The Storm God

Chapter 3570 Repression! (Please subscribe!)


Almost instantly.

This idea flashed into the mind of the ultimate green light, because his intuition told himself that if he didn't retreat, he might die!


He backed away just in time.

And just when he left in a flash, a terrifying lightning bolt, like a thunderbolt, suddenly tore through the void.

The space exploded immediately, as if the void was torn into a bottomless pit, and countless turbulent currents and storms caused chaos in an instant.

The surrounding space began to distort.

Even collapse.


Even though the ultimate green light retreated immediately, the terrifying influence could still reach him, making him feel like he was going to be devoured by monsters crazily.

Not only that.

He also sensed that his strength was also draining.

In other words, the turbulent flow of cracks formed by the terrifying sword light just now affected not only the surrounding void, but also the ultimate green light.

This kind of attack seems to contain the power of devouring, but everything that is actually affected will be part of the power swallowed.

The ultimate green light can only stop it desperately, and then retreat.

He wants to stay away.


If it goes on like this, you must kneel down.

However, his thinking was too simple, as the saying goes, beat a dog in the water, take advantage of your illness to kill you, Haotian managed to create such an advantage, naturally he will not waste it, just sit back and watch the enemy leave.

While the ultimate green light was busy dealing with the attack and impact of that sword, and had no time to look east, Hao Tian's figure flashed, as if teleporting, he directly appeared at the opponent's side.


Without any hesitation.

Haotian raised his hand and stabbed it, and the billowing brilliance bloomed brightly in an instant, and then turned into a flying light that seemed to be a real horse, covering the ultimate green light and slashing down.

at the same time……

Haotian's voice also followed -

Take your life!


The ultimate green light stared at him, extremely shocked.

While sucking in a breath of cold air, he immediately tried his best, and then quickly gathered his strength.

Using the sword of green light in his hand, he wanted to resist Haotian's attack.


On his body, the green light and green flames, the situation is menacing, and it has skyrocketed again, but the biggest change is undoubtedly his clothes and attire.


The outfit of this ultimate Green Lantern has too many similarities with other Green Lanterns, if you don't look carefully, you won't be able to distinguish it.

But now, the situation is different.

The green light and green flames on his body seemed to be splashed with oil, and the energy exploded in an instant, like a real armor, and he went up immediately.

But it's a pity.

The strength of this ultimate green light is not yet the best.

Although the billowing green light power immediately turned into a monstrous giant, like Susano, it protected the ultimate green light.

But under Haotian's attack, he couldn't bear it even for a moment.


At the moment of confrontation between the two sides.

The power of the green light was obviously defeated. The image and armor of the green giant were directly destroyed by the unparalleled sword light, creating many cracks.

And in the end, the lightsaber slashed down hard, cutting into the body of the green giant, and then approached all the way, heading straight for the ultimate green light in the core.


The green giant is speaking from the spiritual will of the ultimate green light, mixed with the power of green light, especially in this form, it has established a certain connection with the user.

Now that the green giant has been chopped down, even with the ultimate green light, he has suffered a certain degree of trauma. Although it is not very serious, it should not be underestimated.

visible to the naked eye.

A sword wound appeared on the body of the Ultimate Green Lantern, and he donated blood continuously. Fortunately, the healing ability of the power of the Ultimate Green Lantern is not bad, and the moment the wound appeared, it began to repair it.

In an instant, the wound was almost healed.


The wound healed well.

But the power of the terrifying sword light attached to the flesh and blood is not so easy to remove and eliminate. It is still causing continuous damage to this ultimate green light, causing the wound to open, heal, and open again...


With the help of Haotian's chopping power.

The ultimate green light narrowly escaped the killing blow in the end. Although he suffered a little injury, he managed to save his life.

this time.

Haotian didn't pursue him.

Seeing the ultimate green light dodging in embarrassment, there was some surprise in his eyes, but the spirit of excitement and excitement in his eyes was fading rapidly.

Apparently it's starting to lose interest in this ultimate green light.

after all……

They are so different from each other.

When he wasn't serious before, he could force it a bit, but now that Haotian is serious and takes a little bit of seriousness, the ultimate green light can't stand it anymore.

Who would be disappointed by this.

"Tsk tsk tsk!"

Haotian shook his head helplessly, sighed and said: "I thought we could have a good time this time, but it turned out to be a big disappointment, what a disappointment!"


He turned his gaze directly to Uncle Locke.

Directly ignored the existence of the other party.


The ultimate green light was suddenly angry and angry, but there was nothing he could do.

You know, until now, he has not been able to get rid of Haotian's sword energy from his body. Although the damage of the sword energy is already very small, it is still very difficult to deal with, like maggots on the tarsus bone, it keeps pouring into the body Drill and wreak havoc.

This is enough to show that the strength of others is definitely above him.

What can he do when he encounters such a terrifying opponent?

I can only endure it.


And the other side.

Uncle Locke also received a signal from Long Zhan.

Then, he became a little more serious, and showed some real strength, which led to the collapse of the battle situation in an instant.

The ultimate Green Lantern had been attacking, while Uncle Locke had been defending. Both sides were willing to fight and the other was willing to suffer, just like Zhou Yu fighting Huang Gai.


The difference is.

Huang Gai is more bitter, and he played a bitter trick.

And Uncle Locke, the replica of Huang Gai, not only didn't have to be beaten hard, on the contrary, he was able to resist all attacks with incomparable strength every time.


As the ultimate green light of the attacker, he will always be struck by terrifying thunder and lightning, and the fiercer the attack, the stronger the attack will be.


These thunder and lightning that fell from the depths of the void are definitely related to the attack of the ultimate green light, like an automatic counterattack mechanism.

The more violent the attack, the fiercer the counterattack.


Figure out the key.

This ultimate green light is full of depression and helplessness.

at the same time……

He also understood.

The bet that Uncle Locke said before was not a joke, but that he really has the ability to defend and attack.

Just like just now.

During that time, Uncle Locke never made a move.

The ultimate Green Lantern was always attacking, but in the end, Uncle Locke had nothing wrong with him, the attacker himself was really tired, and even jumped up and down by the thunder and lightning, so embarrassing!

Especially when Long Zhan signaled to Uncle Locke to make a quick fight and stop playing, the uncle actually threw a cross that radiated golden light.

The cross seemed to be incomprehensible, and the whole seemed to be condensed by a special force of law, and it would grow against the wind as soon as it appeared.

In an instant.

A huge magic circle was formed with the cross as the center, directly covering a range of thousands of kilometers.

The Ultimate Green Lantern had just finished dealing with the thunder and lightning falling from the void, followed by the power of the cross's magic circle, which enveloped him.

When he realized that he was about to suffer and was about to get out of the way, it was already too late.


The terrifying power came instantly.

Immediately, this ultimate Green Lantern seemed to be imbued with countless weights, and his actions instantly became extremely slow and difficult.

Obviously it was suppressed by the power of the formation.


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