The Storm God

Chapter 3569 Be afraid! (Please subscribe!)

"So strong!"

"Unexpectedly, there are such terrifying Green Lanterns on OA. If it weren't for the invasion of Apocalypse this time, no one would know their existence..."

"But it doesn't make sense!"


Aya was a little puzzled.

When the Red Lantern Corps invaded before, the situation of OA star was not very good, after all, they were all beaten to their hometown.

The results of it.

But it's just an ordinary Green Lantern carrying it.

Not to mention these two terrifying ultimate green lights, even the overclocking green light did not appear, which is very unreasonable.

"There's nothing unreasonable!"

Bai Xiaofei saw this very thoroughly, and explained with a smile: "The only explanation is that these masters and technical means should be developed by OA stars recently. It's not that they didn't want to use them before, but they didn't have them at all!"


Aya was silent for a while.

Bai Xiaofei continued: "But to be honest, OA star's ability is really a bit strong. The level of strength of these two guys can almost catch up with the weakened version of Ion Man. I really don't know how they created it... "

To this.

He was also a little curious.

Although these ultimate green lights are not as good as Ion Man, they are also very strong. The key is to look at the posture, and it seems that they can be mass-produced.

Otherwise, there won't be two at once.

According to Bai Xiaofei's analysis, since OA star dared to send two out to fight, there must be a stronger one in his hand as the final hole card.

However, Bai Xiaofei had never heard of such related technologies and materials.

This is incredible.

"Could it be..."

He secretly guessed: "Is it because of my intrusion that led to the change of the plot, and let the little blue people of OA star develop new technologies?"

While wondering.

Bai Xiaofei also opened up his power, and the terrifying power of thought and divine power, through the endless dark matter in the universe, was transmitted to OA star almost instantly.


What makes Bai Xiaofei quite exceptional is that.

Although his power and divine sense had arrived, he didn't notice Apa's existence on OA star. The other party seemed to be protected by some power, thus isolating Bai Xiaofei's detection and perception of him.


Bai Xiaofei couldn't help being slightly taken aback, followed by a smile on the corner of his mouth, and thought to himself: "Interesting, it seems that this Apa also hides a lot of secrets, and he can actually block my perception of him..."


He began searching for the other Guardians.

Bai Xiaofei didn't believe it, the project and method of creating the ultimate green light was only done by Apa alone.

As long as the other party has contacted other little blue people, Bai Xiaofei will be able to find clues, and then make more indirect information.


Bai Xiaofei found an acquaintance——

The female guardian Seid.


Seid is not in the laboratory, or in the office, but in his own home, and seems to be packing up.

"Is she leaving?"

Bai Xiaofei was very puzzled, what happened to OA star that would disappoint Said so much that he left early?

Could it be related to the new ultimate green light?

He continued to watch.

at the same time.

The lighthouse barrier is here.

The battle is still going on, the confrontation between Haotian and Uncle Locke, and the two ultimate green lights is almost even, and no one can do anything to the other.

At least for a short time.

The seven people in Dallol also did not make much progress in the battle with Abin Sur. After all, the latter's protective barrier has been blessed by the ultimate green light and its defense ability has been greatly improved.

With the strength of Dallol and others, it cannot be broken in a short time.

In the main ship of the main force of Apocalypse.

The Nemesis team and the members of the Fantasy team were watching the show as usual, but as time passed, their expressions gradually became a little dignified.

"It's something!"

Big Bada suddenly said: "I never imagined that OA star, who usually doesn't look like a mountain, can have such a terrifying master and combat power at a critical moment. It seems that we have underestimated them a little bit."

"I just don't know how many such masters are there?"


Although their mission is to cooperate, the ultimate goal is the same, to conquer the OA star, to prove and demonstrate the horror and power of the Apocalypse star to other forces in the universe.

If this mission fails, it will undoubtedly have a great impact on the majesty of Apocalypse.

after all……

Apocalypse had lost once before.

If it fails again this time, it will inevitably cause some people to have some rebellious thoughts, which will cause huge pressure and rebound on the rule and expansion of Apocalypse.

So in any case, this time must not fail.

However, having said that, the person in charge this time is not them after all, but Dallol and the others under the command of the Oneiroi Lord Murphys.


Although the battle situation is tense, Dabada and the others don't have much to say. After all, the Dream Team has only taken two shots so far.

Three more are missing.


Judging from the appearance of Haotian and Uncle Locke, it seems that they have not revealed their true strength and level at all.

Think here.

Da Pata couldn't help but took a deep look at the three of Long Zhan, and said in her heart: "These guys really hid deep enough, they are indeed the ace of the King of Dreams, Murphys.

Whether it is ability or other things, they are so unfathomable, let alone OA stars, I am afraid that it is difficult for us to win in their hands...

Especially the boss dragon battle of Dream Team!

this person……

how to say.

Big Bada didn't have a deep impression of him, but her intuition told her that this man was extremely terrifying, the most dangerous and terrifying existence.

If there is no accident, definitely don't provoke him easily!

to this end.

Big Bada also reminded several team members.

That's all for the other members of the fantasy team. The captain, Long Zhan, must not be easily teased and stimulated.


If they really want to irritate the other party, and provoke Long Zhan to attack, what terrible consequences will be caused, and it will be themselves who are unlucky and miserable.

Closer to home.

At this moment, the situation on the scene was at a stalemate. Although Dabada believed that with the strength of the members of the fantasy team, he would definitely be able to deal with the opponents of OA star, but seeing them taking things so seriously, it was like a joke , I felt very uncomfortable.


She couldn't help but said, "Mr. Long Zhan, our time is very precious. Is it really okay if this stalemate continues?"

The implication is that I want him, the boss, to talk about Haotian and Uncle Locke, can we be more serious about fighting?

after all.

They're here to invade, not to have fun with their opponents.

Everything is based on the bigger picture.


Long Zhan remained silent.

He glanced at Dabada and the other members of the Nemesis team indifferently, without any expression in his eyes.


Consider this task.

In the end, Long Zhan nodded slightly, expressing his understanding.


Long Zhan returned to its original form.

Although it seems that he didn't do anything on the surface, in fact, he has secretly notified Haotian and Uncle Locke in a special way: "Quick battle!"


On the battlefield, Hao Tian, ​​who was playing to his heart's content, immediately shook his head helplessly after receiving the signal from the boss Long Zhan.

Then he sighed and said, "Really, every time someone interrupts you because he is so excited, can't you pick another time?"

"Boss, if you are like this, I will curse you for not lifting!"


Having said that.

But the movements of his hands were obviously much faster.

Not only that, the power of the lightsaber, as well as the power of the law contained in it, also increased several times in an instant.


The ultimate green light suddenly became stressed and broke out in a cold sweat.


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