The Storm God

Chapter 3564 Measure! (Please subscribe!)

"Start testing now!"


Appa's orders were quickly communicated and carried out.

The ultimate green light that was successfully changed was directly invited to another laboratory to conduct various strength tests.


Preliminary test results are out.

The ability of the ultimate green light really did not disappoint Apa. Whether it is strength, ability, or growth potential, it is much, much stronger than the original green light.

Even the new green light ring just after overclocking is far inferior, and it can be described as the ultimate green light worthy of the name.

This made Apa and others extremely excited and excited.

"It's saved!"

"The ability of the ultimate green light is so powerful and terrifying, it can definitely save this crisis. If it can be mass-produced..."

"We can even kill Apocalypse!"


A certain guardian couldn't help but said.


Appa agrees.

In the test just now, the power and fear shown by the ultimate green light gave him enough confidence that OA star had the hope and possibility of a comeback.


He started to have a new idea.

Originally, I was a little concerned about the betrayal of Abin Sur and others, thinking about how to save it, but now that it’s all over, Apa just doesn’t care.

There is the ultimate green light, what are you afraid of?

When the fist effect comes out, I don't know how many people will curry favor with OA star, and you are still missing Abin Sur?

What a joke!

As for the invasion of Apocalypse, and even the subsequent anti-killing...


This is a bit far.

Although Apa has a certain amount of confidence, he also knows that he can't have too much hope, otherwise he will not be able to complete it, and he will be depressed.

So the small goal he set for himself was very clear, that is, to repel the invading troops of Apocalypse first, and whether he can fight back depends on the specific situation.


All prerequisites.

It has to be able to mass-produce the ultimate green light, otherwise everything is useless.

After a while.

The results of the experiment came out.

Fortunately, the OA star seems to be very lucky. After some experiments, two more ultimate green lights were born.

Although the following two ultimate green lights, the test results are not as strong as the first one, and the upper limit of potential is also a little less...

But they are still very powerful.

One is more than enough to make a hundred.

"very good!"

Apa grinned and said: "It seems that we have mastered the secret. As long as we have enough personnel base and the supply of green light energy, we can mass-produce the ultimate green light..."


The other Guardians agree.

One of the guardians, who looked very young and seemed to be an unfamiliar face who had just been promoted, said, "Chief Appa, since we already have three ultimate green lights, should we send them to the battlefield immediately?"

To know.

The light house barrier still faces a huge threat from Apocalypse.

If there is no delay for a minute, there will be heavy casualties and losses. This newly appointed guardian is quite conscientious.

After getting the results, I immediately thought of saving lives.


Appa gave him a deep look.

But in the end, he nodded and agreed: "That's okay, actual combat is the best test method. If that's the case, then let's shoot them to support. By the way, let's also test in actual combat, how terrifying the ability of the ultimate green light is!"


Everyone also agreed.

Then, the two ultimate green lights, numbered ZJ02 and Zj03, who were just created later, were sent to the battlefield of the light house barrier.

As for the ultimate green light ZJ01 with the best detection and upgrade, it was kept by Apa, and the task was to protect the OA star.

after all……

This is the best experiment so far.

Apa will not leave such an excellent work without creating a more perfect warrior. What if it is destroyed?

To this.

The rest of the guardians had no objections either.

They even agree with Apa. As for the possible casualties on the other side of the light house barrier, these little blue people don't care at all...

After making a decision, they started the experiment again.

According to the analysis of the little blue man, on the condition that the ion shark in the central energy battery will not be greatly affected and affected, with the current total energy and power level, dozens of ultimate green lights have been created. Shouldn't be a problem.

No more.

That will more or less affect the operation of the OA star and the energy use of other Green Lanterns. Even if it is for self-protection, they will not do this.

And no matter how the creation experiment of OA star is going.

the other side.

The two ultimate green lights were ordered to go to the lighthouse barrier battlefield to support Abin Sur and others, and show off their strength by the way...

Follow normal circumstances.

Even with the fastest spacecraft, it takes at least 2 hours to reach the barrier of the light house from the OA star.


Not so with Ultimate Green Lantern.

The two people who rushed to the road broke out with all their strength, and their speed was as fast as possible.

The whole person seems to be integrated into the space, and it is very easy to achieve the effect similar to wormhole shuttle and warped space.

that's all.

The journey, which was supposed to take about 2 to 3 hours, was forced to take more than an hour by them.

And the light house barrier here.

Abin Sul and others who did not increase their staff are more miserable and depressed.

Because the seven people in Dallol didn't give them any chance to breathe. As soon as the big troops from Apocalypse arrived, Dallol, the boss, immediately ordered a group of small warships to attack and harass everyone.


Everyone's attacks were dispersed.

The people who did not have time to completely withdraw from the battlefield were quickly cut into several parts under Dallol's operation.


The seven separated.

After choosing their opponents one by one, there was a burst of desperate attacks, and the output was crazy like playing their lives.

In a short period of time, huge casualties and losses were caused to Abin Sur and others, and the disadvantage just now was brought back.

It can also be regarded as allowing the Nemesis team and the Dream team to see the persistence and perseverance of Dallol and others.


As for whether he cares or not, it is not known.

Regardless of what others think, anyway, Hao Tian of the fantasy team admires Dallol and the others, after all, they have all seen what happened just now.

The new Green Lantern here is not weak at all.


In some aspects, they are stronger than Dallol, such as quantity, mobility, variability and so on.

Once it is enlightened and has enough strength to fight against, even Dallol and the others dare not underestimate it.

In all fairness, if it were him, Haotian admitted that he might not be as good as Dallol and the others.

Therefore, without any hesitation, Haotian showed his attitude at that time, directly supported Dallol and the others, and cheered for the seven of them.

like that.

It's like the fans of Dallol and others.

But soon Haotian's wave of Pi only operated, and was immediately stared back by Long Zhan, the boss of Dream Team.


Long Zhan didn't intend to make things difficult either.

It's just that he understands very well that now is not the time for the fantasy team to appear on the stage. If he speaks out or acts rashly, he will only expose himself and bring the team into endless danger.

The emergence of the new Green Lantern is the best example.

To know.

There was no such thing before OA star.

With so many powerful new Green Lanterns suddenly appearing on the other side, Long Zhan felt that OA Star seemed to be doing some tricks.

Never do it rashly.

hold on!

Even if you want to make a move, you have to wait for the situation to become clearer before talking about it, otherwise it will be icing on the cake instead of giving charcoal in the snow.

This measure has to be grasped!


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