The Storm God

Chapter 3561 Go fuck it! (Please subscribe!)


A violent explosion came.

The terrifying impact instantly shattered the surrounding meteorites into dust, but the Green Lanterns next to them were all intact.


They all have the body protection of the power of green light, and this level of shock and impact is nothing to them at all.

Not just Green Lantern, but also Dallol.

The only difference is.

There are fewer people here in Dallol, which is a disadvantage.

Surrounded by a group of enhanced Green Lanterns, it looks like they are under siege and at a disadvantage.

And in fact.

The current situation is indeed similar.

Because with the passage of time, these Green Lanterns have progressed at an astonishing rate, and now they can use their power well, and pose a certain degree of threat to Dallol and others.

after all……

Although they haven't been assimilated yet, what Bai Xiaofei instilled in them is not just power.

There are also countless combat experiences and insights.

It even includes a major understanding of certain powers, as long as the aptitude is not bad, the kind of garbage that is comparable to a pig's head can generally get a lot of improvements in a very short period of time.

And it's the kind of inside and outside.

From reality to quality!

Fully promoted!

Coupled with the advantages of quantity and tacit cooperation...

Dallol's seven people are naturally a bit overwhelmed, after all, the power gap between the two sides is now very weak.

And although their abilities are not weak, their flaws are equally obvious.

The abilities of each one are too single, and they are easily targeted and restrained, thus limiting their ability to exert their strength.

Just like Dallol.


His Dragon Ball Qi is full of attack power and extremely destructive.

But apart from these, there seems to be nothing else. As long as the Green Lanterns can resist Dallol's attack and keep up with his speed, the rest will naturally be less of a threat.

Even if you can't do it alone, you can always work in a team.

A few joint defenses, and other people are responsible for assisting the attack. Even a big guy like Dallol will be made very passive.

What's more, there are several other people who are slightly weaker than Dallol.


The fighting on the scene was very intense.

Moreover, the whole situation began to become confusing.


For now.

The one who suffers is the Green Lantern.

From time to time, there will be some casualties, but most of them are ordinary green lights, or soldiers from other legions.

Examples of new Green Lantern casualties, very few.

after all.

Their strength all comes from Bai Xiaofei.

The ring's built-in body protection function is extremely abnormal and powerful, and it will not be easily broken by the enemy.

Unless it is extremely unlucky and encounters a fatal attack from the enemy at a critical moment, there will be serious injuries and loss of combat effectiveness.

But even so, the possibility of hanging up on the spot is still very low.

Of course.

Needless to say, Dallol and others.

Although the seven of them are under a bit of pressure now, but where is their strength, there will be no problems in a short time.

Still tough.


"They seem to have become stronger!"

Dust Star and Aya are also watching the live broadcast of the battle situation displayed by Bai Xiaofei's light curtain. On the one hand, they are amazed at the strength of Dallol and others, but at the same time, they are also a little unbelievable that these Green Lanterns can achieve such a metamorphosis in such a short period of time. improvement.

It felt like a completely changed person.


Bai Xiaofei nodded proudly.

Explained: "After all, their power comes from me, and what I gave them is not just simple power, but also countless experiences, insights, and insights..."

"I'm doing this because I'm doing an experiment. I want to see how far these ordinary people can develop if they have extraordinary, or even super-god power..."

"The current result, I can only say so-so, because the performance of a truly strong player of this level is definitely more than that."

"In other words, they are far from reaching the upper limit, or even the limit, not just Green Lantern, including Dallol and the others!"


Others don't know the origins of Dallol and others, but Bai Xiaofei knows it very well, he doesn't believe that the other party is just so good.


These people are not real warriors of reincarnation, but younger brothers who were fostered by Morpheus, the god of dreams, with some special means.

But according to Bai Xiaofei's analysis, this possibility should not be great.


The specifics do not affect the final result.

Anyway, to Bai Xiaofei, whether it is Green Lantern or Dallol, they are nothing more than a group of experimental tool people.

The difference is that some people can become Bai Xiaofei's helper and younger brother in the end, while Dallol and the others are destined to be enemies.

Even if he was fucked to death, Bai Xiaofei wouldn't feel bad.


Except them.

There must be more and stronger existences under the command of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys.

Even Darkseid is no exception.

To know.

The opponent is a super boss.

The realm of strength, and even the forces under his command, are similar to Bai Xiaofei, and even stronger than him.

If you don't even have this background, it would be too shameful.

as expected.

With a slight wave of Bai Xiaofei's hand, the lens on the light curtain switched and shifted directly, and then he and Aya saw a corner of the vast starry sky, where a large wave of space battleships from Apocalypse were heading towards The light house barrier came here in a mighty way.

Apocalypse's large army finally arrived.


When Bai Xiaofei saw this scene, he immediately showed an interested smile, because he could clearly sense that in Tianqixing's large army, there were a few people who were very powerful.

Its level is even higher than that of Dallol.

The strongest guy's reaction was almost equal to that of a master of the God Emperor Realm. It can be seen that he is definitely the ace and killer of this invasion!

The Dallols are nothing more than tentative vanguard officers.


"Everyone, don't love to fight, all withdraw!"

"The enemy's army is coming!"


Abin Sur also noticed the arrival of the large army of Apocalypse, and also sensed the energy response of those terrifying masters among the enemy troops.


Without any hesitation.

He immediately ordered everyone to return to defense and retreat.

Because according to Abin Sur's preliminary analysis, with their current manpower and strength, it is impossible to hold so many enemy troops.

If you continue to be tough, you are simply sending yourself to death.

after all.

It's just Dallol's seven people, they can't take it down, not to mention that in the large enemy army, there are no less than ten terrifying existences whose energy level is far higher than Dallol and others.

If those guys make a move, they don't know how many casualties and losses will occur here. As a commander, Abin Sur certainly won't gamble with the lives of soldiers.

For now, retreat is the kingly way.

As for the order of the OA star?


What the hell!

As early as when OA star was hiding from everyone and ignoring everyone's life and death, Abin Sur was completely disappointed with OA star.

Now he is only responsible for himself, everyone, and those innocent and kind beings in the universe!

OA star?

Go fuck it!

Regardless of what the other Green Lanterns think, Abin Sur is now completely ignorant of those nasty little blue men.

He felt like following his brother-in-law, Sinestro, and starting his own family.

The current Abin Sur even wondered if his brother-in-law had already noticed the shame and tricks of OA star, so he left.

Otherwise, with his brother-in-law's strength and status, if he did a good job, there would be no reason to leave OA star for no reason.

Abin Sur couldn't figure it out before, but now he understands a little bit.


While directing.

Abin Sur also took the time to contact his brother-in-law Sinestro, obviously wanting to ask his brother-in-law for help.

After all, that was his only hope.


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