The Storm God

Chapter 3566 Cut across! (Please subscribe!)

"That is……"

Abin Sur stared, not daring to say anything: "...Green Lantern? But their outfits still have breath..."

"How can it be so powerful and strange?"

"Could it be..."

At the same time, Abin Sur also thought of a possibility in an instant. These two Green Lanterns, who looked familiar but unfamiliar, were probably some of the backhands from OA star.

after all……

The opponent came from inside the light house barrier.

However, Abin Sur, who should have been happy for someone to support him, couldn't be happier at the moment.

Because, the more powerful the OA star is, the more pathetic and pitiful it is for those colleagues who died in battle.

They are like pawns, they can be used and discarded by those in power on Star OA at will, and they are completely kept in the dark.

The key OA star has always prided itself on being bright and righteous...

Think about it now.

It's really funny enough!

this moment.

Abin Sur smiled.

It was a self-mockery that came from the heart and soul.


Apocalypse army.

In the main battleship, the members of Nemesis Team and Dream Team also immediately discovered the existence of the two ultimate green lights.


The faces of both sides suddenly sank.

Because, they can sense it, these two Green Lanterns who just appeared are very extraordinary.

Even if the opponent hasn't made a move yet, they can analyze something just from the way the opponent showed up.

In a word.

This time OA star seems to have sent two slightly stronger characters.

Think here.

They couldn't help but look at the Dallol seven with sympathy.

The situation of Dallol and the others was already bad enough, but now it turned out that two more powerful guys popped up...

Who can stand this.


The complexions of Dallol and the seven of them turned black in an instant.

How ugly it is!


Hal and the others are here.


Hal looked confused, he turned his head to look at Kilowog who was equally confused, and asked, "Do you know what that is?"

Of course, the question is about the two ultimate green lights.

after all……

Such a guy.

Hal has never heard of it. If he knew that OA Xing had such a powerful role, he wouldn't have worked so hard before.

"have no idea!"

Kilowog simply shook his head, and said with a blank face: "You ask me, I don't know who to ask, I guess it should be the latest new technology developed by Star OA..."


Hal was silent.

At this moment, for some reason, he suddenly thought of the mechanical hunter, Kroner, and Krona, the creator of the anti-surveillance king.

And they all have one thing in common-

From OA star!


Hal suddenly had a frightening idea: "This universe was originally good, but the reason why it has become so chaotic is probably because of the existence of the little blue man?"

"I won't talk about the previous ones, but now they are higher than this. I really don't know if there will be any terrible consequences in the future..."


At this moment Hal is very contradictory.

As a Green Lantern, he actually wished from the bottom of his heart that the little blue people would disappear completely, which is very strange!


It couldn't be Hal's fault either.

Who made the guardians of star OA really bad.

In fact, not only Hal, but even Kilowog, who is a senior green light, has some doubts.


The most obvious one is undoubtedly Abin Sur.

The moment he saw the ultimate green light, he had already seen the face of OA Xing thoroughly, and then he was ready to completely dissociate himself from OA Xing.

The premise is that he can survive this war.


And no matter what people think.

After the two ultimate green lights appeared, they were not idle at all.

One of them, after watching the situation with his eyes, flew to Dallol and the others.

The speed is extremely fast.

Almost teleport!


This ultimate green light is unceremonious and decisive, and the timing and method of attack are all in place.

The green light in his hand instantly transformed into a huge sword, and swept towards the Dallol seven with a sweep of thousands of troops.


The little demon didn't pay attention to this person at all.

With a cold snort, he was about to control his raging, and stepped forward to defend and counterattack. But at this time, Dallol's face changed in shock: "Get out of the way!"

While sounding the reminder.


Dallol's hands were not idle either, an incomparably destructive Dragon Ball Qi with a terrifying energy level immediately came out of his hand, and blasted at the blade glow that was slashed by the ultimate green light.

at the same time.

It doesn't matter what the result of this trick is.

Dallol turned around and retreated, even pushing his six opponents out in an extremely brutal and brutal way.


And almost at the same time as they left their original positions, an extremely weird phenomenon of space fracture suddenly appeared in that void.

as if...

The space there seemed to have been cut off in the middle by someone.

If Dallol hadn't reacted quickly and pushed everyone away in time, I'm afraid they are now on the side of the void and were cut in half.


With the appearance of the fracture section, the void began to completely collapse, and finally collapsed, like shattered glass, forming countless void fragments, which were finally swallowed and absorbed by the singularity formed by the collapse.

A small black hole is formed.


Before the black hole could show its power, the terrifying and powerful power of law, it suddenly fell from the sky and directly filled this "loophole".

Everything returned to calm in an instant.

It was as if it was just an illusion.


Dallol and others are well aware.

That was definitely not an illusion, because the wreckage near the incident site, as well as meteors, had completely disappeared at this moment.

If it wasn't for how fast they ran just now, I'm afraid it would be the same result now.

Think about it.

Xiao Yao waited for a few minutes and immediately showed a look of horror.

Even Dallol, who was aware of it, had a gloomy face, extremely ugly and dignified, because he knew that the two strange green lights in front of him were probably stronger than himself.

At least with his dragon ball spirit, it seems that he can't get any cheap.

no way.

Although Dragon Ball Qi is full of destructive power, in other respects, it is a bit unbearable, even weak.

When meeting some guys who are proficient in the power of special laws, they will be very passive, or even completely restrained.

And the ultimate green light in front of him seems to have such an ability.

Dallol was naturally extremely depressed.


at the same time.

Another Ultimate Green Lantern did not participate in the battle, but flew directly in front of Abin Sur and the others.


No nonsense and politeness.

The ultimate Green Lantern didn't say hello when he came up, and started to act directly. The ring in his hand released the power of billowing green light, which was brutally injected into the protective barrier released by all the surviving Green Lanterns.


visible to the naked eye.

In an instant, a layer of fresh green light full of strange texture appeared on the huge protective barrier.

It's like a dusty emerald, which is suddenly cleaned, polished, waxed, and finally coated with a layer of unknown crystals.

Whether it's appearance and appearance, or its protective ability, it has been improved several levels in an instant, and the pressure on everyone has been greatly reduced.

Even more.

Under the effect of this magical green light, some wounded soldiers began to recover and heal themselves at a rapid rate, their wounds visible to the naked eye.

Abin Sur: "..."

So strong!


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