, it was Dallol who killed Darkseid's capable officer De Saad. Although Apocalypse Star has nothing on the surface, it is actually very concerned matter.


All this is just appearance.

The real question is, who is Darkseid?

That is the ruler of Apocalypse, a veritable hero, how could he allow people similar to himself to exist?

The current so-called cooperative relationship is nothing more than a strategy and means.

When the time is right, the two sides will inevitably turn their faces.

on this...

The Nemesis team can see clearly.

So all along, they have been very indifferent to Dallol, the Dream Team and others, and they just say a few words from time to time.

It is a kind of temptation!

If the other party ignores it, it's fine, it's harmless.

But if these people have an obvious tendency to make trouble, then the Nemesis team will stop suddenly.

Just like this time.

Dabada has already seen it.

The youngest boy in the team, who seems to be called Haotian, has a very explosive temper, like a powder keg, and he will be on fire at any point.

Such a person can only tease a few words before continuing...

It will be called directly.


Seeing Haotian speak.

The Nemesis team decisively turned off the flames.


They looked forward.

With their astonishing eyesight, it is not difficult to see that although this battlefield looks tragic, in fact Dallol and others did not exert much power.

Otherwise, the stars around here would have collapsed long ago.

That would still be intact.

That is.

Dallol Seven almost resolved the battle with a sweep.

The only ones who are unlucky are the enemies.


Think here.

The members of the Nemesis team couldn't help but look at each other, and they all saw a trace of solemnity and fear in each other's eyes.


They also know very well that these guys are terrible.

Even if they are promoted, they can't say that they can win 100% of each other, especially in the battle of life and death, it is even more unpredictable!

The most important thing is that in terms of numbers, the Nemesis team is also very weak, after all, they are two teams!

But fortunately, the two sides have not completely tore apart their faces, it is just a slight dissatisfaction.

So don't take it too seriously, just know what's going on.

The fleet of ships moved on.


They saw another piece of devastation.

However, compared to the previous battlefield, this one is obviously much cleaner. There are very few corpses, and most of them are the wreckage and parts of battleships.

"Why aren't there many corpses?"

Some members of the Nemesis team asked curiously.

Hao Tian from the fantasy team, upon hearing this, explained with a smile: "That's naturally because those corpses have been directly beaten into scum by Dallol and others..."

His tone was as arrogant and condescending as ever.

Especially the eyes.

Looking at Dabada and the others was like looking at a group of country bumpkins, full of superiority, which made the Furies want to jump over and kick him in the face.


They were very restrained and held back.

But the captain, Da Bada, didn't care about these little things. At this moment, she was carefully observing the mutilation on the battlefield.

I was very puzzled in my heart: "This battlefield is very different from the previous one. The power breath and the damage pattern are almost the same, which means it came from the same hand..."

"But how is it possible!"

"Although the scale here is not as large as last time, in terms of quality, theoretically speaking, it should be stronger. One person can kill everything..."

"Isn't this too exaggerated?"


She had to admit it.

If it were me, if I want to achieve this level, although it is not impossible, it will not be easy and easy.

Especially in such a short time, Da Lol and others have done it.

Although I don't know who did it, it doesn't matter. The important thing is that the opponent's strength is very strong and scary.

The most important thing is.

In front of the fantasy team, Dallol and others seem to be very humble.

as if...

It was as if he was a generation shorter than the other party.

Could it be that the members of this fantasy team are more powerful and terrifying than Dallol and the others, otherwise all this cannot be explained.

But think about it.

Since Morpheus, the God of Dreams, sent the fantasy team to the finale and help Dallol and the others, it is impossible for these people to be inferior to Dallol and the others.

In this way, that Oneiroi Morpheus is really mysterious!

No wonder even a great god as strong as the monarch Darkseid had to cooperate with each other, but beat them directly...

It seems that we have to be careful.

Don't capsize in the gutter!


Big Pata gave the sisters a look, and everyone understood instantly, and then nodded to express their understanding.


at the same time.

The seven Dallols on the other side have gathered together.

Dallol went all the way through, without reservation of strength, killing and killing, and he was so powerful that there was no enemy in a single round.


He killed near the light house barrier.

Of course, this is also related to the escape of the Red Lantern Corps, which forced Abin Sur and others to retreat to the barrier.

As for the six people behind Xiao Yao, after finishing off the people they met at the beginning, they didn't see a single enemy on the rest of the way.

All the time is spent on the road, so the speed is very fast.

Not much later than Dallol, he soon arrived near the light house barrier and successfully rounded with the boss Dallol.


The little demon looked at Dallol with great excitement, pouted his mouth and said in displeasure: "The previous enemies were all killed by you, so it's our turn to show off the next ones?"

Not just her.

The other five people around almost agreed with the same meaning.


Dallol looked deeply at the lighthouse barrier in front of him, and saw that the enemies were all huddled together, guarding the largest defensive barrier of star OA, and Xiao Yao and others were eager to try...

After a moment of silence, he finally nodded.

Then he said: "Since you want to have fun with your hands, then I will help you, but remember, don't be careless!"

"Although these people are a little rubbish, the power they unleash together can still hurt people, so don't underestimate them!"


Although Dallol is conceited, he also knows that the water in this world is very deep, otherwise he would not have failed last time.

Don't you see, even a powerful existence like Morpheus, the God of Dreams, can only cooperate with Darkseid instead of directly destroying or making the other party submit?


No matter how smooth it was, Dallol was not overly arrogant, but remained vigilant and careful at all times.

Right now, the team members want to show their strength, and he, the boss, will naturally not stop him, but he must remind him of what should be reminded.

Otherwise, if the boat capsizes in the gutter, it will be hard work!


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