The Storm God

Chapter 3567 Bet! (Please subscribe!)

this moment.

Abin Sur was shocked.

I was completely shocked to the point of being stunned and unbelievable.

What followed was endless anger.

"OA star!"

"Those selfish guardians!"


Abin Sur's face was grim.

There was a pain in his heart, and he really couldn't imagine why OA star had such a top-level master who was so powerful beyond imagination, why he didn't show it in the first place.

Why do you have to wait for so many people to die before you show up? Is human life so cheap in their eyes?

Fortunately, they still boast of light and justice...

It's ridiculous!

In short.

No matter what other people think.

Anyway, Abin Sur was completely disappointed with OA star and those little blue people, especially after seeing the strength and means of the ultimate green light with his own eyes.


If the ultimate green light appeared earlier, those people might not have died. Abin couldn't accept this result!

At this moment, he was disappointed, angry, even resentful.

There is no joy in the afterlife.

to be honest.

If there is a choice.

Abin Sur would rather choose to die in battle than face this fact.

But unfortunately, there is no if in reality.



Inside the main ship of the Apocalypse Army.

Long Zhan of the fantasy team, after seeing the means and abilities of the two ultimate green lights, suddenly smiled meaningfully: "This kind of strength is barely qualified to attract our attention..."


He turned to look at his four team members.

The meaning conveyed in the eyes is: "Which one of you is interested, go over and compete with them? Dallol and the others alone can't bear it..."

This is not because Long Zhan looked down on Dallol and the others.

on the contrary.

He is helping the other party.

From the perspective of Long Zhan, it is naturally impossible to see that although the level of these two ultimate green lights is similar to that of Dallol, their strength attributes are far superior to Dallol.

To know.

The most powerful thing about Dallol's qi is its destructive power.

But apart from these, there is no merit, whether it is defense or others, there are no special features.

But the power of green light is different.

There is almost no upper limit to its power and how to use it, and the extent to which it can be exerted depends entirely on the user's thinking and will.

In short, brain hole.

The bigger the brain hole, the more tricks to attack and the more difficult it is!

It's almost as if you can come as you want, and you can do whatever you want. After all, the power of green light itself belongs to the existence of panacea.

Just like the sword just now.

The little demon and the others couldn't see any tricks at all, they were stronger than Dallol, and they only sensed the slightest bit of something wrong.

Relying on the warrior's instinct and the sense of crisis that he had cultivated, he escaped the almost mortal blow.

But the mystery of that sword was fully seen by Long Zhan.


He also saw through the essence of it at a glance, but used tyrannical power to brutally cut off the space.

Of course, there is also a trace of time power mixed in it.

The combination of the two formed the seemingly simple but actually devastating blow just now.

SLR Dallol and the others hesitated even a little bit just now, and it is estimated that the seven of them are already completely chilled now.


This aroused the interest of Long Zhan.

However, he could also see that these two ultimate green lights seemed to have just acquired this incomparably powerful power, so they couldn't use it freely. Otherwise, if they were a senior expert, they would definitely not miss that blow just now.

For such a thing, Long Zhan disdains to make a move.

That was a bit of a bully.


He gave his players the chance.

Among the four team members, two rolled their eyes angrily, obviously looking down on these two ultimate green lights.

Of the remaining two, one smiled helplessly, while the other was eager to try.

It is the youngest Haotian who is eager to try.

The former is a middle-aged uncle who looks very mature and stable. He is wearing a thick holy armor and is carrying a huge weapon wrapped in a white belt that is airtight on his back. feeling.

The uncle's name is Locke.

He has a lot of responsibilities in the fantasy team, attacking, defending, pinning, assisting... everything can be done, it can be said that he is well-developed, almost proficient, and belongs to a comprehensive little expert.

Seeing that the three people in the team didn't want to help, Locke could only shake his head helplessly, and said with a wry smile: "Since none of you want to help, Haotian and I will deal with them..."


Long Zhan nodded when he heard the words.

Then he said with a smile: "If you have Locke, there is no problem, but you must pay attention to it. If it is not necessary, it is better not to expose your ability. In case these two people are only used to test our vanguard Where's the role?"


Locke smiled.

Then he turned and left, Haotian also waved to the crowd and chased after him.

As he walked, he said, "Uncle Locke, will you go up first or should I go up first later? Do you choose the one in the front or the one in the back?"

"Personally, I like the front one better. As you know, I like fighting the most. Seeing that his attack skills are not bad, why don't you leave it to me to solve it, and leave the latter one to you..."


Uncle Locke is very easygoing.

Without any hesitation, he directly agreed to Haotian's request.


The hatch of the main ship opened.

In this way, the two of them used their physical strength to bear the extreme cold and high pressure of the cosmic starry sky, as if they were walking in an ordinary place, striding through the air, shrinking the ground into inches, and arrived at Dallol almost instantly. before.

"Get back!"

Uncle Locke came up and said: "These two people are not something you can deal with, they are left to us to deal with, you go to deal with other people..."

Although the tone is light, but the attitude is very firm.

There is no doubt about it, no anger and prestige.


Dallol was speechless.

But in the end, he nodded obediently, turned around and ran to find trouble with Abin Sur and others with his little partner.

Uncle Locke also turned around and walked to the rear.

His goal is the ultimate green light that is in charge of guarding the barriers of the light house. Haotian said the previous one, and leave it to him to solve.

Although Haotian is young, his talent is not low, and his ability is also very terrifying.

Uncle Locke has great confidence in him.

"Hey hey..."

Haotian got his wish, not to mention how excited he is.

Seeing the current battlefield, finally only myself and the opponent are left, I immediately grinned excitedly and said: "It's all right now, no one will bother us, let's have a good fight!"


The voice did not fall.

Suddenly, a light flashed in Haotian's hand.

A special lightsaber with a strange black glow appeared in his hand immediately, in stark contrast to the great green sword with the ultimate green light on the opposite side.

One big and one small.

One green and one black.

The two sides stared wide-eyed, and the atmosphere was tense.

the other side.

Uncle Locke also came to the barrier of the light house. He took a deep look at the defensive barrier reinforced by the ultimate green light, and said, "It's very good. In terms of its strength, it's already a breakthrough..."

"But it's a pity..."

"Compared to my level, it's still a little bit worse. Let's make a bet. No matter what means and methods you use, as long as you can break through my defense, I will lose..."

"If you win, I'll turn around and leave!"

"What do you think?"


Uncle Locke said with a smile.


The ultimate green light was silent, and the backhand was a ray of green light, blasting towards Uncle Locke.

No matter what the fee is, just hit it!


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