The Storm God

Chapter 3565 Arrive! (Please subscribe!)

The current situation of the light house barrier is somewhat embarrassing and harmonious.

The seven Dallols could not break through the joint defense assembled by Abin Sur and others, and the latter could not do anything to them.

this side.

The army of Apocalypse stared at the situation, but it was strange that they didn't take action directly, but just stopped there, looking like they were watching a good show.

Not even a single soldier was dispatched to help Dallol and the others.


Abin Sur was puzzled by this.

what's the situation?

Don't they belong together?

The big troops have arrived, why don't they attack directly, but watch the show from the sidelines, do they want to play a game of cat and mouse?


There is some special relationship between them?

Abin was puzzled.


To be honest, he was really looking forward to this, otherwise the enemy would really attack, and they would probably die here.

That's fine now.

after all.

What Abin lacked most was time. Since the enemy cooperated so well, he naturally didn't bother to break this delicate balance.

So while directing his colleagues to deal with the attack of the Dallol Seven, he waited patiently for Sinestro's reply.

As for the OA star?


Anyway, Abin has completely given up hope.

Otherwise, if you really want to have something to do, you will wait until now? If this is the case, even if someone from OA star came to rescue, I am afraid they will not be grateful, on the contrary, they will only hate OA star even more.

Because that is deeper deception and exploitation.

No one can bear it!


the other side.

In warped space.

The spaceship that Hal and the others were on was still on its way through leaps and bounds.

There is no way, who made them far away from the barrier of the light house, even if they use the warped space to travel, it will take constant time.


Hal only hoped that it would not be too late when he and the others arrived.

Otherwise he will feel guilty.


When the warp space ends.

When the spaceship shuttled out of the void, Hal and others immediately saw the situation on the lighthouse barrier.

"The fleet is still there!"

Kilowog shouted excitedly.

Although looking around, the situation of the light house barrier seems to be very bad, many people have died, and the army of Apocalypse has already killed...


It's fine if you don't die!

After all, in war, no one is immortal. As long as he is still alive, there is still hope. Anyway, Kilowog is very open.


Hal also secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Secretly said: "It's not too late after all. Although the large army of Apocalypse has already arrived, it seems that for some reason, no action has been taken..."

"This is our chance!"



Saruos responded, and immediately controlled the spaceship, thinking that the fleet of Abin and others flew over.

Fortunately, the location where they appeared was relatively close to Abin and the others. Otherwise, if they were on the side of the Apocalypse Army, they would be depressed.


There is another more important reason.

That's Dallol and the others. They didn't pay attention to the sudden appearance of Hal at all. After all, it was just a miniature spaceship.

The key point is that their energy reactions are not very strong.


Dallol Seven didn't care.

Just like this, Hal and the others were allowed to fly the spaceship into Abin's large army, busy with their own attack the whole time.

But it's a pity.

The defensive barrier jointly built by Abin and the new Green Light Men is too hard, and even Dallol's Dragon Ball Qi cannot destroy it for a while.

Without any choice.

He could only shift his target elsewhere.

To know.

The light house barrier is huge.

It is like a huge and incomparably circular enchantment, which directly blocks and surrounds the star field where the OA star is located.

The position guarded by Abin and others is the passage leading directly to the interior that Artohista, the leader of the Red Lantern Corps, blasted with the Star Destroyer bomb.


They can also attack other places in Dallol.

It's just that the difficulty is not small, after all, the barrier is a natural barrier formed by countless meteorites densely packed together.

If you want to destroy and destroy it, you must have super strength.


The strength of easily bursting stars.


At Dallol's level, starburst and so on are naturally easy to do.

However, the key question is that Abinsur and the others will not let Dallol and others do this easily.

If they attack the barrier, Abin and others will attack and stop the opponent, but if the opponent fights back, they will quickly retreat and choose to defend...

It was like playing tricks, and it only made Dallol and others very angry.


The little demon was about to explode.

Seeing Abin and other Green Lanterns who ran away after being harassed for a while, she couldn't wait to let her raging blood smash all these guys to pieces!

The fifth child was also very depressed.

He glanced at the Apocalypse army, then turned to the boss Dallol and said helplessly: "Boss, why don't we make a noise?"

Meaning, ask for help from others.

after all……

There are too few of them.

The strength is only slightly stronger than the opponent.

It is not a solution to continue to consume like this. The only solution now is to ask those people from Apocalypse to help contain it.

As long as Dallol and the others are free, with their terrifying strength, it is not a problem at all to completely destroy the barrier defense of the light house and re-open a tunnel leading to OA star.

The problem is, it's kind of embarrassing to do so.


as expected.

When Dallol heard this, his face, which was not very good, suddenly became more gloomy and ugly.


He did not directly refuse.

Instead, after carefully examining the current situation, as well as the pros and cons, he finally sighed deeply and nodded in agreement.

"Just do as you say!"

Dallol's voice was full of helplessness and bitterness: "After all, the current situation has exceeded our expectations. Although we persevere, we will surely succeed, but it will take too long and will seriously hinder our performance. He Gongxun, for the sake of the overall situation, can only ask the Dream Team for help!"

To this.

Everyone is also very helpless.

Who made him fail on Sanddust Star before? If it wasn't for the crime and meritorious deeds, they wouldn't be so passive.


The reality is like this, extremely cruel, there are no ifs and ifs, no or no, no assumptions.


The task of asking for help fell on Lao Wu.

Who made this guy the loudest and the thickest-skinned among them, so it was the most appropriate for him to come forward.


Just when Lao Wu stood up and was about to contact the fantasy team in the Apocalypse army and asked the other party to send someone to support him.


Somewhere in the vast starry sky, there was another ripple suddenly.

Immediately afterwards, two alien men with turbulent green flames all over their bodies, dressed similarly to Green Lantern, but even more unaware, flashed out from near the passage of the light house barrier.

Without any technological equipment, the two of them just walked through the space and appeared in the battlefield in a physical state.

See this scene.

Whether it was Abin Sur and the others, or Dallol and others, or the large army of Apocalypse, and Hal, they were all stunned.

"That is……?"

Everyone was dumbfounded.

Obviously, no one has ever seen a similar existence, and the eyes are full of curiosity and doubt: "Where did these two guys come from?"


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