The Storm God

Chapter 3563 The ultimate green light! (Please subscribe!)

Of course, Sinestro would listen to Bai Xiaofei's order, not to mention that it would only bring endless benefits to them.


The three major legions all stood still.

The request for help from Sinestro's eldest brother, Abinsur, was put aside. The reason was that the core members were being convened to discuss decisions.

To this.

Abin Sur had no doubts either.

After all, Sinestro is now different from before. The number of troops in charge is far larger and more terrifying than that of Green Lantern.

Moreover, the enemy this time is the Apocalypse, one of the most evil forces in the universe. In all fairness, if it were him, he might hesitate a bit.

after all……

If one is not done well, it may catch fire on the upper body.

Anyone will consider their own safety, there is nothing wrong with this, there is a saying in Earth language——

People don't kill themselves!

Excuse me!


He still urged: "Sinestro, you'd better hurry up, because I can't hold it for long, the Apocalypse's large force has arrived..."


Sinestro replied: "I try to..."


Just hung up the communication.

Instead, the dignified expression on his face changed into a helpless sigh in an instant, and he muttered to himself: "Brother, don't blame me, it's all for the sake of the overall situation, please feel a little wronged." First……"


OA star.

Even though there was no report from Abin Sur and others, in fact, Apa and others did not lag behind in their understanding of the battle situation on the spot.


Among the many fighters, there are some secrets arranged by them.

Through these secrets, they can grasp the situation on the scene in time, as well as the reactions of Abin Sur and others.


Appa gritted her teeth angrily.

Fire was almost bursting out of his eyes, and he said angrily, "This Abin, dare to disobey my order, it's unreasonable!"


A guardian next to him said: "Chief Appa, those are not important now, the key is what should we do now?"


What should we do now?

Apocalypse's large force has arrived.

Before, there were only seven super masters, enough for the guardians of the light house barrier to drink a pot. Now that the Qixing army has arrived today, how the hell are they going to fight?

On the key OA star side, it is no longer possible to expel effective attacking forces in time. It's not that I don't want to, but that I don't have it!

after all……

The OA star also needs personnel protection and guarding.

The fighters who previously built the barrier for the House of Light are already at the limit of the OA star. You must know that the number of Green Lanterns before was only 3,600 in total.

Except for those Green Lanterns who couldn't get back in time for some reason, most of the Green Lanterns who came back after upgrading were sent to the lighthouse barrier.

Only a small part was left on OA star as the last defensive force, and as a result, many of them were slaughtered by Dallol and others of Apocalypse star.

The remaining volunteers from other legions were also distracted by Apa's actions, and they almost left.


Except for a few hundred Green Lanterns.

On the other side of the lighthouse barrier, there are only a few dozen Blue Lanterns left, and a few legion fighters who firmly believe in OA star.

This kind of power is really nothing compared to the large army of Apocalypse, it's like a big witch.

Too bad.

OA Xing was also very anxious and wanted to send someone to help.

After all, the light house barrier is the strongest defense of OA star. Once it is broken, OA star will lose the toughest defense, as if it is undefended, allowing the enemy to go out of the range of OA star.


Apa has more than enough heart but not enough energy.

There are not many defenders left here, and they are determined not to move. Otherwise, if the lighthouse barrier falls, there will be no more defensive forces here. Killed.

Think here.

In the end, Appa made a very ruthless decision—no matter what the situation on the other side of the light house barrier was, he transferred and concentrated most of the power of the Green Lantern to the most talented and capable Green Lantern .


He wants to risk creating the strongest Green Lantern.

Although it is not Ion Man, it is far more powerful and terrifying than the new version of Green Lantern, but the technology is not very mature.


Apa intends to study slowly, gradually perfect this technology, and then popularize and arm it on a small scale.

But unfortunately, the cruel reality did not give him this opportunity.

In the current situation, even if the experimental technology is not perfect, Apa can only put all his eggs in one basket and take a risk.

Because this is the only way he can think of at present.

It is also the last hope of OA star.


As soon as this proposal came out, the rest of the guardians immediately fell silent.

Especially Syd.

He looked at Appa with disappointment.

To know.

Once this technology is activated.

Regardless of whether it is successful or not, it will cause certain damage to the central energy battery, and may even affect the ion shark that resides in it.

in short.

This is undoubtedly killing the chicken and picking the egg.

It's not that exaggerated, but it's about the same.

If it weren't for the current situation, there is really no way, Seid will definitely do everything to stop Apa.


Sid could only sigh silently.

In the end, Appa's proposal was adopted.

no way.

This is the last hope.

No need, because once the OA star falls, they will have nothing to do, and the central energy's main battery and other equipment will be completely reduced to the spoils of the Tianqi star.

This moment.

Apa and the others can only take risks.


A group of Green Lanterns were taken away.

In a secret research room, they began to accept the most severe screening and experimental transformation, and their strengths have been improved to the limit.

And the central energy battery of OA star also began to be frantically drawn power, and then continuously transported into the bodies of those Green Lanterns.

Over time, quantitative changes finally began to cause qualitative changes.


After a surge of energy tide.

Finally, among the dozen or so Green Lanterns who were strictly screened out, one of them successfully survived the final difficulty, and his whole body underwent a qualitative change.


It's his shape and his suit.

Compared with the original shape, it is even more indistinct, with a real green flame wrapped around its body, domineering and majestic, but not annoying.

And behind it.

There is a faint phantom of an ion shark, wandering back and forth.

This Green Lantern who has transformed several times and has a very texture, the essence of power is also at this moment, which has undergone unimaginable qualitative changes and improvements.

Especially his eyes.

The billowing green light seems to contain endless laws and abysses, making people look at it, as if they have fallen into a green black hole, and they are deeply trapped in it, unable to extricate themselves.

Even the little blue people like the guardians were amazed when they saw this special product after the experiment.

Appa's eyes brightened with excitement, and he said excitedly: "What a powerful force this is, our experiment has finally succeeded!"

"Now our star OA is finally saved!"

"Everyone continue!"


He started to go crazy.

Central Power's batteries have lots and lots of power.

According to the current consumption estimate, Apa thinks that two or three similar ultimate Green Lantern fighters should be produced earlier.

In order to ensure the safety of OA star and complete the turnaround, he has already ignored the safety of the ion shark.

Order now, let this technology be tested and implemented again!

He wants to copy the ultimate green light in batches!


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