The Storm God

Chapter 3558 Unlock! (Please subscribe!)


Xiao Yao and the others are naturally not stupid.

Especially after experiencing the lessons of the failure last time, this time he held back all his energy, wanting to avenge his shame and make meritorious deeds.

Even if the boss Dallol doesn't say anything, they know that they must not be careless.


Dallore nodded and said with a smile: "In that case, go ahead, I'll stay here to hold the line for you, and if there's anything wrong, come back immediately!"


Xiao Yao and the others all agreed.


They all flew out.

The six people looked at each other, and without any communication, they had already assigned their respective opponents, and then separated.

The little demon and his gray brown headed straight for the Lanternman.

And the fifth child picked a group of green lights.

Several other people also found a suitable opponent one after another, and a group of people unceremoniously launched a crazy attack on the defenders on the light house barrier.

Although there were only six of them, they were very powerful, and their attack power was even more terrifying. In front of them, the Green Lanterns could only be beaten.

In just a few moments.

No less than a hundred battleships were destroyed, a large number of soldiers died tragically on the spot, and even the natural barrier formed by countless meteorites was destroyed a lot, and the battle situation was extremely tragic.

And at the core of the defense.

Abin Sur is still asking for help from OA Star, because they are almost unable to withstand it. If no one comes to support, the consequences will be disastrous!

OA star.

When Apa learned of this situation, he was also very depressed and miserable.

It's not that he doesn't want to send more troops, but that he has no soldiers to send. Even if there are, they are still ordinary Green Lanterns.

If I go, I will give it away.


At this time, a guardian suddenly stood up and suggested: "Since the current situation is so dangerous, why don't we..."

His meaning is very simple.

Isn't the new green light ring a safety lock?

They didn't understand this thing before, what effect it had, and whether it would have any effect on the Green Lantern Warrior...


Just in case.

They set up a safety device and completely limited its function.

Now that the situation is extremely dangerous, it is better to give it a go.

At least.

There is still a chance of survival.

If you don't use it, you will almost certainly die!


Appa naturally understood what he meant.

Hearing this, he was only silent for a while, then nodded in agreement and said, "We can only do this now."

Speaking of which.

He couldn't help but sigh slightly.

Looking at a special device in the command room with complicated eyes, he said in a deep voice, "I hope this thing won't cause more terrifying consequences..."


Under Appa's suggestion.

The guard who was closest to the device pressed the activation switch of the safety device with a "click".

at the same time.

On the tragic battlefield of the light house barrier.

A group of new Green Lanterns were already ready to sacrifice.



An unimaginably huge force suddenly poured into their bodies from the ring in their hands.

follow closely.

These people are like blowing up balloons, their strength has risen steadily, and they have been promoted to an incredible level almost instantly.

Not only that.

They were also shocked to find that there were many more things in their minds at the same time, such as combat techniques, understanding of laws, and power analysis...

Etc., etc.

It's like the plug-in has suddenly arrived.

In an instant, they had terrifying and powerful power, and the attacks of Xiao Yao and others, in their eyes at this moment, didn't seem so scary anymore.


Some of them Green Lantern.

When he subconsciously defended and fought back, he managed to block the opponent's attack, and even achieved considerable results.


"It actually has an effect, this is not an illusion!"

"We really got stronger!"


Everyone was stunned.

But there are more surprises and excitement, because it means that they don't have to wait to die, they have super strength, they can launch a counterattack and protect their companions!


More and more Green Lanterns are eager to fight back.

At that time, Xiao Yao and others were beaten and forced.

"I rely on it!"

"What's the matter with you, how did their strength suddenly increase so much, it's like a completely different person..."

"This unscientific!"


Xiao Yao and the others were shocked.

More confused and puzzled, after all, there are only six of them, but there are many Green Lanterns.

With the rapid increase in the strength of the Green Lantern Police, the pressure from the six of them suddenly pressed down like a mountain.

Although it wouldn't make them deflate on the spot, it was becoming more and more difficult to deal with. After all, two fists were no match for four hands.

What's more, it's not just four hands, but many hands!

Without any choice.

They can only choose to retreat.

Having experienced defeat in the last battle, they didn't dare to act recklessly this time, otherwise they might repeat the same mistakes.

To this.

The boss Dallol was very pleased, but he was also very surprised and puzzled by the sudden explosion of the Green Lanterns.

Not only that.

In order to test the strength of the Green Lantern, Dallol even made a move himself.


A gas bomb light wave suddenly shot out.

The target was directed at an octopus-like alien, Green Lantern, but this air bomb, which has always been invincible in the past, did not work this time.

On the contrary, it seemed to be installed on an indestructible rock. After the bang exploded, it did not shatter the opponent's green light protection.


Not even the slightest scar.

This is very abnormal.

To know.

In that blow just now, although Dallol didn't use his full strength, it was just a blow at the beginning of the year, but after all, where is his strength level?

It doesn't make sense that any Green Lantern can easily resist it, right?

"There's something wrong with that ring!"

Dallol's eyes were like lightning.

Through the careful and careful observation just now, the root of the problem was discovered almost instantly, and he frowned: "Their rings seem to be different from those of ordinary Green Lanterns, and at a certain moment just now, it seems to have been activated by some kind of ring. Strength, this is what allowed them to obtain such terrifying power..."


The little demon retreated to Dallol's side, and the Overseas Chinese Federation was full of displeasure, saying: "How is this possible? If you really have such power, why didn't they use it before, and they had the heart to watch so many people sacrifice in vain?"

"Perhaps, this kind of power has some serious effects and side effects. Now they are completely driven into a hurry, and they have no choice but to use it..."

Dallol guessed.

Then he said: "But these are not important anymore. The key issue is that in this way, our pressure will be much greater..."

Although the number of new Green Lanterns is only a small part, and most of them are ordinary Green Lanterns, their strength lies there.

Compared with Dallol and the others, who only had seven people, the Barrier of Light House still had an advantage.


As long as one of them is eradicated and cannot make a move, it is very likely that it will be attacked by other new Green Lanterns, and it will be injured or even fall.

So at this moment, Dallol's expression was very solemn and serious, and he said in a deep voice: "From now on, we must go all out, even the slightest mistake may be fatal, are you all ready?" ?”


Xiao Yao and the others all agreed.

At the same time as they answered, strange lights of various colors emerged from the seven people, followed by one after another unidentified special equipment, which appeared on them.

Or weapons, or armor, or other strange-shaped equipment, in short, each of them is almost armed to the teeth.


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