The Storm God

Chapter 3562 Call for help! (Please subscribe!)

"Ha ha……"

Seeing the large army of Apocalypse arrived at the scene, Bai Xiaofei couldn't help but smile happily and said, "This is a good show..."

Aya: "..."

you sure?

Aren't those Green Lanterns your future little brothers?

You, the boss, are you sure you are so gloating on the sidelines, is it really okay? Shouldn't you help out?

She doesn't understand.


But he didn't ask any questions, just watched the play silently.


Light house barrier.


Apocalypse large force, the command room of the main battleship.

When the members of the Nemesis team, Long Zhan and others from the Fantasy team, saw the scene, their eyes widened instantly.

Full of unbelievable expressions.


Everyone was silent for a while.

Then, you look at me, I look at you, the eyes are full of doubts about whether you have read it wrong: "Green Lantern is so awesome?"

at last……

A group of bigwigs looked at the technicians.

Obviously doubts, they saw the illusion, but the technicians quickly understood the meaning of everyone, and replied: "Everyone is right, the fact is like this..."


A member of the Nemesis team immediately frowned and said: "I have fought against the Green Lanterns of OA star before, and they are not so powerful..."

The implication is that those Green Lanterns outside must be fake.

Or not the previous Green Lantern.

In short.

Something was wrong.

"That's right!"

Another member also nodded and said, "Look, those powerful Green Lanterns, the rings in their hands, and their attire, aren't they different from those weak Green Lanterns?"

"It really is!"

Another member of the Nemesis team spoke, and she said in a surprised voice: "Could it be that this is an elite expert trained by Star OA recently, just like us?"


Everyone was silent for a while.

The focus of attention also quickly shifted from Green Lantern to the battle situation on the scene, and then returned to Long Zhan and others of the fantasy team.

after all……

Dallol was with them.

Now the seven people in Dallol are in a predicament, unable to win or lose, just like this stalemate with the Green Lanterns...

Are you embarrassed to just look at it like this?

Do you want to help?

All right……

The meaning of the Nemesis team is very simple.

I just want to see the strengths of the members of the fantasy team, because it is related to certain plans of Apocalypse in the future.


After passing this village, there is no such shop.

Think here.

The captain, Big Bada, couldn't help but start bewitching, all kinds of taunts and provocations, saying that if he loses this battle, it will be the other party's fault.

They will truthfully report the situation to their superiors.


Long Zhan and the others of the Dream Team sneered, completely ignoring the aggressiveness and ridicule of Dabada and the others.

The youngest, Hao Tian, ​​even munched on the fragrant pig's trotter barbecue while watching a play, it was delicious.

This made the Nemesis team very speechless, as if a fist had been thrown at it, but it all fell on the soft cotton.

When the cow is in the mire, there is nowhere to use his strength.


The Green Lanterns on the battlefield, as well as other legionnaires, immediately began to retreat when they saw the arrival of the Apocalypse's large army.

Dallol and the others did not rush to pursue them either. Seeing that the opponent was retreating wholeheartedly, they followed suit one after another and stayed where they were without making a move.

It's not that they don't want to show off or anything.

It's really a big battle just now, which has consumed too much of their strength, and they must take a break.

after all.

They are outnumbered.

Being able to persist undefeated, and even severely inflicted some damage on the enemy, this record is already quite good, what more bicycles are needed?

Anyway, Dallol and others will not joke about their own lives. Who knows if this is the OA star's calculation?

To know.

The light house barrier has always been the strongest defensive barrier of OA star.

The reason why Atosista, the leader of the Red Lantern Corps, was able to blast a passage and go straight to Star OA was all due to preparation in advance and luck from God, otherwise it would have been impossible to succeed.

If that thing could be blown up so easily, it would probably have ceased to exist after all these years.

The results of it.

The light house barrier has always been the strongest peripheral defense of the OA star, bar none.

This is enough to explain many, many problems.

Dallol and the others are not stupid.


The Green Lantern and others all retreated near the barrier of the House of Light. The ghost knows if there are any traps and ambushes under them. The Dallol Seven will not rush forward to clear the mines for those behind.

If you want to go up, go up together.

After all, although they are the main force in this invasion mission, and they have committed crimes and meritorious deeds, the people behind are not without responsibility at all.

When necessary, Dallol and others will let them take action.


Their credit is too easy to earn, right?

And such a result will undoubtedly give Abin Sur and others enough time to retreat, rearm their defenses and seek support.


Koruga star.

Sinestro is also paying attention to the information on the battle situation on the lighthouse barrier. After all, this incident has already annoyed the whole universe.

As the leader of the three major armies, Sinestro naturally wouldn't ignore it. What if Bai Xiaofei issued a mission related to it?

I can't be a Muggle on the spot, I don't know anything, right?


He never expected.

I was having a good time watching the play, but my uncle Abin Sur called me, and the meaning was obvious, he was here to ask for help.


Sinestro was immediately depressed.

what to do?

To accept or not to accept?

If my uncle asks me to help, should I help or not?


Let me first ask what Mr. Bai means?

I'm afraid it's too late, or I'll just pick it up and talk, anyway, as long as I don't give the result to my uncle right away...

After thinking about it for a while.


For the sake of his wife, Sinestro connected to Abin Sur's call, and as he expected, the uncle came to ask for help.


None of this matters.

The most critical information is undoubtedly the attitude revealed by Abin Sur. In his original words, I am not begging you for the OA star, but for all innocent and kind people.

You are not helping me, but innocent and kind beings throughout the universe!

Brother-in-law, you won't let me down, will you?

I believe……


What are you talking about.

Sinestro was puzzled, when I was a Green Lantern, why did I never know that you are so eloquent, brother-in-law.

What exactly changed you?

"let me consider it!"

To be honest, Sinestro is happy, because the meaning of the uncle is very clear, he no longer trusts OA Xing and those little blue men.

Although he hasn't escaped yet, he definitely won't go back to OA star in the future and be a tough hand to Little Blue Star.

From now on, uncle will do it alone!

To this.

Sinestro agrees.

Because he knows better than anyone that OA star is righteous on the surface, but in fact, the dirty things he does are darker and despicable than many villains.

Sinestro, who is a brother-in-law, is naturally very pleased and happy to see his uncle come to his senses and leave the OA star.


The stakes are high.

Even Sinestro didn't dare to make up his mind lightly, so he didn't beat his uncle immediately, but said that he had to think about it.


Sinestro contacted Bai Xiaofei.

He also truthfully reported what his uncle meant to Bai Xiaofei, and finally asked: "Mr. Bai, you are asking me to help you, should I help or not?"


Bai Xiaofei didn't hesitate at all.

He directly gave an affirmative answer, and said neatly: "From now on, Abin Sur and the others are our own people, so there is no need to doubt their loyalty, and those who should help must help!"


"When to help, this thing is particular. As the saying goes, it's better to give charcoal in the snow than to add icing on the cake!"

"Wait a little longer!"


Bai Xiaofei smiled evilly and sinisterly: "Wait until the OA star completely abandons them and makes them almost desperate, you will show up again, so as to achieve the best results!"

"Do you know what I mean?"


Sinestro was silent.


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