The Storm God

Chapter 3568 Fierce battle! (Please subscribe!)


That ultimate green light is straightforward enough.

The attack was fast and accurate, hitting Uncle Locke on the spot, but unfortunately, Uncle Locke was fine.


The moment the light hit him, a transparent circular shield that seemed to exist had already protected Uncle Locke in it.

The green light ray blasted on it, like a stone falling into the sea, except for ripples, there was no real damage.

Not only that.

When the light hit Uncle Locke's protective shield, it seemed to trigger a special mechanism. There was a terrifying and powerful force in the dark, which condensed in the void in an instant, and then flashed...

next moment.


The terrifying thunder and lightning, as thick as a giant pillar, fell steeply out of thin air.

And the target of the attack is the ultimate green light.


The other party was slightly taken aback.

It seems that he did not expect that he would be attacked, and the way was so weird, obviously the enemy didn't move at all.

what's the situation?

Of course, he is not a fool. When he sees an attack coming, he will not just stand still and want to dodge immediately.


At this moment, an inexplicable force of law suddenly descended on him, making the movements of the ultimate green light slightly delayed and stiff.

well known.

The speed of thunder and lightning is extremely fast.

Even if it is only a 0.01 second error, it will cause unimaginable consequences.

The same goes for this ultimate green light.

When his body was delayed and stiff, and he failed to dodge immediately, his end was already doomed.


The terrifying thunder and lightning struck down on the head.

Although the ultimate green light, seeing something bad, used the power of green light to form layers of green light shields to protect himself in a critical moment, but in the end he was quite embarrassed and embarrassed by the power of this terrifying thunderbolt. ugly.


That was no ordinary thunder and lightning.

It is an attack method that contains some kind of special law esoteric meaning. Although the ultimate green light can resist ordinary forms of damage, it cannot be completely immune to the invasion of the power of law. This is the real reason for his embarrassment and hardship.


With the strength of the ultimate green light, these are just trivial matters.

At most, it would make him a little embarrassed, and it wouldn't cause too much actual harm, but the harm was not great, and it was extremely insulting!

He was at a disadvantage with just one move, and suffered a small loss. The expression of the ultimate green light suddenly became a little uneasy.

This is a typical example of pretending to be coercive but being fooled.


He is angry.


No nonsense.

The ultimate green light immediately entered the fighting mode, and the terrifying and surging green flames, as if they had been splashed with oil, instantly burst into flames and became extremely terrifying.

at the same time.

The power of green light, which seemed to be substantial, quickly materialized, turned into countless lines, and were outlined together, forming a super-large special weapon in a blink of an eye.

Its shape is somewhat similar to the Vulcan Cannon, but it is even more unclear. There are several different types of gun barrels alone.

"Boom boom boom!"

The weapon took shape, but this ultimate green light didn't turn on Uncle Locke at all, and opened fire directly, launching a stormy attack on him.

Obviously, he was completely on the fence with Uncle Locke, and he didn't believe that he couldn't break the opponent's defense. The firepower output was called fierce.

It is simply a humanoid self-propelled fort.

"Boom boom boom!"

And Uncle Locke was instantly overwhelmed by various shells and explosions embodied by the power of countless green lights.


the other side.

The Dallol seven were not idle either.

The ultimate green light was dealt with by Uncle Locke and Haotian, and they naturally found their old opponents Abin Sur and the others again.

The two sides also have a tacit understanding.

The fight between each other is still the same as before, just like a turn-based game, you come and go, and the fight is very rhythmic.

Although it looked fierce and cruel on the surface, in fact, a discerning person could tell at a glance that they were all a little perfunctory.


Their thoughts between the enemy and us are not on each other at the moment, but transferred to the ultimate green light and Uncle Locke.

after all.

These new forces and powerful opponents who have just entered the battlefield can influence the direction of the entire battle to a certain extent.

No one dares to underestimate them.

As for the battle on your own side? Hehe, it doesn't matter anymore, no matter how fiercely you fight, no matter how powerful you are, even if you win in the end, it's useless.

Because if that side loses, all the achievements here will be in vain, who makes them not their opponents.

This is very sad.


Dallol and the others, who knew it well, were playing very perfunctorily at the moment, purely for the sake of putting on a show.

Otherwise, if you work hard, it will be a waste of effort, what are you trying to do.

No one is a fool, is they?

"Dang Dang Dang!"

And the other side of the battlefield.

The confrontation between Haotian and the ultimate green light is more inclined to the confrontation of cold weapons, because the weapons of both sides are swords, so they mainly focus on confrontation.

The sword of green light here is like a sword, sweeping across the stars and the universe, invincible and unstoppable...

The lightsaber over there is indestructible, the swordsmanship is fierce and domineering, it cuts everything that comes close, a group of terrifying...

The two sides have their own characteristics, and if they compete against each other, it's really sparks colliding with the earth, and it's a close fight.

Its level of excitement is no less than that of Uncle Locke.


In a way, even more shocking.

After all, a cold weapon duel is not that simple, because each sword of the two sides contains the power of different laws.

On the surface, it may look ordinary, but in fact, it is hidden and turbulent, containing endless murderous intentions.

The two sides will see who has better swordsmanship, stronger strength, and who can persevere to the end.

And their surroundings turned into a forbidden area.

The endless sword light practiced vertically and horizontally and aggressively, wantonly destroying everything encountered, the bystanders were really in bad luck.

Regardless of whether it is as small as a meteorite or as large as a planet, there are almost no exceptions in the result. Wherever the impact of the sparks of the collision of the sword's vigor and force, there is only destruction and death.

Who dares to approach such a situation rashly?

Isn't that courting death!

"So strong!"

And this scene instantly stunned Dallol, Abin Sur and others.


They knew that both sides were very strong, but they never wanted to fight. The two sides would be so terrified.

They said they were intimidated.

Then secretly sighed and forced, fortunately, the person who fought with him was not himself, otherwise, wouldn't he be cruelly hammered, his face swept to the ground, and he would be thrown to the street completely?

Every time they think of this, Dallol, Abin Sur and others can't help but sigh, how weak they are!

Regardless of the thoughts and reactions of the enemy and us here.

at the same time.

Bai Xiaofei from Sanddust Star also noticed the changes in the battlefield here, and was startled for a moment, before saying dumbly: "It's interesting..."

"Star OA deserves to be an existence that has crossed the universe for so many years, and it really has something. This new Green Lantern is so powerful that it can almost compare to ordinary gods..."

"And there are two of them as soon as they appear, they are really hidden!"


Aya next to her was also surprised.


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